Borzoo Rassouli
Borzoo Rassouli received his M.Sc. degree in communication systems engineering from University of Tehran, Iran, in 2012 and PhD from Imperial College London in 2016. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Intelligent System Network Group at Imperial College. His research interests are in the general area of information theory, wireless communications, detection and estimation theory.
Below is a list of his publications.
→ B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, Optimal Utility-Privacy Trade-off with Total Variation Distance as a Privacy Measure , submitted to IEEE Trans. on Inf. Forensics and Security.
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, B. Clerckx, On Capacity-Achieving Distributions Over Complex AWGN Channels Under Nonlinear Power Constraints and their Applications to SWIPT, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory.
→ B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, On Perfect Privacy and Maximal Correlation , submitted to IEEE Trans. on Inf. Theory.
→ B. Rassouli, M. Varasteh, D. Gunduz, Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with One-Bit Quantizer at the Receiver, submitted to Entropy (second round revision).
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, O. Simeone, Zero-Delay Source-Channel Coding with a One-Bit ADC Front End and Correlated Receiver Side Information, IEEE Transactions on Communications.
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, O. Simeone, Zero-Delay Source-Channel Coding with a Low-Resolution ADC Front End, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
→ C. Hao, B. Rassouli, B. Clerckx, Achievable DoF Regions of MIMO Networks with Imperfect CSIT, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.
→ B. Rassouli, B.clerckx, On the Capacity of Vector Gaussian Channels With Bounded Inputs, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 12, pp. 6884-6903, Dec. 2016.
→ M. Artuso et al., Enhancing LTE with Cloud-RAN and Load-Controlled Parasitic Antenna Arrays, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, Iss. 2, pp. 183-191, Nov. 2016.
→ B. Rassouli, B. Clerckx, An Upper Bound for the Capacity of Amplitude-Constrained Scalar AWGN Channel, IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 6, Iss. 10, pp. 1924-1926, May. 2016.
→ B. Clerckx, H. Joudeh, C. Hao, M. Dai, B. Rassouli, Rate splitting for MIMO wireless networks: a promising PHY-layer strategy for LTE evolution, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, Iss. 5, pp. 98-105, May. 2016.
→ B. Rassouli, C. Hao, B. Clerckx, DoF Analysis of the MIMO Broadcast Channel With Alternating/Hybrid CSIT, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 1312-1325, Mar. 2016.
→ B. Rassouli, C. Hao, B. Clerckx, A New Proof for the DoF Region of the MIMO Networks With No CSIT, IEEE Communications Letter, vol. 19, Iss. 5, pp. 763-766, Dec. 2014.
→ B. Rassouli, A. Olfat, Periodic spectrum sensing parameters optimization in cognitive radio networks, IET Communications, vol. 6, Iss. 18, pp. 3329-3338, Dec. 2012.
→ B. Rassouli, A. Olfat, Multiband Joint Detection of Correlated Subchannels for Wideband Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks, Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
→ B. Rassouli, F. Rosas and D. Gunduz, Latent Feature Disclosure under Perfect Sample Privacy, submitted to the Workshop on Inf. Forensics and Security (WIFS).
→ B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, Optimal Utility-Privacy Trade-off with Total Variation Distance as a Privacy Measure, submitted to the Inf. Theory Workshop (ITW).
→ B. Rassouli, D. Gunduz, On Perfect Privacy, accepted for publication in IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), USA, 2018.
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, H. Joudeh and B. Clerckx, SWIPT Signalling over Complex AWGN Channels with Two Nonlinear Energy Harvester Models, accepted for publication in IEEE ISIT 2018, USA.
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli and B. Clerckx, Wireless Information and Power Transfer over an AWGN channel: Nonlinearity and Asymmetric Gaussian Signalling, accepted for publication in IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 2018.
→ B. Rassouli, M. Varasteh, D. Gunduz, Capacity Region of a One-Bit Quantized Gaussian Multiple Access Channel, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Aachen, June 2017.
→ M. Varasteh, B. Rassouli, O. Simeone, D. Gunduz, Zero-delay joint source-channel coding with a 1-bit ADC front end and receiver side information, IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Cambridge, UK, Sep. 2016.
→ B. Rassouli, B. Clerckx, On the capacity of vector Gaussian channels with bounded inputs, IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC), London, UK, pp. 4030-4035, Jun. 2015.
→ B. Rassouli, C. Hao, B. Clerckx, DoF analysis of the K-user MISO broadcast channel with hybrid CSIT, IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC), London, UK, pp. 4199-4204, Jun. 2015.
→ B. Rassouli, A. Olfat, Periodic spectrum sensing parameters optimization in cognitive radio networks, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT), Beirut, Lebanon, Apr. 2012.
→ B. Rassouli, A. Olfat, Spectrum sensing with energy detection under fast and slow multipath fading, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication (ICT), Beirut, Lebanon, Apr. 2012.