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  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Böhme J, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Doucet M, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Etzion E, Evans HG, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gingrich DM, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross Eet al., 1999,

    Measurements of flavour-dependent fragmentation functions in Z<sup>0</sup> → qq̄ events

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 7, Pages: 369-381, ISSN: 1434-6044

    Fragmentation functions for charged particles in Z0 → qq̄ events have been measured for bottom (b), charm (c) and light (uds) quarks as well as for all flavours together. The results are based on data recorded between 1990 and 1995 using the OPAL detector at LEP. Event samples with different flavour compositions were formed using reconstructed D*± mesons and secondary vertices. The ξP = ln(1/xp) distributions and the position of their maxima ξ0 are also presented separately for uds, c and b quark events. The fragmentation function for b quarks is significantly softer than for uds quarks.

  • Journal article
    Abbiendi G, Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bellerive A, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bock P, Böhme J, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, de Roeck A, Dervan P, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Etzion E, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fleck I, Folman R, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Gaycken G, Geich-Gimbel C, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Graham K, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwé Met al., 1999,

    Bose-Einstein correlations in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> → W<sup>+</sup>W<sup>-</sup> at 172 and 183 GeV

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 8, Pages: 559-571, ISSN: 1434-6044

    Bose-Einstein correlations between like-charge pions are studied in hadronic final states produced by e+e- annihilations at center-of-mass energies of 172 and 183 GeV. Three event samples are studied, each dominated by one of the processes W+W- →qq̄ℓν̄e, W+W- qq̄qq̄, or (Z0/γ)* → qq̄. After demonstrating the existence of Bose-Einstein correlations in W decays, an attempt is made to determine Bose-Einstein correlations for pions originating from the same W boson and from different W bosons, as well as for pions from (Z0/γ)* → qq̄ events. The following results are obtained for the individual chaoticity parameters λ, assuming a common source radius R: λsame= 0.63 ± 0.19 ± 0.14 λdiff = 0.22 ± 0.53 ±0.14, λ Z* = 0.47 ± 0.11 ± 0.08, R = 0.92 ± 0.09 ± 0.09 fm. In each case, the first error is statistical and the second is systematic. At the current level of statistical precision it is not established whether Bose-Einstein correlations, between pions from different W bosons exist or not.

  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Böhme J, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, de Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Doucet M, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Fabbri F, Fanfani A, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwé M, Hanson GGet al., 1999,

    Production of K<sup>0</sup><inf>S</inf> and Λ in quark and gluon jets from Z<sup>0</sup> decay

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 8, Pages: 241-254, ISSN: 1434-6044

    The production of K0S mesons and Λ baryons in quark and gluon jets has been investigated using two complementary techniques. In the first approach, which provides high statistical accuracy, jets were selected using different jet finding algorithms and ordered according to their energy. Production rates were determined taking into account the dependences of quark and gluon compositions as a function of jet energy as predicted by Monte Carlo models. Selecting three-jet events with the k⊥ (Durham) jet finder (Ycut = 0.005), the ratios of K0S and Λ production rates in gluon and quark jets relative to the mean charged particle multiplicity were found to be 1.10 ± 0.02 ± 0.02 and 1.41 ± 0.04 ± 0.04, respectively, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. In the second approach, a new method of identifying quark jets based on the collimation of energy flow around the jet axis is introduced and was used to anti-tag gluon jets in symmetric (Y-shaped) three-jet events. Using the cone jet finding algorithm with a cone size of 30°, the ratios of relative production rates in gluon and quark jets were determined to be 0.94 ± 0.07 ± 0.07 for K0S and 1.18 ± 0.10 ± 0.17 for Λ. The results of both analyses are compared to the predictions of Monte Carlo models.

  • Conference paper
    Davies G J, 1999,


    , European Physical Society, 1997, Pages: 1109-1113
  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adye T, Adzic P, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Anassontzis EG, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Andringa S, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Åsman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbiellini G, Barbier R, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokopytov Y, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blom HM, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Boyko I, Bozovic I, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Cerruti C, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Damgaard G, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clercq C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Dris M, Duperrin A, Durand JD, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Ellert M, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Santo ME, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Fayot J, Feindt M, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Ferrer-Ribas E, Fichet S, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Flagmeyer U, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gamblin S, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gaspar M, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Gele D, Gerber JP, Gerdyukov L, Ghodbane N, Gil I, Glege F, Gokiet al., 1999,

    Search for pair-produced neutralinos in events with photons and missing energy from e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> collisions at √<i>s</i>=130-183 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 371-384, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Abbiendi G, Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bellerive A, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bohme J, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Burgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Etzion E, Evans HG, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fleck I, Folman R, Furtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Gaycken G, Geich-Gimbel C, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwe M, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Harder K, Hargrove CK, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Hocker A, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horvath D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Huntemeyer P, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ishii K, Jacob FR, Jawahery A, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Jones CR, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kowalewski RV, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kuhl T, Laferty GD, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Lawson I, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson L, Liebisch R, List B, Littlewood C, Lloyd AW, Lloyd SL, Loebinger FK, Long GD, Losty MJ, Ludwig J, Liu D, Macchiolo Aet al., 1999,

    Tests of the Standard Model and constraints on new physics from measurements of fermion-pair production at 183 GeV at LEP

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 1-18, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Torii HA, Hayano RS, Hori M, Ishikawa T, Morita N, Kumakura M, Sugai I, Yamazaki T, Ketzer B, Hartmann FJ, von Egidy T, Pohl R, Maierl C, Horváth D, Eades J, Widmann Eet al., 1999,

    Laser measurements of the density shifts of resonance lines in antiprotonic helium atoms and stringent constraint on the antiproton charge and mass

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW A, Vol: 59, Pages: 223-229, ISSN: 1050-2947
  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Merle E, Minard MN, Nief JY, Pietrzyk B, Alemany R, Boix G, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Graugès E, Juste A, Martinez M, Merino G, Miquel R, Mir LM, Park IC, Pascual A, Riu I, Sanchez F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Becker U, Bright-Thomas P, Casper D, Cattaneo M, Ciulli V, Dissertori G, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Hagelberg R, Hansen JB, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Lehraus I, Mato P, Minten A, Moneta L, Pacheco A, Ranjard F, Rolandi L, Rousseau D, Schlatter D, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Teubert F, Tomalin IR, Wachsmuth H, Ajaltouni Z, Badaud F, Chazelle G, Deschamps O, Falvard A, Ferdi C, Gay F, Guicheney C, Henrard P, Jousset J, Michel B, Monteil S, Montret JC, Pallin D, Perret P, Podlyski F, Proriol J, Rosnet P, Hansen JD, Hansen JR, Hansen PH, Nilsson BS, Rensch B, Wäänänen A, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Markou C, Simopoulou E, Siotis I, Vayaki A, Blondel A, Bonneaud G, Brient JC, Bourdon P, Rougé A, Rumpf M, Valassi A, Verderi M, Videau H, Focardi E, Parrini G, Zachariadou K, Corden M, Georgiopoulos C, Jaffe DE, Antonelli A, Bencivenni G, Bologna G, Bossi F, Campana P, Capon G, Cerutti F, Chiarella V, Felici G, Laurelli P, Mannocchi G, Murtas F, Murtas GP, Passalacqua L, Pepe-Altarelli M, Curtis L, Halley AW, Lynch JG, Negus P, O'Shea V, Raine C, Scarr JM, Smith K, Teixeira-Dias P, Thompson AS, Thomson E, Buchmüller O, Dhamotharan S, Geweniger C, Graefe G, Hanke P, Hansper G, Hepp V, Kluge EE, Putzer A, Sommer J, Tittel K, Werner S, Wunsch M, Beuselinck R, Binnie DM, Cameron M, Dornan PJ, Girone M, Goodsir S, Martin EB, Marinelli N, Moutoussi A, Nash J, Sedgbeer JK, Spagnolo P, Williams MD, Ghete Vet al., 1999,

    Determination of |V<sub>ub</sub>| from the measurement of the inclusive charmless semileptonic branching ratio of b hadrons

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 555-574, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Beeston C, Behnke T, Bell AN, Bell KW, Bella G, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bloomer JE, Bobinski M, Bock P, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Bouwens BT, Braibant S, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Clarke PEL, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallapiccola C, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Silva EDE, Doucet M, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Edwards JEG, Estabrooks PG, Evans HG, Evans M, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fischer HM, Fleck I, Folman R, Fong DG, Foucher M, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Geddes NI, Geich-Gimbel C, Geralis T, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Giacomelli R, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Goodrick MJ, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwé M, Hajdu C, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Hargrove CK, Hart PA, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horváth D, Hossain KR, Howard R, Hüntemeyer P, Hutchcroft DE, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ingram MR, Ishii K, Jawahery A, Jeffreys PW, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Joly A, Jones CR, Jones G, Jones M, Jost U, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Kirk J, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lahmann R, Lai WP, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lefebvre E, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson Let al., 1999,

    Search for scalar top and scalar bottom quarks at √s = 183 GeV at LEP

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 225-238, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Asman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbi M, Barbiellini G, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Barring O, Bates MJ, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Baudot J, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokopytov Y, Beloous K, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Billoir P, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blume M, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brand KD, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Brown RCA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Canepa M, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cavallo FR, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chen M, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Cindro V, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Dahm J, Dalmagne B, Damgaard G, Dauncey PD, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clerq C, De La Vaissiere C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Djannati A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Drees KA, Dris M, Durand JD, Edsall D, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Feindt M, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Fichet S, Filippas TA, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Formenti F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Gele Det al., 1999,

    Measurement of the quark and gluon fragmentation functions in Z<SUP>0</SUP> hadronic decays

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 19-33, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Abreu P, Adam W, Adye T, Adzic P, Ajinenko I, Alekseev GD, Alemany R, Allport PP, Almehed S, Amaldi U, Amato S, Anassontzis EG, Andersson P, Andreazza A, Andringa S, Antilogus P, Apel WD, Arnoud Y, Åsman B, Augustin JE, Augustinus A, Baillon P, Bambade P, Barao F, Barbiellini G, Barbier R, Bardin DY, Barker G, Baroncelli A, Battaglia M, Baubillier M, Becks KH, Begalli M, Beilliere P, Belokopytov Y, Benvenuti AC, Berat C, Berggren M, Bertini D, Bertrand D, Besancon M, Bianchi F, Bigi M, Bilenky MS, Bizouard MA, Bloch D, Blom HM, Bonesini M, Bonivento W, Boonekamp M, Booth PSL, Borgland AW, Borisov G, Bosio C, Botner O, Boudinov E, Bouquet B, Bourdarios C, Bowcock TJV, Boyko I, Bozovic I, Bozzo M, Branchini P, Brenke T, Brenner RA, Bruckman P, Brunet JM, Bugge L, Buran T, Burgsmueller T, Buschmann P, Cabrera S, Caccia M, Calvi M, Rozas AJC, Camporesi T, Canale V, Carena F, Carroll L, Caso C, Gimenez MVC, Cattai A, Cerruti C, Chabaud V, Charpentier P, Chaussard L, Checchia P, Chelkov GA, Chierici R, Chliapnikov P, Chochula P, Chorowicz V, Chudoba J, Collins P, Colomer M, Contri R, Cortina E, Cosme G, Cossutti F, Cowell JH, Crawley HB, Crennell D, Crosetti G, Maestro JC, Czellar S, Damgaard G, Davenport M, Da Silva W, Deghorain A, Della Ricca G, Delpierre P, Demaria N, De Angelis A, De Boer W, De Brabandere S, De Clercq C, De Lotto B, De Min A, De Paula L, Dijkstra H, Di Ciaccio L, Di Diodato A, Dolbeau J, Doroba K, Dracos M, Drees J, Dris M, Duperrin A, Durand JD, Ehret R, Eigen G, Ekelof T, Ekspong G, Ellert M, Elsing M, Engel JP, Erzen B, Santo ME, Falk E, Fanourakis G, Fassouliotis D, Fayot J, Feindt M, Ferrari P, Ferrer A, Ferrer-Ribas E, Fichet S, Firestone A, Fischer PA, Flagmeyer U, Foeth H, Fokitis E, Fontanelli F, Franek B, Frodesen AG, Fruhwirth R, Fulda-Quenzer F, Fuster J, Galloni A, Gamba D, Gamblin S, Gandelman M, Garcia C, Garcia J, Gaspar C, Gaspar M, Gasparini U, Gavillet P, Gazis EN, Gele D, Gerber JP, Ghodbane N, Gil I, Glege F, Gokieli R, Golob B Get al., 1999,

    Search for scalar fermions and long-lived scalar leptons at centre-of-mass energies of 130 GeV to 172 GeV

    , EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, Vol: 6, Pages: 385-401, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Conference paper
    Sumner TJ, Quenby JJ, Bewick A, Smith NJT, Jones WG, Ali T, Ahmed B, Davidge D, Davies GJ, Howard A, Joshi MK, Smith PF, Homer GJ, Arnison GTJ, Lewin JD, Alner GJ, Spooner NJ, Thompson L, Sellin P, Walker S, Roberts J, Peak C, Barton JCet al., 1999,

    Current limits on the cold dark matter interaction cross section obtained by the UK collaboration

    , 5th International Workshop on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 97), Publisher: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, Pages: 74-78, ISSN: 0920-5632
  • Journal article
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