
Turbulent Flows: 24 - 27  July

Registration 2017

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Abstract submission

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Monday 24 - Thursday 27 July, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College London.

This summer school on Turbulent Flows is the 2nd in a series of annual summer schools on Interscale Interactions in Fluid Mechanics and Beyond, organised by the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fluid Dynamics Across Scales at Imperial College London.  This second summer school will concentrate on a number of pivotal issues in turbulence research covering both large and small scales: large and small-scale intermittency and relations to entrainment and inertial particle statistics, energy exchanges in both physical and scale spaces, statistical mechanics approaches to turbulence, and effects of boundary conditions such as rigid walls giving rise to turbulent boundary layers.

Postgraduate students and Post Docs are welcome to attend and, if they wish, may also submit a one-page abstract for consideration as a poster or oral presentation.  Additionally, the summer school will include access to turbulence databases, which participants will be invited to use and report back on their findings at a follow-on single day event six months later.

All participants are requested to pay a registration fee of £50, which will cover refreshments and lunch on Tuesday to Thursday, as well as evening social activities.

Local accommodation can be booked here.

Participants are invited to register and submit an abstract by 16 June 2017.

Our invited speakers are:

Mickael Bourgoin (ENS de Lyon)

  • 'Dynamics and clustering of inertial particles in turbulence'

Carlo Massimo Casciola (Sapienza University of Rome)

  • 'The Kolmogorov equation in homogeneous isotropic and anisotropic flows'
  • 'The Generalised Kolmogorov equation for separated flows: Fluxes in physical and space scale'

Stéphan Fauve (ENS de Paris)

  • 'Statistical mechanics of large scales in turbulence I: Two-dimensional confined forced flows'
  • 'Statistical mechanics of large scales in turbulence II: Three-dimensional flows, waves and dynamos'

Markus Holzner (ETH Zurich)

  • 'Multiscale aspects of turbulent entrainment'

Juan Pedro Mellado (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology)

  • 'Entrainment in the atmospheric boundary layer'

Joachim Peinke (University of Oldenburg)

  • 'Entropy production in the turbulent cascade: A new criterion for universality consideration'

Michel Stanislas (Ecole Centrale de Lille)

  • 'Near wall organisation in ZPG turbulent boundary layers'
  • 'The challenge of adverse pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers'

* Ref. 'Related self-similar statistics of the turbulent/non-turbulent interface and the turbulence dissipation', Y. Zhou and J. C. Vassilicos

Below: Particle image of a turbulent jet, courtesy of Gioacchino Cafiero

Contact us

CDT Administrator
Miss Clodagh Li

Email: fluids@imperial.ac.uk


The CDT is unfortunately no longer recruiting students to the programme