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  • Journal article
    Melosh HJ, Collins GS, 2005,

    Meteor Crater formed by low-velocity impact - The paucity of melted rock in this crater may be due to the striking projectile's speed

    , NATURE, Vol: 434, Pages: 157-157, ISSN: 0028-0836
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Eaton MD, Miles B, Ziver AK, Gomes JLMA, Umpleby AP, Piggott MD, Goddard AJH, de Oliveira CREet al., 2005,

    Development of a Transient Criticality Evaluation Method

    , Toki-Mura, Japan, NUCEF
  • Journal article
    Hicks MA, Zdravkovic L, Breysse D, Orr T, Pyrah Iet al., 2005,

    Risk and variability in geotechnical engineering

    , GEOTECHNIQUE, Vol: 55, Pages: 1-2, ISSN: 0016-8505
  • Journal article
    Cammarano F, Deuss A, Goes S, Giardini Det al., 2005,

    One-dimensional physical reference models for the upper mantle and transition zone: Combining seismic and mineral physics constraints

  • Journal article
    Georgiadis K, Potts DM, Zdravkovic L, 2005,

    Three-dimensional constitutive model for partially and fully saturated soils

    , International Journal of Geomechanics, Vol: 5, Pages: 244-255, ISSN: 1532-3641

    Constitutive models for partially saturated soils often assume linear relationships for the variation of shear strength with suction and the shape of the partially saturated isotropic compression lines. It has been established, however, that for some soils these relationships are nonlinear. The shape of the isotropic compression line for partially saturated conditions is of particular importance, as it is directly related to the amount of potential collapse that a soil will experience upon wetting. When boundary value problems are analyzed, ignoring this nonlinearity can lead to very inaccurate predictions, and such models are of limited applicability. None of the current models have been demonstrated to predict collapse behavior in a satisfactory manner, especially at high values of stress and suction. In this paper, an exponential expression for partially saturated isotropic compression lines is implemented in an existing elasto-plastic framework for saturated and partially saturated soils. As a result, the constitutive relationship presented here is more flexible in its ability to model the collapse behavior of partially saturated soils over a larger range of suctions and stresses. A nonlinear expression is also adopted for the variation of shear strength with suction. In addition, a number of other refinements to the existing framework are introduced. Also presented in this paper are the results of a series of single element finite-element analyses. These results demonstrate the model's capabilities and added flexibility. International Journal of Geomechanics © ASCE.

  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, Standing JR, Kovacevic N, 2005,

    Lessons learned from full scale observations and the practical application of advanced testing and modeling

    , Pages: 201-245

    Field observations from thirteen recent case histories from the UK and France are described which are used to assess an approach for predicting ground movements and soil-structure interaction. High quality site investigations, including very careful sampling and advanced testing are seen to be crucial to success. Providing there are adequate geotechnical data, the non-linear FE predictive approach advocated by the Authors is shown to be sufficient for most engineering purposes, considering typical project time scales. Factors that merit particular attention include: the geological model; sampling and testing quality; anisotropy and pressure dependency; a fully non-linear modelling approach; addressing behaviour from very small to large strains; the ‘structure’ of natural and artificial geomaterials; the possibility of brittle failure; three dimensional geometry and construction details; permeability and groundwater variations. It is shown, however, that the present approach does not capture some important long term effects of time, creep and ageing. Comments are also made on the use of such advanced techniques in combination with an ‘observational approach’, and on pos-sible avenues for further research and development.

  • Book chapter
    Liu JG, 2005,

    Passive sensors

    , Encyclopedia of geology, Editors: Selley, Cocks, Plimer, Oxford, Publisher: Elsevier Academic Press, Pages: 431-439, ISBN: 9780126363807
  • Journal article
    Fang F, Pain CC, Piggott MD, Gorman GJ, Goddard AJHet al., 2005,

    An adaptive mesh adjoint data assimilation method applied to free surface flows

    , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol: 47, Pages: 995-1001
  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, Shibuya S, 2005,

    TC29 workshop: Laboratory tests

    , 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Publisher: MILLPRESS SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Pages: 3275-3276
  • Journal article
    Pain CC, Piggott MD, Goddard AJH, Fang F, Gorman GJ, Marshall DP, Eaton MD, Power PW, de Oliveira CREet al., 2005,

    Three-dimensional unstructured mesh ocean modelling

    , OCEAN MODELLING, Vol: 10, Pages: 5-33, ISSN: 1463-5003
  • Journal article
    van Reeuwijk M, Jonker HJJ, Hanjalic K, 2005,

    Identification of the wind of Rayleigh-Benard convection

    , PHYS FLUIDS, Vol: 17

    Using a symmetry-accounting ensemble-averaging method, we have identified the wind in unbounded Rayleigh–Bénard convection. This makes it possible to distinguish the wind from fluctuations and to identify dynamic features of each. We present some results from processing five independent three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of a =4 aspect-ratio domain with periodic side boundaries at Ra=107 and Pr=1. It is found that the wind boundary layer scales linearly very close to the wall and has a logarithmic region further away. Despite the still noticeable molecular effects, the identification of log scaling and significant velocity and temperature fluctuations well within the thermal boundary layer clearly indicate that the boundary layer cannot be classified as laminar.

  • Conference paper
    Stafford PJ, Berrill JB, Pettinga JR, 2005,

    On the seismicity of the Buller region

    , Wellington, New Zealand, 2005 Annual Conference of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, Publisher: New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering
  • Book chapter
    Turtle EP, Pierazzo E, Collins GS, Osinski GR, Melosh HJ, Morgan JV, Reimold WUet al., 2005,

    Impact structures: what does crater diameter mean?

    , Large Meteorite Impacts III, Editors: Kenkmann, Horz, Deutsch, Kenkmann, Horz, Deutsch, Boulder CO, Publisher: Geological Society of America, Pages: 1-24, ISBN: 9780813723846
  • Conference paper
    Liu JG, Meng M, 2005,

    Destruction of vegetation in the catchments of Nujiang river, "Three Parallel Rivers" region, China

    , New York, 25th ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss 2005), 25 - 29 July 2005, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, Publisher: Ieee, Pages: 2880-2883
  • Conference paper
    Jardine RJ, 2005,

    Technical session 1a: Laboratory testing (I): Fundamental properties

    , 16th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Publisher: MILLPRESS SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Pages: 2939-2949
  • Conference paper
    Martinsen OJ, Lien T, Jackson CAL, 2005,

    Cretaceous and Palaeogene turbidite systems in the North Sea and Norwegian Sea Basins: source, staging area and basin physiography controls on reservoir development

    , London, Petroleum geology: North-West Europe and global prespectives: proceedings of the 6th petroleum geology conference, Publisher: The Geological Society, Pages: 1147-1164
  • Conference paper
    Liu JG, Haselwimmer C, Cosgrove JW, 2005,

    Ruptures found up to 60km south of the major fault zone after 14 Nov 2001 Kunlun earthquake using Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery

    , New York, 25th ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss 2005), 25 - 29 July 2005, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, Publisher: Ieee, Pages: 5261-5264
  • Conference paper
    Liu JG, Haselwimmer C, Cosgrove JW, 2005,

    Ruptures found up to 60km south of the major fault zone after 14 Nov 2001 Kunlun earthquake using Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery

    , New York, 25th ieee international geoscience and remote sensing symposium (igarss 2005), 25 - 29 July 2005, Seoul, SOUTH KOREA, Publisher: Ieee, Pages: 5261-5264
  • Conference paper
    Pain CC, Candy AS, Piggott MD, Buchan A, Eaton MD, Goddard AJH, de Oliveira CREet al., 2005,

    A High-Order Petrov-Galerkin Method for the Boltzmann Transport Equation

    , M&C 2005 International Topical Meeting on Mathematics and Computation, Supercomputing, Reactor Physics and Nuclear and Biological Applications, Publisher: American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, Illinois, Pages: 1-13
  • Journal article
    Jackson MD, Gallagher K, Petford N, Cheadle MJet al., 2005,

    Towards a coupled physical and chemical model for tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite magma formation

    , Lithos, Vol: 79, Pages: 43-60

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