picture of choir singing and candle

This service is a celebration in words and music of the poet George Herbert. We will be using two of Herbert’s poems to explore the ways in which poetry and imagination can nourish prayer and deepen faith.

The Choir will sing ‘The Short Service’ by Gibbons. We will also have music by two contemporary American composers; Caroline Shaw’s ‘And the Swallow’ and David Hurd’s version of Herbert’s poem ‘Love Bade Me Welcome.’

We also continue our practice of having new music every week composed by our talented student choir. This week the music for the psalm is by Pablo Egerique Garcia de la Concha, a student in Aeronautical Engineering.

Evensong is open to all members of the College, the RCA and RCM, alumni, and the public. The service happens every two weeks in term-time.  You can engage with the service in your own way.  We know that people of different faith traditions and world views find Choral Evensong a welcoming meditative time.  

If you’d like to be notified of the dates of Evensongs, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter. 

You can visit our Events pages for details of the next Evensongs services.