Imperial College London is one of the UK's leading universities in cyber security research. We have been an Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research (ACE-CSR) since 2012*.
We are committed to creating secure and resilient systems and strive to continuously strengthen our research capacity and capabilities through new faculty and expansion into novel areas such as private and measurable human-centred IoT, safety and security of machine learning and artificial intelligence systems, human factors in security and privacy, confidential computing at the cloud and at the edge.
We aim to:
- Develop novel technologies and solutions
- Expand our research programme through internal and external collaborations
- Inform the national and international cyber security policy and regulatory environment
- Exchange and transfer knowledge between industry and academic stakeholders
- Educate and train the current and future cyber security workforce.
If you would like to collaborate with us or simply get in touch with us, please contact Imperial’s ACE-CSR Director Dr Soteris Demetriou.
*ACE-CSRs reapply for and renew their status every five years. Imperial College London has undergone this process successfully each time.
MSc Security and Resilience: Science and Technology
We've launched a new MSc course training students in the science and technology underpinning national security.
- Open to STEM graduates and Professionals
- Full-time and Part-time study options