Explore the little discoveries changing the world with a fun evening of tiny talks, small stands and wee art workshops delivered by life-size scientists.
Highlights include:
- From stricter regulations and recyclable bio-alternatives, to demonstrating human health risks, our expert panel discuss ways to keep microplastics out of our environment and lungs.
- A new Higgs – what will the Large Hadron Collider find next? Learn how the decay of tiny particles produced at CERN could confirm a fifth fundamental force of nature.
- Create your own cosmologically festive ornaments inspired by the detection of gravity waves with super cold atoms.
- Explore the micro-scale science of how stick insects clamber up walls, and how this could inspire tomorrow’s medical plasters and wall-climbing robots.
- Discover how atoms absorb and emit light to colour our world. Don a pair of headphones and join a dance lesson inspired by atomic spectra.
- Contribute to a giant printed artwork aiming to raise awareness of the health risks of microplastics as an air pollutant.
Register for Imperial Lates: Tiny Science to join us in South Kensington on 17 November and we’ll send you the full programme of events at the Lates closer to the evening.
Imperial Lates are most suitable for over 18s.
Getting here
Imperial Lates are in the main entrance of Imperial College London’s South Kensington campus. To find the event please enter off Exhibition Road. The nearest train stations are South Kensington and Gloucester Road. You can find the entrance with what3words at debate.party.plenty.