Join us for the next seminar in this current series (Jan-April)


Dr Tal Arnon PhD is a Wellcome Trust Investigator and an associate Professor at the University of Oxford, the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology. She obtained a PhD from The Hebrew University and was trained a postdoctoral Fellow with Professor Jason Cyster in UCSF, before joining the University of Oxford in 2014. Her research focuses on understanding basic mechanisms that regulate lymphocyte trafficking and B cell responses.

The talk will focus on our recent work, studying spatiotemporal regulation of B cell response in the lung. Previous works have shown that a subset of resident memory B cells develops and persists in the lungs of influenza infected hosts. In this study, we used 3D and live imaging analysis of explant lung sections to explore how these cells respond to secondary challenge with influenza virus. We uncovered cellular and molecular mechanisms that orchestrate the activation of these cells, leading to rapid delivery of antibodies in a highly localized manner directly to sites of viral replication

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