Dr Michael Dallaston
PhD Mathematics, Queensland University of Technology, Australia (advisor: Scott McCue); BAppSc Honours (Mathematics), Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Following Imperial position Michael joined as a Lecturer in Mathematics the faculty at the School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Coventry University. Now Lecturer in Applied and Computational Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. The information below was of relevance whilst a postdoctoral research associate in the Complex Multiscale Systems group.
I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Complex Multiscale System group headed by Prof Serafim Kalliadasis.
I completed my PhD in 2013 at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), in Brisbane, Australia, under the supervision of A/Prof Scott McCue. The topic of my thesis was on mathematical techniques for analysing interfacial flow in a Hele-Shaw cell. Before my current position I held a Postdoc position at the Mathematical Institute in Oxford regarding the viscous flow of ice in glaciers and ice sheets, and the morphology of floating ice shelves arising from ice/ocean interactions. This work was with Dr Ian Hewitt.
Broadly, my research interests are in instabilities and interfacial phenomena involving viscous fluids, and the mathematics used to model them. These include exact and asymptotic solution methods as well as numerical approaches such as boundary integral methods. A favourite topic of mine is the application of concepts from complex analysis to construct explicit solutions to seemingly difficult free boundary problems involving very viscous fluids.
My research in the Complex Multiphase Systems Group concerns nonlinear wave phenomena in fluids flowing down a heated surface, and the importance of heat transport within both the fluid and the substrate. A major part of this research is the derivation of sufficiently simple models from the full Navier-Stokes and heat transport equations that may then be analysed from a dynamical systems perspective.