“Global Britain and European collaboration go hand in hand" - Alice Gast


Professor Alice Gast

Collaboration with European partners will be essential after Brexit, President Alice Gast told European science and policy leaders in Brussels.

Speaking at the Science|Business conference in Brussels, Professor Gast reminded the audience of the importance of science transcending borders:  “We know that international collaboration improves outcomes, we can see that from incredible things that have been done with European funding. It is important to keep these links and relationships going.”

Asked about the future of UK science, she said “I hear a lot of discussion about global Britain and how we will collaborate more with other parts of the world after Brexit. Maybe we will, but we need Europe. Size and proximity matter. It makes a difference that you can get on a train and spend time in someone else’s lab.”

Research is not like a trade deal - we collaborate with our fiercest competitors; we will work to find the best teams to tackle grand challenges Professor Alice Gast President, Imperial College London

Over 60 per cent of Imperial’s publications are with international authors – and of this number, over half include an author from mainland Europe, said Gast. When Imperial collaborates with US universities, there are usually other Europeans involved too, she added. The UK is “one of the main points of connection” with the US for other Europeans scientists.




Lisa Bungeroth

Lisa Bungeroth
Office of the President


European-Union, 4IR, President, Europe, Comms-strategy-International-university, International
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