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  • Journal article
    Hai D, Li J, Jiang D, Cheng J, Fu Y, Xiao X, Yin H, Lin Y, Chen T, Li B, Yu X, Cai Q, Chen W, Kotta-Loizou I, Xie Jet al., 2024,

    Plants interfere with non-self recognition of a phytopathogenic fungus via proline accumulation to facilitate mycovirus transmission

    , Nature Communications, Vol: 15, ISSN: 2041-1723

    Non-self recognition is a fundamental aspect of life, serving as a crucial mechanism for mitigating proliferation of molecular parasites within fungal populations. However, studies investigating the potential interference of plants with fungal non-self recognition mechanisms are limited. Here, we demonstrate a pronounced increase in the efficiency of horizontal mycovirus transmission between vegetatively incompatible Sclerotinia sclerotiorum strains in planta as compared to in vitro. This increased efficiency is associated with elevated proline concentration in plants following S. sclerotiorum infection. This surge in proline levels attenuates the non-self recognition reaction among fungi by inhibition of cell death, thereby facilitating mycovirus transmission. Furthermore, our field experiments reveal that the combined deployment of hypovirulent S. sclerotiorum strains harboring hypovirulence-associated mycoviruses (HAVs) together with exogenous proline confers substantial protection to oilseed rape plants against virulent S. sclerotiorum. This unprecedented discovery illuminates a novel pathway by which plants can counteract S. sclerotiorum infection, leveraging the weakening of fungal non-self recognition and promotion of HAVs spread. These promising insights provide an avenue to explore for developing innovative biological control strategies aimed at mitigating fungal diseases in plants by enhancing the efficacy of horizontal HAV transmission.

  • Journal article
    Verdross P, Woodward RT, Bismarck A, 2024,

    Flexing with lignin: lignin-based elastomers synthesised from untreated kraft black liquor

    , POLYMER CHEMISTRY, ISSN: 1759-9954
  • Journal article
    Wang X, Kotta-Loizou I, Coutts RHA, Deng H, Han Z, Hong N, Shafik K, Wang L, Guo Y, Yang M, Xu W, Wang Get al., 2024,

    A circular single-stranded dna mycovirus infects plants and confers broad-spectrum resistance against fungal diseases

    , Molecular Plant, Vol: 17, Pages: 955-971, ISSN: 1674-2052

    Circular single-stranded (ss) DNA viruses have been rarely found in fungi, and the evolutionary and ecological relationships among ssDNA viruses infecting fungi and other organisms remain unclear. Here, a novel circular ssDNA virus, tentatively named Diaporthe sojae circular DNA virus 1 (DsCDV1), was identified in the phytopathogenic fungus Diaporthe sojae isolated from pear trees. DsCDV1 has a monopartite genome (3,185 nt in size) encapsidated in isometric virions (21-26 nm in diameter). The genome comprises seven putative open reading frames encoding a discrete replicase (Rep) split by an intergenic region, a putative capsid protein (CP), several proteins of unknown function (P1 to P4), and a long intergenic region. Notably, the two split parts of DsCDV1 Rep share high identities with the Reps of Geminiviridae and Genomoviridae, respectively, indicating an evolutionary linkage with both families. Phylogenetic analysis based on Rep or CP sequences placed DsCDV1 in a unique cluster, supporting the establishment of a new family, tentatively named Gegemycoviridae, intermediate to both families. DsCDV1 significantly attenuates fungal growth and nearly erases virulence when transfected into the host fungus. Remarkably, DsCDV1 can systematically infect tobacco and pear seedlings, providing broad-spectrum resistance to fungal diseases. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that P3 systematically localizes in plasmodesmata, while and its expression in trans-complementation experiments restores the wild-type phenotype of a movement-deficient plant virus; thus P3 is identified as a movement protein. DsCDV1 exhibits unique molecular and biological traits not observed in other ssDNA viruses, serving as a link between fungal and plant ssDNA viruses and presenting an evolutionary connection between ssDNA viruses and fungi. These findings contribute to expanding our understanding of ssDNA virus diversity and evolution, offering potential biocontrol applications for managing

  • Journal article
    Jiang Q, Otáhalová V, Burré V, Leese HS, Shaffer MSP, Hahn R, Menner A, Bismarck Aet al., 2024,

    Variable capacity polymer based energy harvesters with integrated macroporous elastomer springs

    , Nano Energy, Vol: 124, ISSN: 2211-2855

    We introduce a manufacturing concept of variable capacity energy harvesters consisting of macroporous springs integrated within a conducting silicone rubber and dielectric. Printing and polymerising emulsion templates resulted in macroporous spring elements, which were coated with conducting silicone rubber to maintain the active contact surface. By increasing size and number of these springs, the capacitance change of the energy harvesters during compression and recovery increased from 0.4 nF/cm2 to 0.8 nF/cm2. During cyclic loading with 30 N at 2 Hz, the energy harvesters with macroporous springs delivered a power density of 0.58 µW/cm2 at a bias voltage of 50 V, which was 25 times higher than the control without springs. The energy harvesters provided a constant power output over three hours of cyclic loading (21,600 cycles), indicating their structural stability and the durability of the macroporous springs.

  • Journal article
    Woubshete M, Cioccolo S, Byrne B, 2024,

    Advances in membrane mimetic systems for manipulation and analysis of membrane proteins; detergents, polymers, lipids and scaffolds

    , ChemPlusChem, Vol: 89, ISSN: 2192-6506

    Extracting membrane proteins from the hydrophobic environment of the biological membrane, in a physiologically relevant and stable state, suitable for downstream analysis remains a challenge. The traditional route to membrane protein extraction has been to use detergents and the last 15 years or so have seen a veritable explosion in the development of novel detergents with improved properties, making them more suitable for individual proteins and specific applications. There have also been significant advances in the development of encapsulation of membrane proteins in lipid based nanodiscs, either directly from the native membrane using polymers allowing effective capture of the protein and protein-associated membrane lipids, or via reconstitution of detergent extracted and purified protein into nanodiscs of defined lipid composition. All of these advances have been successfully applied to the study of membrane proteins via a range of techniques and there have been some spectacular membrane protein structures solved. In addition, the first detailed structural and biophysical analyses of membrane proteins retained within a biological membrane have been reported. Here we summarise and review the recent advances with respect to these new agents and systems for membrane protein extraction, reconstitution and analysis.

  • Journal article
    Kotta-Loizou I, Pritsa A, Antasouras G, Vasilopoulos SN, Voulgaridou G, Papadopoulou SK, Coutts RHA, Lechouritis E, Giaginis Cet al., 2024,

    Fetus exposure to drugs and chemicals: a holistic overview on the assessment of their transport and metabolism across the human placental barrier

    , Diseases, Vol: 12, ISSN: 2079-9721

    BACKGROUND: The placenta exerts a crucial role in fetus growth and development during gestation, protecting the fetus from maternal drugs and chemical exposure. However, diverse drugs and chemicals (xenobiotics) can penetrate the maternal placental barrier, leading to deleterious, adverse effects concerning fetus health. Moreover, placental enzymes can metabolize drugs and chemicals into more toxic compounds for the fetus. Thus, evaluating the molecular mechanisms through which drugs and chemicals transfer and undergo metabolism across the placental barrier is of vital importance. In this aspect, this comprehensive literature review aims to provide a holistic approach by critically summarizing and scrutinizing the potential molecular processes and mechanisms governing drugs and chemical transfer and metabolism across the placental barrier, which may lead to fetotoxicity effects, as well as analyzing the currently available experimental methodologies used to assess xenobiotics placental transfer and metabolism. METHODS: A comprehensive and in-depth literature review was conducted in the most accurate scientific databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science by using relevant and effective keywords related to xenobiotic placental transfer and metabolism, retrieving 8830 published articles until 5 February 2024. After applying several strict exclusion and inclusion criteria, a final number of 148 relevant published articles were included. RESULTS: During pregnancy, several drugs and chemicals can be transferred from the mother to the fetus across the placental barrier by either passive diffusion or through placental transporters, resulting in fetus exposure and potential fetotoxicity effects. Some drugs and chemicals also appear to be metabolized across the placental barrier, leading to more toxic products for both the mother and the fetus. At present, there is increasing research development of diverse experimental methodologies to determine the potential molecu

  • Journal article
    Matthews J, Dobra R, Wilson G, Allen L, Bossley C, Brendell R, Brugha R, Brown D, Brown S, Cadiente S, Cameron L, Davies G, Dawson C, Elborn S, Hughes D, Longmate J, Macedo P, Pappas L, Pao C, Round C, Ruiz G, Saunders C, Shafi N, Simmonds N, Waller M, Watson D, Davies Jet al., 2024,

    Levelling the playing field through the London Network of the UK clinical trials accelerator platform

    , Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Vol: 39, ISSN: 2451-8654

    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multisystem, genetic disease with a significantly reduced life expectancy. Despite substantial progress in therapies in the last 10–15 years, there is still no cure. There are dozens of drugs in the development pipeline and multiple clinical trials are being conducted across the globe. The UK Cystic Fibrosis Trust's (CFT) Clinical Trials Accelerator Platform (CTAP) is a national initiative bringing together 25 UK based CF centres to support the CF community in accessing and participating in CF clinical trials. CTAP enables more CF centres to run a broader portfolio of trials and increases the range of CF studies available for UK patients.There are four large specialist CF centres based in London, all within a small geographical region as well as two smaller centres which deliver CF care. At the launch of CTAP, these centres formed a sub-network in a consortium-style collaboration. The purpose of the network was to ensure equity of access to trials for patients across the UK's capital, and to share experience and knowledge. Four years into the programme we have reviewed our practices through working group meetings and an online survey. We sought to identify strengths and areas for improvement. We share our findings here, as we believe they are relevant to others delivering research in regions outside of London and in other chronic diseases.

  • Journal article
    Delhaye G, van der Linde S, Bauman D, Orme CDL, Suz LM, Bidartondo MIet al., 2024,

    Ectomycorrhizal fungi are influenced by ecoregion boundaries across Europe

    , Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol: 33, ISSN: 1466-822X

    AimEcoregions and the distance decay in community similarity are fundamental concepts in biogeography and conservation biology that are well supported across plants and animals, but not fungi. Here we test the relevance of these concepts for ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi in temperate and boreal regions.LocationEurope.Time Period2008–2015.Major Taxa StudiedEctomycorrhizal fungi.MethodsWe used a large dataset of ~24,000 ectomycorrhizas, assigned to 1350 operational taxonomic units, collected from 129 forest plots via a standardized protocol. We investigated the relevance of ecoregion delimitations for ECM fungi through complementary methodological approaches based on distance decay models, multivariate analyses and indicator species analyses. We then evaluated the effects of host tree and climate on the observed biogeographical distributions.ResultsEcoregions predict large-scale ECM fungal biodiversity patterns. This is partly explained by climate differences between ecoregions but independent from host tree distribution. Basidiomycetes in the orders Russulales and Atheliales and producing epigeous fruiting bodies, with potentially short-distance dispersal, show the best agreement with ecoregion boundaries. Host tree distribution and fungal abundance (as opposed to presence/absence only) are important to uncover biogeographical patterns in mycorrhizas.Main ConclusionsEcoregions are useful units to investigate eco-evolutionary processes in mycorrhizal fungal communities and for conservation decision-making that includes fungi.

  • Journal article
    Wisnom MR, Pimenta S, Shaffer MSP, Robinson P, Potter KD, Hamerton I, Czél G, Jalalvand M, Fotouhi M, Anthony DB, Yu H, Longana ML, Wu X, Bismarck Aet al., 2024,

    High performance ductile and pseudo-ductile polymer matrix composites: a review

    , Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, Vol: 181, ISSN: 1359-835X

    The ability of fibre reinforced composites to deform with a non-linear stress–strain response and gradual, rather than sudden, catastrophic failure is reviewed. The principal mechanisms by which this behaviour can be achieved are discussed, including ductile fibres, progressive fibre fracture and fragmentation, fibre reorientation, and slip between discontinuous elements. It is shown that all these mechanisms allow additional strain to be achieved, enabling a yield-like behaviour to be generated. In some cases, the response is ductile and in others pseudo-ductile. Mechanisms can also be combined, and composites which give significant pseudo-ductile strain can be produced. Notch sensitivity is reduced, and there is the prospect of increasing design strains whilst also improving damage tolerance. The change in stiffness or visual indications of damage can be exploited to give warning that strain limits have been exceeded. Load carrying capacity is still maintained, allowing continued operation until repairs can be made. Areas for further work are identified which can contribute to creating structures made from high performance ductile or pseudo-ductile composites that fail gradually.

  • Journal article
    Quintero Santofimio V, Minelli C, Potts J, Vermeulen R, Kromhout H, Knox-Brown B, Feary J, Amaral Aet al., 2024,

    Mortality risk associated with occupational exposures in people with small airways obstruction

    , PLoS One, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1932-6203

    BackgroundSmall airways obstruction (SAO) has been associated with occupational exposures. Whether exposure to harmful occupational agents impacts the survival of people with SAO is unknown. Our aim was to estimate the mortality risk associated with occupational exposures among people with SAO.MethodsWe used data from UK Biobank participants with SAO, defined as a ratio of forced expiratory volume in three seconds to forced expiratory volume in six seconds (FEV3/FEV6) below the lower limit of normal. We assigned lifetime occupational exposures to participants with available occupational histories using the ALOHA+ Job Exposure Matrix. Mortality data were provided by the National Death Registries. We used Cox regression to assess the association of all-cause mortality with lifetime occupational exposures (vapours, gases, dusts, fumes—VGDF; solvents; pesticides; metals), adjusting for potential confounders.ResultsThe 13,942 participants with SAO had a mean age of 56±7 years, 59% were females and 94.2% were of White ancestry. Overall, there were 457 deaths over a median follow-up of 12.8 years. A greater mortality risk was associated with exposure to VGDF, with hazard ratios of 1.32 (95%CI: 1.04–1.78) for low levels and 1.41 (95%CI: 1.11–1.78) for moderate levels of cumulative exposure. There was no evidence of association for the other occupational exposures.ConclusionLifetime occupational exposure to VGDF in people with SAO may have a detrimental effect on their survival. Future respiratory health surveillance programmes of people exposed to VGDF should consider assessment for SAO and focus on primary prevention through adequate exposure control.

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