Single molecule electro-optical sensing using nanopores

ShenglinThe development of analytical tools for early-stage diagnosis of diseases can often be limited by the low-abundance of a particular biomarker. This is compounded by the complexity of probing for particular analytes within biological fluids. Nanopores are versatile tools for manipulating and analyzing molecules one at a time. My current research interests are focus on combining nanopores with other techniques (i.e. single molecule fluorescence microscopy, DNA nanotechnology) for applications in accurate and selective screening of small biomolecules in ultra-low concentrations as well as high-throughput multiplexing of biomarkers in biological matrices.


  • PhD in Chemistry (Currently); Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, Supervisor: Dr. Joshua B. Edel
  • MSc in Analytical Chemistry (2012-2015); Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, China. Supervisor: Prof. Yao-Qun Li
  • BSc in Chemistry (2008-2012); Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, China.


• S. L. Cai, Y. B. Zheng, S. H. Cao, X. H. Cai, Y. Q. Li, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12450-12453
• S. L. Cai, S. H. Cao, Y. B. Zheng, S. Zhao, J. L. Yang, Y. Q. Li, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2015, 71, 37-43
• S. L. Cai, L. X. Zhang, K. Zhang, Y. B. Zheng, S. Zhao, Y. Q. Li, Microchim. Acta, 2016, 183, 981-986
• L. X. Zhang, S. L. Cai, Y. B. Zheng, X. H. Cao, Y. Q. Li, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2011, 21, 2103–2107
• Y. B. Zheng, S. Zhao, S. H. Cao, S. L. Cai, X. H. Cai, Y. Q. Li, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 433-439
• S. Zhao, Y. B. Zheng, S. L. Cai, Y. H. Weng, S. H. Cao, J. L. Yang, Y. Q. Li, Electrochem. Commun., 2013, 36, 71–74





Professor Joshua B. Edel
Department of Chemistry
South Kensington Campus
SW7 2AZ London

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 0754

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