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  • Journal article
    Regamey N, Ochs M, Hilliard TN, Muehlfeld C, Cornish N, Fleming L, Saglani S, Alton EWFW, Bush A, Jeffery PK, Davies JCet al., 2008,

    Increased airway smooth muscle mass in children with asthma, cystic fibrosis, and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis

  • Journal article
    Ellis T, Wang X, Collins JJ, 2008,

    Gene regulation: Hacking the network on a sugar high

    , MOLECULAR CELL, Vol: 30, Pages: 1-2, ISSN: 1097-2765
  • Journal article
    Williams H, Stewart A, von Mutius E, Cookson W, Anderson HRet al., 2008,

    Is eczema really on the increase worldwide?

    , JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, Vol: 121, Pages: 947-954, ISSN: 0091-6749
  • Conference paper
    Davidson H, Wilson A, Gray RD, Horsley A, Pringle I, McLachlan G, Gibson J, Holder E, Jones L, Doherty A, Coles R, Sumner-Jones S, Wasowicz M, Manvell M, Griesenbach U, Hyde SC, Gill DR, Davies J, Collie DDS, Alton E, Porteous DJ, Boyd ACet al., 2008,

    Development of an immunocytochemical assay to detect human CFTR expression following gene therapy

    , 5th Annual Conference of the British-Society-for-Gene-Therapy, Publisher: MARY ANN LIEBERT INC, Pages: 416-416, ISSN: 1043-0342
  • Journal article
    Bidartondo MI, Bruns TD, Blackwell M, Edwards I, AFS T, Horton T, Zhang N, Koljalg U, May G, Kuyper TW, Bever JD, Gilbert G, Taylor JW, DeSantis TZ, Pringle A, Borneman J, Thorn G, Berbee M, Mueller GM, Andersen GL, Vellinga EC, Branco S, Anderson I, Dickie IA, Avis P, Timonen S, Kjoller R, Lodge DJ, Bateman RM, Purvis A, Crous PW, Hawkes C, Barraclough T, Burt A, Nilsson RH, Larsson KH, Alexander I, Moncalvo JM, Berube J, Spatafora J, Lumbsch HT, Blair JE, Suh SO, Pfister DH, Binder M, Boehm EW, Kohn L, Mata JL, Dyer P, Sung GH, Dentinger B, Simmons EG, Baird RE, Volk TJ, Perry BA, Kerrigan RW, Campbell J, Rajesh J, Reynolds DR, Geiser D, Humber RA, Hausmann N, Szaro T, Stajich J, Gathman A, Peay KG, Henkel T, Robinson CH, Pukkila PJ, Nguyen NH, Villalta C, Kennedy P, Bergemann S, Aime MC, Kauff F, Porras-Alfaro A, Gueidan C, Beck A, Andersen B, Marek S, Crouch JA, Kerrigan J, Ristaino JB, Hodge KT, Kuldau G, Samuels GJ, Raja HA, Voglmayr H, Gardes M, Janos DP, Rogers JD, Cannon P, Woolfolk SW, Kistler HC, Castellano MA, Maldonado-Ramirez SL, Kirk PM, Farrar JJ, Osmundson T, Currah RS, Vujanovic V, Chen WD, Korf RP, Atallah ZK, Harrison KJ, Guarro J, Bates ST, Bonello P, Bridge P, Schell W, Rossi W, Stenlid J, Frisvad JC, Miller RM, Baker SE, Hallen HE, Janso JE, Wilson AW, Conway KE, Egerton-Warburton L, Wang Z, Eastburn D, WWH H, Kroken S, Stadler M, Turgeon G, Lichtwardt RW, Stewart EL, Wedin M, DW L, Uchida JY, Jumpponen A, Deckert RJ, Beker HJ, Rogers SO, JAP X, Johnston P, Shoemaker RA, Liu MA, Marques G, Summerell B, Sokolski S, Thrane U, Widden P, Bruhn JN, Bianchinotti V, Tuthill D, Baroni TJ, Barron G, Hosaka K, Jewell K, Piepenbring M, Sullivan R, Griffith GW, Bradley SG, Aoki T, Yoder WT, YM J, Berch SM, Trappe M, Duan WJ, Bonito G, Taber RA, Coelho G, Bills G, Ganley A, Agerer R, Nagy L, Roy BA, Laessoe T, Hallenberg N, Tichy HV, Stalpers J, Langer E, Scholler M, Krueger D, Pacioni G, Poder R, Pennanen T, Capelari M, Nakasone K, Tewari JP, Miller AN Det al., 2008,

    Preserving accuracy in GenBank

    , Science, Vol: 319, Pages: 1616-1616, ISSN: 0036-8075
  • Journal article
    Tran MQ, Shaffer MSP, Bismarck A, 2008,

    Manufacturing carbon nanotube/PVDF nanocomposite powders

    , MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING, Vol: 293, Pages: 188-193, ISSN: 1438-7492
  • Journal article
    Qian H, Bismarck A, Greenhalgh ES, Kalinka G, Shaffer MSPet al., 2008,

    Hierarchical composites reinforced with carbon nanotube grafted fibers: The potential assessed at the single fiber level

    , CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, Vol: 20, Pages: 1862-1869, ISSN: 0897-4756
  • Journal article
    Chalmers JD, Singanayagam A, Hill AT, 2008,

    C-reactive protein is an independent predictor of severity in community-acquired pneumonia

    , AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, Vol: 121, Pages: 219-225, ISSN: 0002-9343
  • Journal article
    Woodhead F, Wells AU, Desai SR, 2008,

    Pulmonary complications of connective tissue diseases

    , CLINICS IN CHEST MEDICINE, Vol: 29, Pages: 149-+, ISSN: 0272-5231
  • Journal article
    Björkstén B, Clayton T, Ellwood P, Stewart A, Strachan D, ISAAC Phase III Study Groupet al., 2008,

    Worldwide time trends for symptoms of rhinitis and conjunctivitis: Phase III of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood.

    , Pediatr Allergy Immunol, Vol: 19, Pages: 110-124

    In Phase III of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) time trends in the prevalence of rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms were analysed. Cross-sectional questionnaire surveys with identical protocols and questionnaires were completed a mean of 7 yr apart in two age groups comprising 498,083 children. In the 13- to 14-yr age group 106 centres in 56 countries participated, and in the 6- to 7-yr age group 66 centres in 37 countries participated. A slight worldwide increase in rhinoconjunctivitis prevalence was observed, but the variations were large among the centres and there was no consistent regional pattern. Prevalence increases in the older children exceeding 1% per year were recorded in 13 centres, including 3 of 9 centres in Africa, 2 of 15 in Asia-Pacific, 1 of 8 in India, 3 of 15 in Latin America, 3 of 9 in Eastern Europe and 1 of 34 in Western and Northern Europe. Decreasing rhinoconjunctivititis prevalence of similar magnitude was only seen in four centres. The changes were less pronounced in the 6- to 7-yr-old children and only in one centre did any change exceed 1% per year. The decrease in highest prevalence rates in ISAAC Phase I suggests that the prevalence has peaked in those regions. An increase was recorded in several centres, mostly in low and mid-income countries. The increases were more pronounced in the older age group, suggesting that environmental influences on the development of allergy may not be limited to early childhood.

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