PETAL: A phase Ib study of Pembrolizumab following Trans-Arterial chemoembolization in primary Liver carcinoma. PI: Dr David Pinato & Dr Rohini Sharma.

PRIME‐HCC: Preliminary assessment of safety and bioactivity of the Ipilimumab and Nivolumab combination prior to liver resection (LR) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). PI: Dr David Pinato.

HERPET: A mechanistic non-invasive imaging study of HER2 expression in breast cancer using [18F]GE-226 positron emission tomography. PI: Dr Laura Kenny.

CARRICK001 - CT7001 Carrick Therapeutics study: A Modular, Multipart, Multiarm, Open-label, Phase I/IIa Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of CT7001 Alone and in Combination with Anti-cancer Treatments in Patients with Advanced Malignancies. PI: Dr Laura Kenny.

IP2 – ATLANTA: Adjuvant Treatments to the Local tumour for metastatic prostate cancer: Assessment of Novel Treatment Algorithms -Embedded PSMA PET Study Dr Suraiya Dubash & Mr Hashim Ahmed.

Measuring fatty acid oxidation in gliomas using 18F-FPIA PET/MRI: Determining the magnitude of early steps of fatty acid oxidation in glioma using 18F-FPIA PET/MRI. PI: Dr Matthew Williams.

Microbiome: A first in human, phase 1 safety study in two parts to determine the safety, tolerability and anti-cancer immune-modulatory effects of MRx0518 in patients with solid tumour awaiting surgical removal of the tumour. PI: Dr Jonathan Krell

JAKAL: A phase Ib study of Itacitinib, a JAK1 inhibitor, in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. PI: Dr Rohini Sharma.

TeTra: Imaging Primary Brain Tumour Growth and Transformation in Young Adults. PI: Dr Matthew Grech-Sollars.

TAP TIDaL: Risk-stratified Sequential Treatment with Ibrutinib and Rituximab (IR) and IR-CHOP for De-novo Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD) PI: Dr Tobias Menne.

Seludex: A Randomised, Single-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 1b Single Ascending (Part A) and Multiple Dose (Part B) First-in-Man Study in Adult Patients withNon-transfusion-Dependent Beta-Thalassaemia or Low-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome to Investigate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Response of SLN124. PI: Dr Renuka Palanicawandar.

Radiomics- Breast: Primary tumour radiomic analysis of routine imaging scans from patients with breast cancer. PI: Professor Charles Coombes and Professor Eric Aboagye.

MROC: The Impact of Multiparametric MRI on the Staging and Management of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Ovarian Cancer. PI: Professor Andrea Rockall

DICE: An international multi-centre randomised phase II study to assess the efficacy of TAK228 in combination with intravenous weekly paclitaxel compared with weekly paclitaxel alone in women with advanced/recurrent epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer (of clear cell, endometrioid and high-grade serous type, and carcinosarcoma). PI: Dr Jonathan Krell.