Previous events

Diabetes Network Virtual Webinar: Diabetes in the COVID-19 era 

Session 1 - Impact of COVID-19 on diabetes

  • Chair - Nick Oliver
  • Dr Victoria Salem – COVID-19 and clinical presentation
  • Dr Shivani Misra - COVID-19 and clinical presentation
  • Dr Margarita Dominguez - COVID19 and T cell responses in diabetes

Session 2. Other network activities

  • Chair - Guy Rutter
  • Ms Rachel Harvey - Industry Partnerships and Commercialisation
  • Dr Candice Roufosse - Tissue tropism of SARS-Cov2
  • Prof Danny Altman -COVID-19 and protective immunity
  • Prof Marc Dumas – The Microbiome Network

Watch the recording of this event

Diabetes Network Virtual Webinar: Recent Developments in Islet Biology and Imaging

  • Prof Romano Regazzi: “Role of non-coding RNAs in the control of beta-cell functions”
  • Dr Manami Hara: “Role of non-coding RNAs in the control of beta-cell functions”
  • Dr Mark O. Huising: “Observing pancreatic islet cell behaviour at single cell resolution”

Watch the recording of this event

General enquiries

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