Omar Faqir
Omar Faqir is currently a PhD candidate in the department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London, under the supervision of Dr. Deniz Gunduz and Dr. Eric Kerrigan. In 2012 he received an MEng degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, also from Imperial College. His current research interests include optimisation based control theory, wireless communications and autonomous vehicles.
Below is a list of his publications.
O. J. Faqir, E. C. Kerrigan and D. Gunduz, Information transmission bounds between moving terminals, submitted, Jan. 2020..
O. J. Faqir, E. C. Kerrigan, D. Gunduz, and Y. Nie, Joint optimization of transmission and propulsion in UAV-assisted communication networks, submitted.
O. J. Faqir, D. Gunduz, and E. C. Kerrigan, Information transmission bounds in mobile communication networks, IEEE International Conference on Control (CONTROL), Sheffield, UK, Sep. 2018.
O. J. Faqir, D. Gunduz, and E. C. Kerrigan, Energy-optimal control in mobile aerial relay-assisted networks, IEEE International Conference on Control (CONTROL), Sheffield, UK, Sep. 2018.
O. J. Faqir, Y. Nie, E. C. Kerrigan, and D. Gunduz, Energy-efficient communication in mobile aerial relay-assisted networks using predictive control, IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC), Madison, Wisconsin, USA, Aug. 2018.
O. Faqir, E. Kerrigan, and D. Gunduz, Joint optimization of transmission and propulsion in aerial communication networks, IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2017.