

Luis TC, Barkas N, Carrelha J, Giustacchini A, Mazzi S, Norfo R, Wu B, Aliouat A, Guerrero JA, Rodriguez-Meira A, Bouriez-Jones T, Macaulay IC, Jasztal M, Zhu G, Ni H, Robson MJ, Blakely RD, Mead AJ, Nerlov C, Ghevaert C, Jacobsen SEW. Perivascular niche cells sense thrombocytopenia and activate hematopoietic stem cells in an IL-1 dependent manner. Nature Communications. 2023 Sep 28;14(1):6062.

Matsuoka S*, Facchini R*, Luis TC*, Carrelha J*, Woll PS*, Mizukami T, Wu B, Boukarabila H, Buono M, Norfo R, Arai F, Suda T, Mead A, Nerlov C, Jacobsen SEW. Loss of endothelial membrane KIT Ligand affects systemic KIT ligand levels but not bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells. Blood. 2023 Aug 10:blood.2022019018. Online ahead of print. * Equal contribution.

Jackson WD, Giacomassi C, Ward S, Owen A, Luis TC, Spear S, Woollard KJ, Johansson C, Strid J, Botto M. TLR7 activation at epithelial barriers promotes emergency myelopoiesis and lung anti-viral immunity. Elife. 2023 Aug 11;12:e85647. Online ahead of print.


Luis TC. Unwinding the role of Chd8 helicase in hematopoiesis. Blood. 2021 Jul 22;138(3):206-207. 


Haltalli MLR, Watcham S, Wilson NK, Eilers K, Lipien A, Ang H, Birch F, Anton SG, Prillo C, Ruivo N, Vainieri ML, Pospori C, Sinden RE, Luis TC, Langhorne J, Duffy KR, Göttgens B, Blagborough AM, Lo Celso C. Manipulating niche composition limits damage to haematopoietic stem cells during PlasmodiuminfectionNature Cell Biology. 2020 Nov.

Carrelha J, Lin DS, Rodriguez-Fraticelli AE, Luis TC, Wilkinson AC, Cabezas-Wallscheid N, Tremblay CS, Haas S. Single-cell lineage tracing approaches in hematology research: technical considerations. Exp Hematology. 2020 Jul 28

Luis TC, Lawson H, Kranc KR. Divide and Rule: Mitochondrial Fission Regulates Quiescence in Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2020 Mar 5;26(3).


Luis TC*, Wilkinson AC*, Beerman I, Jaiswal S, Shlush LI. Biological implications of clonal hematopoiesis. Exp Hematology. 2019 Aug 28; Ahead of print. * Equal contribution.


Breitbach M, Kimura K, Luis TC, Fuegemann CJ, Woll PS, Hesse M, Facchini R, Rieck S, Jobin K, Reihardt J, Ohneda O, Wenzel D, Geisen C, Kurts C, Kastenmuller W, Holzel M, Jacobsen SEW, Fleischmann BK. In vivo labeling by CD73 marks multipotent stromal cells and highlights endothelial heterogeneity in the bone marrow niche. Cell Stem Cell, 2018, Feb 1;22(2):262-276.

Duarte S, Woll PS, Buza-Vidas N, Chin DWL, Boukarabila H, Luis TC, Stenson L, Bouriez-Jones T, Ferry H, Mead AJ, Atkinson D, Jin S, Clark SA, Wu B, Repapi E, Gray N, Taylor S, Mutvei AP, Tsoi YL, Nerlov C, Lendahl U, Jacobsen SEW. Canonical Notch signaling is dispensable for adult steady-state and stress myelo-erythropoiesis. Blood, 2018, Apr 12;131(15):1712-1719.

Carrelha J, Meng Y, Kettyle LM, Luis TC, Norfo R, Alcolea V, Boukarabila H, Gasso F, Gambardella A, Grover A, Hogstrand K, Lord AM, Sanjuan-Pla A, Woll PS, Nerlov C, Jacobsen SEW. Hierarchically related lineage-restricted fates of multipotent haematopoietic stem cells. Nature, 2018, Feb 1;554(7690):106-111.


Beerman I*, Luis TC*, Singbrant S*, Lo Celso C, Méndez-Ferrer S. The Evolving View of the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Niche. Exp Hematology. 2017 Jun;50:22-26. * Equal contribution.


Luis TC*, Luc S*, Mizukami T, Boukarabila H, Thongjuea S, Woll PS, Lutteropp M, Bouriez-Jones T, Vaidya H, Mead AJ, Atkinson D, Böiers T, Carrelha J, Macaulay IC, Patient R, Nerlov C, Sandberg R, de Bruijn MFTR, Blackburn CC, Godin I, Jacobsen SEW.  Initial seeding of the embryonic thymus by immune-restricted lympho-myeloid progenitors. Nature Immunology, 2016 Dec;17(12):1424-1435. *Equal contribution.

Luis TC, Tremblay CS, Manz MG, North T, King K, Challen G. Inflammatory Signals in HSPC Development and Homeostasis - Too Much of a Good Thing? Exp Hematology.2016 Oct;44(10):908-12.

Grover A, Sanjuan-Pla A, Thongjuea S, Carrelha J, Giustacchini A, Gambardella A, Macaulay I, Mancini E, Luis TC, Mead A, Jacobsen SEW, Nerlov C. Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals molecular and functional platelet bias of aged hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Commun. 2016 Mar 24;7:11075.

Buono M, Facchini R, Matsuoka S, Thongjuea S, Waithe D, Luis TC, Giustacchini A, Besmer P, Mead AJ, Jacobsen SEW, Nerlov C. A dynamic niche provides Kit ligand in a stage-specific manner to the earliest thymocyte progenitors. Nature Cell Biol. 2016 Feb;18(2):157-67


Böiers C, Carrelha J, Lutteropp M, Luc S, Green JC, Azzoni E, Woll PS, Mead AJ, Hultquist A, Swiers G, Perdiguero EG, Macaulay IC, Melchiori L, Luis TC, Kharazi S, Bouriez-Jones T, Deng Q, Pontén A, Atkinson D, Jensen CT, Sitnicka E, Geissmann F, Godin I, Sandberg R, de Bruijn MF, Jacobsen SEW. Lymphomyeloid Contribution of an Immune-Restricted Progenitor Emerging Prior to Definitive Hematopoietic Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell. 2013 Nov 7;13(5):535-48.

Sanjuan-Pla A, Macaulay IC, Jensen CT, Woll PS, Luis TC, Mead A, Moore S, Carella C, Matsuoka S, Jones TB, Chowdhury O, Stenson L, Lutteropp M, Green JC, Facchini R, Boukarabila H, Grover A, Gambardella A, Thongjuea S, Carrelha J, Tarrant P, Atkinson D, Clark SA, Nerlov C, Jacobsen SEW. Platelet-biased stem cells reside at the apex of the hematopoietic stem-cell hierarchy. Nature. 2013 Oct 10;502(7470):232-236.



Luis TC, Ichii M, Brugman MH, Kincade P, Staal FJ. Wnt signaling Strength regulates normal hematopoiesis and its deregulation is involved in leukemia development. Leukemia. 2012 Mar;26(3):414-21

Luc S, Luis TC*, Boukarabila H*, Macaulay IC, Buza-Vidas N, Bouriez-Jones T, Lutteropp M, Woll PS, Loughran SJ, Mead AJ, Hultquist A, Brown J, Mizukami T, Matsuoka S, Ferry H, Anderson K, Duarte S, Atkinson D, Soneji S, Domanski A, Farley A, Sanjuan-Pla A, Carella C, Patient R, de Bruijn M, Enver T, Nerlov C, Blackburn C, Godin I, Jacobsen SEW. The earliest thymic T cell progenitors sustain B cell and myeloid lineage potential. Nature Immunology, 2012 Feb 19;13(4) :412-9. *Equal contribution.

Luis TC, Killmann NM, Staal FJ. Signal transduction pathways regulating hematopoietic stem cell biology: introduction to a series of Spotlight Reviwes. Leukemia. 2012 Jan:26(1):86-90.


Luis TC, Naber BA, Roozen PP, Brugman MH, de Haas EF, Ghazvini M, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Fodde R, Staal FJ. Canonical Wnt signaling regulates hematopoiesis in a dosage-dependent fashion. Cell Stem Cell. 2011 Oct 4;9(4):345-56.


Luis TC, Naber BA, Fibbe WE, van Dongen JJ, Staal FJ. Wnt3a non-redundantly controls hematopoietic stem cell function and its deficiency results in complete absence of canonical Wnt signaling. Blood, 2010, Jul 22; 116:496-7.

Staal FJ, Luis TC. Wnt signaling in hematopoiesis: Crucial factors for self-renewal, proliferation, and cell fate decisions. J Cell Biochem. 2010 Apr 1;109:844-9.


Luis TC, Staal FJ. WNT Proteins: Environmental factors regulating HSC fate in the niche. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 2009 Sep;1176:70-6.

Luis TC, Weerkamp F, Naber BA, Baert MR, de Haas EF, Nikolic T, Heuvelmans S, De Krijger RR, van Dongen JJ, Staal FJ. Wnt3a deficiency irreversibly impairs hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and leads to defects in progenitor cell differentiation. Blood, 2009 Jan 15;113:546-54.

Staal FJ, Luis TC, Tiemessen MM. WNT signaling in the immune system: WNT is spreading its wings.  Nature Reviews in Immunology. 2008 Aug;8:581-93.


Weerkamp F, Luis TC, Naber BA, Koster EE, Jeannotte L, van Dongen JJ, Staal FJ. Identification of Notch target genes in uncommitted T-cell progenitors: No direct induction of a T-cell specific gene program. Leukemia. 2006 Nov;20:1967-77.

Contact us

Dr. Tiago C. Luis

Centre for Inflammatory Diseases,

Dept. of Immunology and Inflammation,

Room 9S4, Commonwealth Building,

Hammersmith Campus,
Imperial College London,
London W12 0NN, 

United Kingdom


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