List of Facilities

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There are various facilities and items of equipment available for use by the nanotechnology community at Imperial College London. these include facilities for processing and characterising materials. These facilities are available for use by researchers in both academia and industry.

For general enquiries or access to the facilities, please email

Materials characterisation

Identifying morphology, structure and chemical composition of nanomaterials is key to improving our fundamental understanding and improving their potential in practical applications.  Morphology can be examined using our large facility in electron microscopy (including the TITAN transmission electron microscope) and atomic force microscopes available in various research groups.

Structure is accessible via X-ray and electron microscopy.  Our new time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometer also allows extremely detailed chemical mapping in the three dimensions of nanostructured materials.  Finally, optical properties can be accessed via a range of time-resolved and steady-state vibrational and electronic spectroscopies.


We have a range of state-of-the art equipment for the generation of nanomaterials either from bottom up (e.g. thin film growth) or top-down (lithography). Thin film growth capabilities include a.o. pulsed laser deposition, organic molecular beam deposition and sputtering systems.

Nanoscale features can be drawn using photo- and electron beam lithography, as well as Dip Pen Nanolithography (DPN) and a variety of ion-beam techniques. We also have several cleanroom facilities and gloveboxes that will ensure the highly controlled environment for ex-situ nanosynthesis and characterisation.

Electrical and device characterisation

The ultimate function of a nanomaterial in a device is often related to its ability to respond to charges. We have an extensive suite of electrical characterisation equipment including four-point probe at various temperatures and in different environments.

We can also investigate the influence of light or a magnetic field on electrical properties in state-of-the art probe stations. Finally full device efficiencies can be estimated and we are striving to produce groundbreaking new products that will eventually lead to market applications.


Nano @ Imperial
Royal School of Mines
Imperial College London
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ

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