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Current topics in active fluids: theory and experiments, 16-20 July

Registration 2018

Click here to register

Registration open till 8 July

Monday 16 - Friday 20 July, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London.

The summer school “Current topics in active fluids: theory and experiments” is the 3rd in a series of annual summer schools on Interscale Interactions in Fluid Mechanics and Beyond, organised by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics Across Scales at Imperial College London.  This year’s school will focus on current advances in the field of active fluids. The main topics covered are hydrodynamic theory, applications of numerical and computational methods to biological systems such as bacterial swarms and dynamic cell tissues, experimental advances in active colloids and active biological materials.
The five-day summer school will consist of morning lectures by world-leading researchers. These will be complemented by afternoon introductory lectures along the same themes by earlier-career stage experts. One of the afternoons will be devoted to selected oral presentations by the participants.

View the Summer School 2018 final schedule.
Postgraduate students, Post Docs and early-career academics are welcome to attend and, if they wish, may also submit a one-page abstract for consideration as an oral presentation. 

There is a registration fee of GBP 60.00, which covers daily refreshments and lunch from Monday to Friday.Summer School 2

This year's speakers are:

Peer Fischer (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)     
Ewa Paluch (University College London)     
Mike Shelley (New York University)        
John Toner (University of Oregon)        
Julia Yeomans (University of Oxford)   

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li



The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme