Terms and Conditions for Adult Education (Evening Class, Daytime and Lunchtime Learning) Classes

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Terms and Conditions

You must read our Terms and Conditions (PDF) before enrolling on any course we offer.

It is not possible to enrol on an Imperial College CLCC evening class, daytime adult education class or lunchtime learning class without accepting the terms and conditions.

Parental Consent form for those aged 16 to 18

The minimum age to join one of our Evening Class or Lunchtime Learning courses is 16 years old (that is the applicant must be aged 16 or above by the first class of the course they wish to join).

For applicants aged 16 or 17 it is a requirement that they submit a form to say they have permission from their parent or legal guardian to take part in one of our courses. This form is called the parental consent form [pdf] and this should be downloaded, completed and returned to us (either by email or post) to arrive before the start of the course.

Completed forms should be sent to c.jacobi@imperial.ac.uk

Or sent by post to:

Christian Jacobi
CLCC Sherfield Level 3
Imperial College
Official Student Handbook

Please find here available for download a copy of our Evening and Lunchtime Classes Student Handbook [pdf].

Student Status

Taking part in an Evening Class or Lunchtime Learning (daytime) course at Imperial College does not confer student status, and so access to student facilities is not always possible.

However, you can gain additional access to some of the facilities at Imperial College, including discounts in some of the College food and drink outlets, and the sports centre, by joining the Friends of Imperial College.

Library access is not possible.

Contact us

Imperial after:hours Adult Education
Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
Level 3 - Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
London SW7 2AZ
Tel. +44 20 7594 8756

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