Principle investigators
Dr Niladri Banerjee
Dr Niladri Banerjee
Dr Piers Barnes
Dr Piers Barnes
Dr William Branford
Dr William Branford
Professor Lesley Cohen
Professor Lesley Cohen
Dr Malcolm R Connolly
Dr Malcolm R Connolly
Dr Julie Euvrard
Dr Julie Euvrard
Professor Ji-Seon Kim
Professor Ji-Seon Kim
Professor Stefan Maier
Professor Stefan Maier
Professor Jenny Nelson
Professor Jenny Nelson
Prof Rupert Oulton
Prof Rupert Oulton
Professor Chris Phillips
Professor Chris Phillips
Prof Riccardo Sapienza
Prof Riccardo Sapienza
Professor Jing Zhang
Professor Jing Zhang
View lists of all group members by clicking the links below
In memoriam Alasdair James Campbell
In memoriam Alasdair James Campbell
11 May 1961–27 February 2021
This memoriam piece, which was dedicated to Al and came out on his birthday, was published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C in May 2021. To view the text at the link above, please login using the login links towards the top right of the page.