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  • Journal article
    Tun JK, Granados A, Mavroveli S, Nuttall S, Kadiyala AN, Brown R, Bello F, Kneebone RLet al., 2012,

    Simulating Various Levels of Clinical Challenge in the Assessment of Clinical Procedure Competence

    , ANNALS OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE, Vol: 60, Pages: 112-120, ISSN: 0196-0644
  • Journal article
    Kassab E, Tun JK, Kneebone RL, 2012,

    A Novel Approach to Contextualized Surgical Simulation Training

  • Journal article
    Gould DA, Chalmers N, Johnson SJ, Kilkenny C, White MD, Bech B, Lonn L, Bello Fet al., 2012,

    Simulation: Moving from Technology Challenge to Human Factors Success

  • Journal article
    Sadideen H, Kneebone R, 2012,

    Who should set the standards for surgical assessments?

    , BRITISH JOURNAL OF HOSPITAL MEDICINE, Vol: 73, Pages: 284-287, ISSN: 1750-8460
  • Conference paper
    Cope AC, Mavroveli S, Bezemer J, Kneebone Ret al., 2012,

    What is learnt by general surgical trainees in the operating theatre?

    , Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Academic-and-Research-Surgery, Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL, Pages: 19-19, ISSN: 0007-1323
  • Journal article
    Tang JJ, Maroothynaden J, Kneebone R, Bello Fet al., 2012,

    The use of innovations in medical education: A workshop to maximise effectiveness

    , MEDICAL TEACHER, Vol: 34, Pages: 998-999, ISSN: 0142-159X
  • Journal article
    Villard P-F, Vidal FP, Bello F, John NWet al., 2012,

    A method to compute respiration parameters for patient-based simulators.

    , Stud Health Technol Inform, Vol: 173, Pages: 529-533, ISSN: 0926-9630

    We propose a method to automatically tune a patient-based virtual environment training simulator for abdominal needle insertion. The key attributes to be customized in our framework are the elasticity of soft-tissues and the respiratory model parameters. The estimation is based on two 3D Computed Tomography (CT) scans of the same patient at two different time steps. Results are presented on four patients and show that our new method leads to better results than our previous studies with manually tuned parameters.

  • Journal article
    Weldon S-M, Korkiakangas T, Bezemer J, Kneebone R, Kress G, Nicholson Ket al., 2012,

    Video Analysis of Bodily Conduct in Teamwork within the Operating Theatre

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS, Vol: 11, Pages: 895-896, ISSN: 1609-4069
  • Conference paper
    Harris A, Rhodes M, McAvoy P, Kneebone Ret al., 2012,

    Use of contextualised surgical simulation in the assessment of a consultant's clinical practice

    , International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland (ASGBI), Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL, Pages: 180-180, ISSN: 0007-1323
  • Conference paper
    Cope AC, Bezemer J, Mavrovelli S, Hanna GB, Kneebone Ret al., 2012,

    A steady hand or a sharp eye? What do surgical trainees learn in the operating theatre?

    , International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland (ASGBI), Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL, Pages: 137-137, ISSN: 0007-1323
  • Journal article
    Sadideen H, Hamaoui K, Saadeddin M, Kneebone Ret al., 2012,

    Simulators and the simulation environment: Getting the balance right in simulation-based surgical education

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol: 10, Pages: 458-462, ISSN: 1743-9191
  • Journal article
    Arora S, Miskovic D, Hull L, Moorthy K, Aggarwal R, Johannsson H, Gautama S, Kneebone R, Sevdalis Net al., 2011,

    Self vs expert assessment of technical and non-technical skills in high fidelity simulation

    , AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY, Vol: 202, Pages: 500-506, ISSN: 0002-9610
  • Journal article
    Nestel D, Tabak D, Tierney T, Layat-Burn C, Robb A, Clark S, Morrison T, Jones N, Ellis R, Smith C, McNaughton N, Knickle K, Higham J, Kneebone Ret al., 2011,

    Key challenges in simulated patient programs: An international comparative case study

    , BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION, Vol: 11, ISSN: 1472-6920
  • Journal article
    Joshi L, Shanmuganathan VA, Kneebone RL, Amoaku Wet al., 2011,

    Performance in the Duke-Elder ophthalmology undergraduate prize examination and future careers in ophthalmology.

    , Eye (Lond), Vol: 25, Pages: 1027-1033

    AIMS: Cognitive factors (eg, academic achievement) have had a significant role in selecting postgraduate surgical trainees in the past. This project sought to determine the role of a national undergraduate ophthalmology prize examination (Duke-Elder examination) in the selection of postgraduate ophthalmology trainees. This would also serve as a quality assurance exercise for the assessment, in which the ultimate aim is to encourage trainees into ophthalmology. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of the top 20 ranked candidates in the Duke-Elder examination from 1989 to 2005 (except 1995) was carried out to determine which of them subsequently entered the ophthalmic training and General Medical Council Specialist Registers. RESULTS: Out of the top 20 candidates in the exam, 29.5% went into specialist training in ophthalmology. Some appeared in the top 20 more than once, with 56% of them going into ophthalmic training, but they had a similar median time to enter training as those who appeared in the top 20 once. There was no significant evidence to suggest that the overall median ranking scores between the UK medical schools differed (P=0.23; Kruskal-Wallis test). However, there was a marked difference in frequency of top 20 candidates from each medical school, which could not be explained by the size of the medical school alone. CONCLUSION: It is difficult to conclude from these findings the importance that the Duke-Elder examination has in the selection of trainees into ophthalmology. The role of cognitive factors in selection into postgraduate medical/surgical training is discussed, along with the potential academic criteria, which may influence interview scores.

  • Journal article
    Kassab E, Tun JK, Arora S, King D, Ahmed K, Miskovic D, Cope A, Vadhwana B, Bello F, Sevdalis N, Kneebone Ret al., 2011,

    "Blowing up the Barriers" in Surgical Training: Exploring and Validating the Concept of Distributed Simulation

    , Ann Surg
  • Journal article
    Arora S, Aggarwal R, Sirimanna P, Moran A, Grantcharov T, Kneebone R, Sevdalis N, Darzi Aet al., 2011,

    Mental Practice Enhances Surgical Technical Skills: A Randomized Controlled Study

    , OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL SURVEY, Vol: 66, Pages: 336-338, ISSN: 0029-7828
  • Conference paper
    Cope A, Bezemer J, Kress G, Kneebone Ret al., 2011,

    "One cannot learn to play the piano by attending concerts" - factors affecting level of participation in the operating theatre for post graduate surgical trainees

    , International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland, Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL, Pages: 24-24, ISSN: 0007-1323
  • Conference paper
    Cope A, Bezemer J, Kress G, Kneebone Ret al., 2011,

    Work-place based teaching - the operating theatre

    , International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland, Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL, Pages: 24-24, ISSN: 0007-1323
  • Journal article
    Wetzel CM, George A, Hanna GB, Athanasiou T, Black SA, Kneebone RL, Nestel D, Woloshynowych Met al., 2011,

    Stress Management Training for Surgeons-A Randomized, Controlled, Intervention Study

    , ANNALS OF SURGERY, Vol: 253, Pages: 488-494, ISSN: 0003-4932
  • Journal article
    Hull L, Arora S, Kassab E, Kneebone R, Sevdalis Net al., 2011,

    Observational Teamwork Assessment for Surgery: Content Validation and Tool Refinement

    , JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, Vol: 212, Pages: 234-243, ISSN: 1072-7515

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