FACS charges

We are part of the Faculty of Natural Sciences Consolidated Flow Cytometry Facility and operate as a directly allocated research facility.  We charge for sorting services as per the below rates in order to recover the costs incurred by the Facility:

Imperial College usersExternal users
£92 per hour £273 per hour
Please note: these rates are current for 2022-23.
Summary of the table's contents


  • Users will be charged for a minimum of one hour cell sorting time plus 50% of the hourly cell sorting rate for set-up time and then in 15 minutes increments thereafter, rounded-up to the nearest 15 minutes.
  • Users will be charged for the time spent to correct instrument settings and the time needed for aerosols settlement should any blockage happen during the sort.
  • A sorting slot can be cancelled with at least 24 hours notice.
  • If you fail to cancel before this time, you will be charged for the time booked.

General enquiries

CL3 Cell Sorting Facility Manager
Mrs Parisa Amjadi

+44 (0)20 3315 5986