Past events
December 2018 MSk MEC Joint Seminar
Two keynote speakers presented at the final 2018 MSk MEC seminar. Dr Anne Silverman from the Colorado School of Mines spoke on ‘Low back biomechanics during activities of daily living in people with a Lower-Limb Amputation’ and Mr Andy Goldberg OBE from the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital discussed why ‘Surgeons fuse the subtalar joint rather than replace it.’ There were also other short talks from the research groups of Prof. Anthony Bull, Prof. Julian Jones and Dr Jonathan Jeffers. Download the seminar poster - Dec18_MSkMEC_Poster and visit the event's page to learn more.
August 2018 MSk MEC Joint Seminar
The keynote speaker Professor Daniel Rueckert from Imperial College London, spoke on 'Deep learning for extracting clinically useful information from medical images'. The seminar was open to all and had over 100 attendees. There were also other short talks from the research groups of Prof. Julian Jones, Dr Angela Kedgley, Dr Niamh Nowlan, Dr Andrew Phillips & Prof. Alison McGregor. Download the seminar poster - August18 MSk MEC Poster and visit the event's page to learn more.
April 2018 MSk MEC Joint Seminar
Professor Roger Enoka from the University of Colorado was the keynote speaker at the MSk MEC seminar on Electromyography which had about 100 attendees. In addition to the keynote, there were other short talks on Electromyography from the Angela Kedgley, Anthony Bull, Dario Farina, Etienne Burdet and Paul Strutton research groups. Download the seminar poster - April 2018 MSk MEC Seminar Poster and visit the event's page to learn more.
June 2017 MSk MEC Joint Seminar
After a series of short MSk-focussed talks, keynote speaker Professor Ralph Müller delivered his talk entitled Multiscale bone biomechanics - from time-lapsed imaging to systems mechanobiology. Currently spending part of his year-long sabbatical as a visiting
professor in the Department of Bioengineering, Dr. Müller is a Professor of Biomechanics at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology and heads the Laboratory for Bone Biomechanics at ETH Zürich in Switzerland. Visit the event's page to learn more.
April 2017 MSk MEC Joint Seminar
The Musculoskeletal Medical Engineering Centre Seminar, part of 2017's Joint Seminar Series, was held 10 April at Imperial College London, delving into topics under the bone theme, from surgical training and lessons learnt to heterotopic bone. Visit the event's page to learn more.
The Bionic Man (December 2016)
In his inaugural lecture on 07 December 2016 at Imperial College London, Professsor Dario Farina explored the potential to interface the human nervous system with robotic limbs. Visit the event's page to learn more.