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  • Conference paper
    Nishimura S, Jardine RJ, Brosse A, 2008,

    Simple shear testing of London Clay in hollow cylinder apparatus

    , Amsterdam, 4th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Publisher: IOS Press, Pages: 199-206
  • Journal article
    Schroeder FC, Jardine RJ, Kovacevic N, Potts DMet al., 2008,

    Assessing well drilling disturbance effects on offshore foundation piles in clay

  • Journal article
    Jackson CA-L, 2008,

    Sedimentology and significance of an early syn-rift paleovalley, Wadi Tayiba, Suez Rift, Egypt

    , Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol: 52, Pages: 62-68

    Wadi Tayiba is located along the western margin of the Hammam Faraun fault block, western Sinai, Egypt and is generally thought to contain exposures of the ‘type-section’ for late pre-rift to early syn-rift stratigraphy associated with the Oligo-Miocene Suez Rift. Previous studies have suggested a complex vertical succession of sedimentary facies characterise the late pre-rift to early syn-rift and imply major and abrupt variations in relative sea-level during this time. Detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic analysis of the Wadi Tayiba type-section presented in this study identifies not only a far simpler vertical facies succession than previously suggested but also the development of a major paleovalley system at the base of the early syn-rift succession. It is suggested that this subtle but significant feature is the cause of the complex vertical facies succession previously interpreted. It is concluded that continuous marine sedimentation and only moderate amplitude variations in relative sea-level occurred during the Eocene to Early Oligocene within at least this part of the Suez Rift. A major relative sea-level fall occurred during the middle Oligocene and a regionally developed erosional surface associated with this event marks the contact between late pre-rift and early syn-rift strata. The results of this study have major implications for sub-regional correlations of late pre-rift to early syn-rift stratigraphic units and resultant palaeogeographic reconstructions of the late pre-rift to early syn-rift period.

  • Journal article
    Jackson CAL, Barber GP, Martinsen OJ, 2008,

    Submarine slope morphology as a control on the development of sand-rich turbidite depositional systems: 3D seismic analysis of the Kyrre Fm (Upper Cretaceous), Maloy Slope, offshore Norway

    , MAR PETROL GEOL, Vol: 25, Pages: 663-680, ISSN: 0264-8172

    Three-dimensional seismic and well data are integrated to investigate the geometry and controls on a series of sand-rich slope systems in the Kyrre Fm (Upper Cretaceous) on the Maloy Slope, offshore Norway. Slope systems were fed by sediments eroded from mainland Norway to the east and transported across a relatively narrow shelf into four canyons developed at the shelf edge. These canyons were not formed through erosional or mass-wasting processes during the Late Cretaceous, but represent a series of underfilled canyons developed during an earlier. Late Jurassic erosional phase. Channels, which are commonly arranged into laterally or vertically stacked channel complexes, were fed sediment through the shelf-edge canyons and may be associated downslope with small terminal fans. The canyons and their associated depositional systems were not active synchronously, with a clear southward migration of the active depositional systems. On the slope, syn-depositional topography was formed via: (i) differential compaction of mudstone-rich strata across underlying Late Jurassic canyons which resulted in the formation of a series of E-W-trending structural lows; and (ii) differential compaction of mudstone-rich strata across the underlying Late Jurassic fault blocks which resulted in N-W-trending structural highs. Both of these features had a variable influence on the incision, fill and overall spatial distribution of slope channels/channel complexes and associated fans. A large fan which overlies the shelf-edge canyons and associated downslope depositional systems represents the final depositional unit within the study area. The fan effectively 'seals' the underlying shelf-edge canyons, suggesting it was not supplied by sediment routed through the canyons. The results of this study support previous studies which indicate that shelf-edge canyons may be a first-order control on the location of sand-rich, turbidity current-fed depositional systems on submarine slopes. Furthermore

  • Conference paper
    Gasparre A, Nishimura S, Anh-Minh N, Coop MR, Jardine RJet al., 2008,

    Characteristics of London Clay: stiffness and influence of structure, a summary

    , 4th International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Publisher: IOS Press, Pages: 191-198
  • Journal article
    Whittaker AC, Attal M, Cowie PA, Tucker GE, Roberts Get al., 2008,

    Decoding temporal and spatial patterns of fault uplift using transient river long profiles

    , GEOMORPHOLOGY, Vol: 100, Pages: 506-526, ISSN: 0169-555X
  • Journal article
    Hieronymus CF, Goes S, Sargent M, Morra Get al., 2008,

    A dynamical model for generating Eurasian lithospheric stress and strain rate fields: Effect of rheology and cratons

  • Journal article
    van Wijk J, van Hunen J, Goes S, 2008,

    Small-scale convection during continental rifting: Evidence from the Rio Grande rift

    , GEOLOGY, Vol: 36, Pages: 575-578, ISSN: 0091-7613
  • Conference paper
    Davison TM, Collins GS, Ciesla FJ, 2008,

    Numerical modelling of shock heating in porous planetesmial collisions

    , 71st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical-Society, Publisher: Meteoritical Society, Pages: A36-A36
  • Conference paper
    Clarke J, Fenton CH, Gens A, Jardine RJ, Martin C, Nethercot DA, Nishimura S, Olivella S, Reifen C, Rutter P, Strasser F, Toumi Ret al., 2008,

    A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Assess the Impact of Global Climate Change on Infrastructure in Cold Regions

    , Fairbanks, Alaska, 9th International Conference on Permafrost, Publisher: Institute of Northern Engineering, UAF, Pages: 279-284
  • Journal article
    Collins GS, Morgan J, Barton P, Christeson GL, Gulick S, Urrutia J, Warner M, Wunnemann Ket al., 2008,

    Dynamic modeling suggests terrace zone asymmetry in the Chicxulub crater is caused by target heterogeneity

    , EARTH PLANET SC LETT, Vol: 270, Pages: 221-230, ISSN: 0012-821X
  • Journal article
    Jardine RJ, 2008,

    Time-effects in friction piles driven into sands.

    , Kiso-ko Foundation Engineering, Vol: 36, Pages: 35-38, ISSN: 0285-5356
  • Journal article
    Zdravkovic L, Carter J, 2008,

    Contributions to <i>Geotechnique</i> 1948-2008:: Constitutive and numerical modelling

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 58, Pages: 405-412, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Jackson CA-L, Larsen E, 2008,

    Temporal constraints on basin inversion provided by 3D seismic and well data: a case study from the South Viking Graben, offshore Norway

    , Basin Research, Vol: 20, Pages: 397-417

    Three-dimensional (3D) seismic, well and biostratigraphic data are integrated to determine the timing of inversion on the hangingwall of the South Viking Graben, offshore Norway. Within the study area two, NW–SE to NE–SW trending normal faults are developed which were active during a Late Jurassic rift event. In the hangingwall of these faults asymmetric, 2–5 km wide anticlines are developed which trend parallel to the adjacent faults and are interpreted as growth folds formed in response to compressional shortening (inversion) of the syn-rift basin-fill. Marked thickness variations are observed in Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous growth strata with respect to the inversion-related folds, with seismic data indicating onlap and thinning of these units across the folds. In addition, well data suggests that not only are erosional surfaces only locally developed towards the crests of the folds, but these surfaces may also truncate underlying flooding surfaces towards the fold crests. Taken together, these observations indicate that inversion and growth of inversion-related structures initiated in the late Early Volgian and continued until the Late Albian. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that individual folds amplified and propagated laterally through time, and that fold growth was not synchronous across the study area. This study demonstrates that the temporal evolution of structures associated with the inversion of sedimentary basins can be accurately determined through the integration of 3D seismic, well and biostratigraphic data. Furthermore, this study has local implications for constraining the timing of inversion within the South Viking Graben during the Late Mesozoic.

  • Conference paper
    Pellew A, 2008,

    Aged steel displacement and bored concrete piles in London clay

    , 2nd International Conference on Foundations, Publisher: IHS BRE Press, Pages: 269-282
  • Journal article
    Wuennemann K, Collins GS, Osinski GR, 2008,

    Numerical modelling of impact melt production in porous rocks

    , EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS, Vol: 269, Pages: 529-538, ISSN: 0012-821X
  • Journal article
    Jackson MD, 2008,

    Characterization of multiphase electrokinetic coupling using a bundle of capillary tubes model

  • Journal article
    Grammatikopoulou A, Zdravkovic L, Potts DM, 2008,

    The influence of previous stress history and stress path direction on the surface settlement trough induced by tunnelling

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 58, Pages: 269-281, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Collins GS, Artemieva N, Wuennemann K, Bland PA, Reimold WU, Koeberl Cet al., 2008,

    Evidence that Lake Cheko is not an impact crater

    , TERRA NOVA, Vol: 20, Pages: 165-168, ISSN: 0954-4879
  • Journal article
    Piggott MD, Gorman GJ, Pain CC, Allison PA, Candy AS, Martin BT, Wells MRet al., 2008,

    A new computational framework for multi-scale ocean modelling based on adapting unstructured meshes

    , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol: 56, Pages: 1003-1015

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