Green Aviation symposium 2014

Symposium 2014 logo 17-18 November, Beijing

The Green Aviation 2011 and 2012 symposiums were a great success attracting leading speakers from across the sector.

These speakers addressed large, but mostly European, audiences of aviation specialists from industry, academia, government and the press on steps being taken to reduce the environmental impact of future air travel and key remaining challenges facing sector.

Our next symposium in series will be held in Beijing on 17 & 18 November 2014 in collaboration with the Energy and Environment International Centre of Beihang University. Air travel in China is undergoing tremendous growth (one remarkable statistic is that under the current five year plan the number of airports is to increase from 175 to 230 by 2015). This growth and an increasing awareness of the environmental issues means there is a very considerable interest in green aviation issues in China.

The symposium has the support of key Chinese aviation industries including AVIC and COMAC, and CAAC (the Civil Aviation Administration of China). There will be speakers from a selection of these organisations and other key companies such as Air China and SINOPEC (China Petrochemical Corporation) as well as from Airbus, Boeing and CleanSky.

We anticipate Green Aviation 2014 will be attended by a large number of delegates from the breadth of the Chinese aviation industry (airframe and engine manufacturers, airline companies and airport operators), by aviation sector officials from government and by selected leading researchers in the field.


Green Aviation
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

General contact details:

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5063

Corporate Partnership Associate

Chris Lord
Tel: + 44 (0)20 7594 2024