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  • Journal article
    Kline RJ, DeLongchamp DM, Fischer DA, Lin EK, Heeney M, McCulloch I, Toney MFet al., 2007,

    Significant dependence of morphology and charge carrier mobility on substrate surface chemistry in high performance polythiophene semiconductor films

    , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol: 90, ISSN: 0003-6951
  • Journal article
    Baldwin RJ, Kreouzis T, Shkunov M, Heeney M, Zhang W, McCulloch Iet al., 2007,

    A comprehensive study of the effect of reactive end groups on the charge carrier transport within polymerized and nonpolymerized liquid crystals

    , JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol: 101, ISSN: 0021-8979
  • Journal article
    Lucas LA, DeLongchamp DM, Vogel BM, Lin EK, Fasolka MJ, Fischer DA, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Jabbour GEet al., 2007,

    Combinatorial screening of the effect of temperature on the microstructure and mobility of a high performance polythiophene semiconductor

    , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol: 90, ISSN: 0003-6951
  • Journal article
    Kim Y, Nelson J, Durrant JR, Bradley DDC, Heo K, Park J, Kim H, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Ree M, Ha C-Set al., 2007,

    Polymer chain/nanocrystal ordering in thin films of regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) and blends with a soluble fullerene

    , SOFT MATTER, Vol: 3, Pages: 117-121, ISSN: 1744-683X
  • Conference paper
    Hamadani BH, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Gundlach DJet al., 2007,

    Achieving high mobilities in solution-processable organic FETs by minimizing contact effects

    , International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 526-526
  • Conference paper
    Hamadani BH, LeBoeuf JL, Kline RJ, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Richter CA, Richter LJ, Gundlach DJet al., 2007,

    Distinguishing between nonlinear channel transport and contact effects in organic FETs

    , Conference on Organic Field-Effect Transistors VI, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0277-786X
  • Journal article
    George WN, Giles M, McCulloch I, deMello JC, Steinke JHGet al., 2007,

    Amplified Fluorescence Quenching In High Ionic Strength Media

    , Soft Matter
  • Journal article
    Basu D, Wang L, Dunn L, Yoo B, Nadkarni S, Dodabalapur A, Heeney M, McCulloch Iet al., 2006,

    Direct measurement of carrier drift velocity and mobility in a polymer field-effect transistor

    , APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol: 89, ISSN: 0003-6951
  • Journal article
    McCulloch I, Bailey C, Genevicius K, Heeney M, Shkunov M, Sparrowe D, Tierney S, Zhang W, Baldwin R, Kreouzis T, Andreasen JW, Breiby DW, Nielsen MMet al., 2006,

    Designing solution-processable air-stable liquid crystalline crosslinkable semiconductors

  • Conference paper
    McCulloch I, Bailey C, Genevicius K, Heeney M, Shkunov M, Sparrowe D, Tierney S, Zhang WM, Baldwin R, Kreouzis T, Andreasen JW, Breiby DW, Nielsen MMet al., 2006,

    Designing solution-processable air-stable liquid crystalline crosslinkable semiconductors

    , Meeting on New Directions in Liquid Crystals, Pages: 2779-2787

    Organic electronics technology, in which at least the semiconducting component of the integrated circuit is an organic material, offers the potential for fabrication of electronic products by low-cost printing technologies, such as ink jet, gravure offset lithography and flexography. The products will typically be of lower performance than those using the present state of the art single crystal or polysilicon transistors, but comparable to amorphous silicon. A range of prototypes are under development, including rollable electrophoretic displays, active matrix liquid crystal (LC) displays, flexible organic light emitting diode displays, low frequency radio frequency identification tag and other low performance electronics. Organic semiconductors that offer both electrical performance and stability with respect to storage and operation under ambient conditions are required. This work describes the development of reactive mesogen semiconductors, which form large crosslinked LC domains on polymerization within mesophases. These crosslinked domains offer mechanical stability and are inert to solvent exposure in further processing steps. Reactive mesogens containing conjugated aromatic cores, designed to facilitate charge transport and provide good oxidative stability, were prepared and their liquid crystalline properties evaluated. The organization and alignment of the mesogens, both before and after crosslinking, were probed by grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering of thin films. Both time-of-flight and field effect transistor devices were prepared and their electrical characterization reported.

  • Patent
    Heeney M, Tierney S, Duffy W, Mcculloch Iet al., 2006,

    Monomers, oligomers and polymers comprising thiophene and selenophene

    , WO 2006094645

    Monomers, oligomers and copolymers comprising ≥1 substituted thiophene (2,5-diyl groups) and ≥1 substituted selenophene (2,5-diyl groups) were prepd. and used as elenophenes, in optical, electro-optical or electronic devices, and to optical, electro-optical or electronic devices. Thus, monomers 5,5'-dibromo-4,4'-bis(decyl)-2,2'-bithiophene and 2,5-Bis(trimethylstannyl)selenophene were prepd. and polymd. with Pd(0) catalyst, and thin film field-effect transistor was prepd. therefrom.

  • Journal article
    Lucas LA, DeLongchamp DM, Vogel BM, Lin EK, Fasolka MJ, McCulloch I, Heeney M, Jabbour GEet al., 2006,

    POLY 626-Combinatorial investigation of polymer field effect transistors

  • Journal article
    Chang J-F, Clark J, Zhao N, Sirringhaus H, Breiby DW, Andreasen JW, Nielsen MM, Giles M, Heeney M, McCulloch Iet al., 2006,

    Molecular-weight dependence of interchain polaron delocalization and exciton bandwidth in high-mobility conjugated polymers

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW B, Vol: 74, ISSN: 2469-9950
  • Patent
    Heeney M, Mcculloch I, Giles M, Koller G, Zhang Wet al., 2006,

    Process of preparing regioregular substituted thiophene polymers

    , WO 2006084545

    A process of prepg. a polymer from an optionally substituted thiophene having at least two groups that are capable of reacting with magnesium, comprises reacting the thiophene with magnesium in the presence of a catalytic amt. of an organohalide or organomagnesium halide to form a regiochem. Grignard intermediate or a mixt. of regiochem. Grignard intermediates, and polymg. the Grignard intermediate(s) in the presence of a suitable catalyst. The polymers typically have head-to-tail configuration. The polymers are useful as semiconductors or charge transport materials in optical, electrooptical or electronic devices including field effect transistors (FETs), electroluminescent, photovoltaic and sensor devices, to FETs and other semiconducting components or materials comprising the novel polymers.

  • Journal article
    Dhoot AS, Yuen JD, Heeney M, McCulloch I, Moses D, Heeger AJet al., 2006,

    Beyond the metal-insulator transition in polymer electrolyte gated polymer field-effect transistors


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