
If you would like to learn more about this scheme or express an interest in piloting it within a department please contact:

Clare Turner

+44 (0)20 7594 2895


The Global Development Hub is piloting a Remote PhD Support Programme to assist students and their universities in Least Developed or Lower Middle Income Countries awarding PhDs.

PhD students on the programme are registered and physically based at an external institution in an LDC or LMIC country but with an Imperial supervisor as the main or co-supervisor.  The student is registered as a Remote PhD student and able to access online Imperial resources, including lectures, library (if licensing allows), and remote computing facilities. The PhD Degree is granted by the external institution only.  



  • Support university lecturers and students in LDCs or LMICs to gain PhDs through co-supervision and regulatory/ administrative support, with the aim of catalysing research capacity-building in the home country.
  • Connect Imperial academics to LMIC or LDC students and talent that would normally not be able to complete a PhD at Imperial for financial and personal reasons
  • Allow Imperial academics to build research collaboration track records with new LMIC or LDC partners and co-create partnerships for development impact
  • Connect Imperial academics with a committed LMIC or LDC partner to provide the local data / information / context / contacts / experience crucial to some research questions.