Key information

First time users
If you are using the service for the first time please contact the Unit manager, Dr Steve Kaye, to discuss your requirements and answer any questions you may have.
+44 (0)20 7594 3917

Delivery address
FAO Dr Steve Kaye
Molecular Diagnostic Unit,
Imperial College London
4th Floor, Medical School Building
St. Mary’s Hospital
Norfolk Place
London W2 1PG

STI testing request form [download]

Scope of the tests

MDU offers a molecular detection service for organisms not usually covered by a standard STI screen. Currently, the organisms for which we screen are:

  • Mycoplasma genitalium
  • Ureaplasma urealyticum (serovar B)
  • Treponema pallidum
  • Trichomonas vaginalis

Test details

The tests are real-time PCRs using primers specific for the organisms and including internal controls for non-specific inhibition which could lead to false negative results. The methods are fully validated in-house method. Summaries of the validations are available from the Unit Manager.

Turnaround time

We aim to issue reports within two weeks of receiving a sample. However, as we offer a bespoke service and make rigorous efforts to produce a result from any sample, submitted turnaround times may be extended if repeat testing is required.


If you are unhappy with the service provided by MDU or if you wish to make suggestions on how our service can be improved, please contact the Unit Manager, Steve Kaye (

User instructions

The required samples are:

  • M. genitalium: First void urine (male or female) or vaginal swab
  • U. urealyticum: First void urine (male or female) or vaginal swab
  • T. vaginalis: Vaginal swab
  • T. pallidum: Whole blood or EDTA plasma

Each sample must be accompanied by a request form. This can either be the form provided for download above, or your own form. If it is the latter it must contain the following details:

  • patient clinic number (not the patient’s name)
  • date of birth
  • sample date and test required

Samples should be couriered to MDU the same day if possible. However, MDU closes at 17:00 so if a sample cannot be guaranteed to arrive before that time (from a late afternoon or evening clinic) it can be kept in the refrigerator (not freezer) and shipped the next day or can be shipped the following Monday if taken late on Friday.

General enquiries

Molecular Diagnostics Unit (MDU)
Faculty of Medicine
Room I.2.03 2nd Floor
Lift Bank D
Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
369 Fulham Road
London SW10 9NH
+44 (0)20 3315 5986