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  • Conference paper
    Seller P, Bale G, Gannon WJF, Hall G, Holland AD, Iles GM, Jorden A, Lowe B, Murray P, Passmore MS, Prydderch ML, Smith K, Thomas SL, Wade Ret al., 1999,

    Two Approaches to hybrid X-ray pixel array readout

    , Conference on Detectors for Crystallography and Diffraction Studies at Synchrotron Sources, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Pages: 30-37, ISSN: 0277-786X
  • Journal article
    Abreu et al P, 1999,

    Measurement of the lifetime of b-baryons

    , The European Physical Journal C, Vol: 10, Pages: 185-185, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Breitweg J, Sideris D, 1999,

    Exclusive electroproduction of rho0 and J / psi mesons at HERA

    , Eur.Phys.J., Vol: C6, Pages: 603-627
  • Conference paper
    Allison J, Baird K, Barlow RJ, Bauer JM, Bernet R, Brook CK, Bowdery CK, Brandt T, Brooks A, Brose J, Button-Shafer J, Camanzi B, Champion T, Clark P, Cremaldi L, Dahlinger G, Dauncey PD, Krause R, Futterschneider H, Doyle E, Eckstein P, Eigen G, Eisner G, Flood K, Foster B, Freytag D, Fry JR, Fujino D, Gabathuler E, Gaede F, Geddes NI, Green MG, Hanson J, Harrison PF, Hauke A, Hertzbach SS, Hitlin DG, Ivanchenko V, Jessop CP, Kay J, King M, Koch H, Kocain M, Kofler R, Korol A, Kunze M, Langenegger U, Lewandowski B, Lidbury J, LoSsecco JM, Mallik U, Manzin G, Marsiske H, Martin R, Masuda H, McKemey A, McMahon S, Muir A, Mueller-Pfefferkorn R, Nash JA, Nesom G, Nicholson H, Pertsova M, Playfer S, Putallaz G, Reidy J, Sanders P, Schindler RH, Schubert R, Schwierz R, Scott I, Seitz R, Skarpaas K, Spaan B, Stahl A, Soha DA, Steinke M, Stoker P, Sutton CS, Touramanis C, Vavra P, Vidal P, Waldi R, Walz D, Wang R, Weaver M, Wisniewski WJ, Wuest CR, Yan DS, Xue Y, Zhu RYet al., 1999,

    Design, construction and first operation of the large CsI calorimeter for the BABAR detector at the PEP-II storage rings

    , 1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 6-13, ISSN: 1095-7863
  • Conference paper
    Sumner TJ, 1999,

    Techniques for detecting WIMPS operating above 100 K

    , The Identification of Dark Matter, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 227-240
  • Journal article
    Thompson JC, Binnie DM, Dornan PJ, Nash J, Thompson JC, Binnie DM, Dornan PJ, Nash J, Thompson JC, Binnie DM, Dornan PJ, Nash Jet al., 1999,

    Measurements of the W mass in e+e- collisions at 183 GeV

    , Physics Letters B, Vol: 453, Pages: 121-137
  • Journal article
    Foudas C, Butterworth I, Long KR, Sedgbeer JKet al., 1999,

    Measurement of the inclusive D*+/- and associated dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

    , European Physical Journal B, Vol: C, Pages: 67-83
  • Journal article
    Virdee TS, 1999,

    Experimental techniques

    , CERN 99-04, Vol: INFO NEEDED, Pages: 347-419
  • Journal article
    Becker U, Uchida Y, 1999,

    Consistent measurements comparing the drift features of noble gas mixtures

    , Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A, Vol: 421, Pages: 54-59
  • Journal article
    Long KR, Butterworth I, Foudas C, Sedgbeer JKet al., 1999,

    Measurement of high-Q(2) neutral-current e(+)p deep inelastic scattering cross-sections at HERA

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 11, Pages: 427-445, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Conference paper
    Smith NJT, Alner GJ, Homer GJ, Lewin JD, Smith PF, Ahmed B, Ali T, Bewick A, Davidge D, Howard AS, Jones WG, Joshi M, Liubarsky I, Quenby JJ, Smith RAD, Sumner TJ, Kudryavtsev VA, Lehner MJ, McMillan JE, Peak CD, Roberts JW, Spooner NJC, Tovey DRet al., 1999,

    An advanced WIMP detector using liquid xenon – ZEPLIN

    , The Identification of Dark Matter, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 335-340
  • Journal article
    Foudas C, Butterworth I, Long KR, Sedgbeer JKet al., 1999,

    Forward jet production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 6, Pages: 239-252
  • Conference paper
    Quenby JJ, Sumner TJ, Bossart R, Farrah D, Hernandez Met al., 1999,

    Is the cluster missing mass baryonic? EUV evidence reconsidered

    , The Identification of Dark Matter, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 137-143
  • Journal article
    Fisher PH, Uchida Y, 1999,

    Limit on parity violating couplings between massive vector bosons

    , Journal of High Energy Physics, Pages: 012-012, ISSN: 1126-6708
  • Journal article
    Butterworth I, Foudas C, Long KR, Sedgbeer JKet al., 1999,

    ZEUS results on the measurement and phenomenology of F-2 at low x and low Q(2)

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 7, Pages: 609-630, ISSN: 1434-6044
  • Journal article
    Breitweg J, Sideris D, 1999,

    Measurement of the diffractive cross-section in deep inelastic scattering using ZEUS 1994 data

    , Eur.Phys.J., Vol: C6, Pages: 43-66
  • Book chapter
    Buchman S, Mester J, Sumner TJ, 1999,

    Charge Measurement

    , The Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Electronic Engineering Handbook, Editors: Webster, Publisher: CRC/IEEE Press, Pages: 1-9
  • Journal article
    Thompson JC, Binnie DM, Dornan PJ, Nash Jet al., 1999,

    Measurements of the W mass in e+e- collisions at 183 GeV

    , Physics Letters B, Vol: 453, Pages: 121-137
  • Journal article
    Dauncey PD, 1999,

    Results from the BABAR electromagnetic calorimeter beam test

    , Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A- Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol: 420, Pages: 162-180, ISSN: 0168-9002
  • Conference paper
    Davies GJ, 1999,

    Status report and recent results from the UK Dark Matter Collaboration

    , International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Publisher: SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, Pages: 989-992
  • Journal article
    Foudas C, Butterworth I, Long KR, Sedgbeer JKet al., 1999,

    Measurement of the inclusive D*+/- and associated dijet cross sections in photoproduction at HERA

    , European Physical Journal B, Vol: C, Pages: 67-83
  • Conference paper
    Spooner NJC, Kudryavtsev V, Lawson TA, Lehner MJ, Lightfoot PK, McMillan JE, Peak CD, Roberts JW, Tovey DR, Ward CK, Smith PF, Smith NJT, Lewin JD, Homer GJ, Alner GJ, Arnison GTJ, Sumner TJ, Quenby JJ, Jones WG, Ahmed B, Ali T, Bewick A, Davidge D, Davies GJ, Howard AS, Joshi M, Liubarsky I, Smith RAD, Barton JCet al., 1999,

    Searches for Dark Matter at Boulby Mine – Investigation of anomalous events in NaI

    , The Identification of Dark Matter, Publisher: World Scientific, Pages: 307-315
  • Journal article
    Foudas C, 1999,

    Measurement of dijet photoproduction in deep inelastic scattering at HERA

    , European Physical Journal C, Vol: 11, Pages: 35-50
  • Journal article
    Guaraldo C, Bianco S, Bragadireanu AM, Fabbri FL, Iliescu M, Ito TM, Lucherini V, Petrascu C, Bregant M, Milotti E, Vacchi A, Zavattini E, Augsburger M, Chatellard D, Knowles P, Mulhauser F, Schaller LA, Schellenberg L, Schneuwly H, Egger J, Varidel D, Breunlich WH, Cargnelli M, Gartner B, King R, Lauss B, Marton J, Zmeskal J, Ponta T, Nakamura SN, Koike T, Hayano RS, Hori M, Ishikawa T, Ishiwatari T, Iwasaki M, Akaishi Y, Beer G, Sanderson AC, Seki Ret al., 1999,

    , Hyperfine Interactions, Vol: 119, Pages: 253-261
  • Journal article
    Barate R, Buskulic D, Decamp D, Ghez P, Goy C, Jezequel S, Lees JP, Lucotte A, Martin F, Merle E, Minard MN, Nief JY, Perrodo P, Pietrzyk B, Alemany R, Casado MP, Chmeissani M, Crespo JM, Delfino M, Fernandez E, Fernandez-Bosman M, Garrido L, Graugès E, Juste A, Martinez M, Merino G, Miquel R, Mir LM, Morawitz P, Pacheco A, Park IC, Pascual A, Riu I, Sanchez F, Colaleo A, Creanza D, de Palma M, Gelao G, Iaselli G, Maggi G, Maggi M, Nuzzo S, Ranieri A, Raso G, Ruggieri F, Selvaggi G, Silvestris L, Tempesta P, Tricomi A, Zito G, Huang X, Lin J, Ouyang Q, Wang T, Xie Y, Xu R, Xue S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Zhao W, Abbaneo D, Becker U, Boix G, Cattaneo M, Cerutti F, Ciulli V, Dissertori G, Drevermann H, Forty RW, Frank M, Gianotti F, Halley AW, Hansen JB, Harvey J, Janot P, Jost B, Lehraus I, Leroy O, Loomis C, Maley P, Mato P, Minten A, Moneta L, Moutoussi A, Qi N, Ranjard F, Rolandi L, Rousseau D, Schlatter D, Schmitt M, Schneider O, Tejessy W, Teubert F, Tomalin IR, Tournefier E, Vreeswijk M, Wachsmuth H, Ajaltouni Z, Badaud F, Chazelle G, Deschamps O, Dessagne S, Falvard A, Ferdi C, Gay P, Guicheney C, Henrard P, Jousset J, Michel B, Monteil S, Montret JC, Pallin D, Perret P, Podlyski F, Hansen JD, Hansen JR, Hansen PH, Nilsson BS, Rensch B, Wäänänen A, Daskalakis G, Kyriakis A, Markou C, Simopoulou E, Vayaki A, Blondel A, Brient JC, Machefert F, Rougé A, Rumpf M, Tanaka R, Valassi A, Videau H, Focardi E, Parrini G, Zachariadou K, Cavanaugh R, Corden M, Georgiopoulos C, Huehn T, Jaffe DE, Antonelli A, Bencivenni G, Bologna G, Bossi F, Campana P, Capon G, Chiarella V, Laurelli P, Mannocchi G, Murtas F, Murtas GP, Passalacqua L, Pepe-Altarelli M, Chalmers M, Curtis L, Lynch JG, Negus P, O'Shea V, Raeven B, Raine C, Smith D, Teixeira-Dias P, Thompson AS, Thomson E, Ward JJ, Buchmüller O, Dhamotharan S, Geweniger C, Hanke P, Hansper G, Hepp V, Kluge EE, Putzer A, Sommer J, Tittel K, Werner S, Wunsch M, Beuselinck R, Binnie DM, Cameron W, Dornan PJ, Girone M, Goodsir S, Marineet al., 1998,

    Measurement of triple gauge WWγ couplings at LEP2 using photonic events

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 445, Pages: 239-248, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Leader E, Sidorov AV, Stamenov DB, 1998,

    Scheme dependence in polarized deep inelastic scattering

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 445, Pages: 232-238, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Leader E, Sidorov AV, Stamenov DB, 1998,

    NLO QCD analysis of polarized deep inelastic scattering

    , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, Vol: 13, Pages: 5573-5592, ISSN: 0217-751X
  • Journal article
    Abbiendi G, Ackerstaff K, Alexander G, Allison J, Altekamp N, Anderson KJ, Anderson S, Arcelli S, Asai S, Ashby SF, Axen D, Azuelos G, Ball AH, Barberio E, Barlow RJ, Bartoldus R, Batley JR, Baumann S, Bechtluft J, Behnke T, Bell KW, Bella G, Bellerive A, Bentvelsen S, Bethke S, Betts S, Biebel O, Biguzzi A, Bird SD, Blobel V, Bloodworth IJ, Bobinski M, Bock P, Böhme J, Bonacorsi D, Boutemeur M, Braibant S, Bright-Thomas P, Brigliadori L, Brown RM, Burckhart HJ, Burgard C, Bürgin R, Capiluppi P, Carnegie RK, Carter AA, Carter JR, Chang CY, Charlton DG, Chrisman D, Ciocca C, Clarke PEL, Clay E, Cohen I, Conboy JE, Cooke OC, Couyoumtzelis C, Coxe RL, Cuffiani M, Dado S, Dallavalle GM, Davis R, De Jong S, del Pozo LA, de Roeck A, Desch K, Dienes B, Dixit MS, Dubbert J, Duchovni E, Duckeck G, Duerdoth IP, Eatough D, Estabrooks PG, Etzion E, Evans HG, Fabbri F, Fanti M, Faust AA, Fiedler F, Fierro M, Fleck I, Folman R, Fürtjes A, Futyan DI, Gagnon P, Gary JW, Gascon J, Gascon-Shotkin SM, Gaycken G, Geich-Gimbel C, Giacomelli G, Giacomelli P, Gibson V, Gibson WR, Gingrich DM, Glenzinski D, Goldberg J, Gorn W, Grandi C, Gross E, Grunhaus J, Gruwé M, Hanson GG, Hansroul M, Hapke M, Harder K, Hargrove CK, Hartmann C, Hauschild M, Hawkes CM, Hawkings R, Hemingway RJ, Herndon M, Herten G, Heuer RD, Hildreth MD, Hill JC, Hillier SJ, Hobson PR, Hocker A, Homer RJ, Honma AK, Horváth D, Hosain KR, Howard R, Hüntemeyer P, Igo-Kemenes P, Imrie DC, Ishii K, Jacob FR, Jawahery A, Jeremie H, Jimack M, Jones CR, Jovanovic P, Junk TR, Karlen D, Kartvelishvili V, Kawagoe K, Kawamoto T, Kayal PI, Keeler RK, Kellogg RG, Kennedy BW, Klier A, Kluth S, Kobayashi T, Kobel M, Koetke DS, Kokott TP, Kolrep M, Komamiya S, Kowalewski RV, Kress T, Krieger P, von Krogh J, Kuhl T, Kyberd P, Lafferty GD, Lanske D, Lauber J, Lautenschlager SR, Lawson I, Layter JG, Lazic D, Lee AM, Lellouch D, Letts J, Levinson L, Liebisch R, List B, Littlewood C, Lloyd AW, Lloyd SL, Loebinger FK, Long GD, Losty MJ, Ludwiet al., 1998,

    Measurement of the average polarization of b baryons in hadronic Z<SUP>0</SUP> decays

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 444, Pages: 539-554, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Acciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Ahlen S, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J, Aloisio A, Alviggi MG, Ambrosi G, Anderhub H, Andreev VP, Angelescu T, Anselmo F, Arefiev A, Azemoon T, Aziz T, Bagnaia P, Baksay L, Banerjee S, Banerjee S, Banicz K, Barczyk A, Barillère R, Barone L, Bartalini P, Baschirotto A, Basile M, Battiston R, Bay A, Becattini F, Becker U, Behner F, Berdugo J, Berges P, Bertucci B, Betev BL, Bhattacharya S, Biasini M, Biland A, Bilei GM, Blaising JJ, Blyth SC, Bobbink GJ, Bock R, Böhm A, Boldizsar L, Borgia B, Bourilkov D, Bourquin M, Braccini S, Branson JG, Brigljevic V, Brock IC, Buffini A, Buijs A, Burger JD, Burger WJ, Busenitz J, Button A, Cai XD, Campanelli M, Capell M, Romeo GC, Carlino G, Cartacci AM, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cavallari F, Cavallo N, Cecchi C, Cerrada M, Cesaroni F, Chamizo M, Chang YH, Chaturvedi UK, Chemarin M, Chen A, Chen G, Chen GM, Chen HF, Chen HS, Chereau X, Chiefari G, Chien CY, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Civinini C, Clare I, Clare R, Coignet G, Colijn AP, Colino N, Costantini S, Cotorobai F, de la Cruz B, Csilling A, Dai TS, D'Alessandro R, de Asmundis R, Degré A, Deiters K, della Volpe D, Denes P, DeNotaristefani F, Diemoz M, van Dierendonck D, Di Lodovico F, Dionisi C, Dittmar M, Dominguez A, Doria A, Dova MT, Duchesneau D, Duinker P, Duran I, Easo S, El Mamouni H, Engler A, Eppling FJ, Erné FC, Extermann P, Fabre M, Faccini R, Falagan MA, Falciano S, Favara A, Fay J, Fedin O, Felcini M, Ferguson T, Ferroni F, Fesefeldt H, Fiandrini E, Field JH, Filthaut F, Fisher PH, Fisk I, Forconi G, Fredj L, Freudenreich K, Furetta C, Galaktionov Y, Ganguli SN, Garcia-Abia P, Gataullin M, Gau SS, Gentile S, Gheordanescu N, Giagu S, Goldfarb S, Goldstein J, Gong ZF, Gougas A, Gratta G, Gruenewald MW, van Gulik R, Gupta VK, Gurtu A, Gutay LJ, Haas D, Hartmann B, Hasan A, Hatzifotiadou D, Hebbeker T, Hervé A, Hidas P, Hirschfelder J, van Hoek WC, Hofer H, Hoorani H, Hou SR, Hu G, Iashvili I, Jin BN, Jones LW, de Jong P, Josa-Met al., 1998,

    QCD results from studies of hadronic events produced in e<SUP>+</SUP>e<SUP>-</SUP> annihilations at √<i>s</i> = 183 GeV

    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: 444, Pages: 569-582, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article
    Acciarri M, Adriani O, Aguilar-Benitez M, Ahlen S, Alcaraz J, Alemanni G, Allaby J, Aloisio A, Alviggi MG, Ambrosi G, Anderhub H, Andreev VP, Angelescu T, Anselmo F, Arefiev A, Azemoon T, Aziz T, Bagnaia P, Baksay L, Banerjee S, Banerjee S, Banicz K, Barczyk A, Barillère R, Barone L, Bartalini P, Baschirotto A, Basile M, Battiston R, Bay A, Becattini F, Becker U, Behner F, Berdugo J, Berges P, Bertucci B, Betev BL, Bhattacharya S, Biasini M, Biland A, Bilei GM, Blaising JJ, Blyth SC, Bobbink GJ, Bock R, Böhm A, Boldizsar L, Borgia B, Bourilkov D, Bourquin M, Braccini S, Branson JG, Brigljevic V, Brock IC, Buffini A, Buijs A, Burger JD, Burger WJ, Busenitz J, Button A, Cai XD, Campanelli M, Capell M, Cara Romeo G, Carlino G, Cartacci AM, Casaus J, Castellini G, Cavallari F, Cavallo N, Cecchi C, Cerrada M, Cesaroni F, Chamizo M, Chang YH, Chaturvedi UK, Chemarin M, Chen A, Chen G, Chen GM, Chen HF, Chen HS, Chereau X, Chiefari G, Chien CY, Cifarelli L, Cindolo F, Civinini C, Clare I, Clare R, Coignet G, Colijn AP, Colino N, Costantini S, Cotorobai F, de la Cruz B, Csilling A, Dai TS, D'Alessandro R, de Asmundis Ret al., 1998,

    Single and multi-photon events with missing energy in e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup> collisions at √s = 183 GeV

    , Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, Vol: 444, Pages: 503-515, ISSN: 0370-2693

    An analysis of single and multi-photon events with missing energy is performed using data collected with the L3 detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies around 183 GeV, for a total of 55.3 pb-1 of integrated luminosity. The results obtained are in good agreement with the Standard Model prediction and are used to derive the value for the e+ e- →ννγ(γ) cross section as well as upper limits on cross sections of new physics processes. Several interpretations in supersymmetric models providing new limits on the masses of the lightest neutralino and of the gravitino are presented. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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