Nuclear Energy Futures CDT Cohort 3

Stamatina Alexandropoulou
Modelling the behaviour of compacted bentonite for nuclear waste disposal Prof Lidija Zdravkovic
Imperial College  Nuclear Waste Services
Conor Buchanan
Developing cancer treatments with Targeted Auger Therapy Dr Lee Evitts
Bangor University Drapers' Company
Thomas Budd
Performance of aged cement grouts for encapsulating radioactive wastes Dr Hong Wong Imperial College Nuclear Waste Services
Patrick Carter-Cortez
Computational modelling supporting experiments at Jules Horowitz Reactor Prof Eugene Shwageraus
University of Cambridge NNL
Mahin Choudhary
A new approach for 3D mapping of residual stress Dr Foorogh Hosseinzadeh The Open University The Open University
Alejandra De Lara
Salt-cooled High-temperature Reactors Dr Eugene Shwageraus
University of Cambridge Framatome
Hugh Dorward
Simulating the scatter of a polycrystalline in synchrotron diffraction using crystal plasticity simulation Dr Matthew Peel
University of Bristol EdF Energy
Alex Drake
High-fidelity modelling of clad ballooning during a loss-of-coolant accident  Dr Mike Bluck
Imperial College NNL
Susannah Lea
Peridynamics and finite element crystal plasticity modelling of oxidation of Zr alloys Dr Mark Wenman
Imperial College  Rolls-Royce
Maciej Makuch
A new generation of models for predicting corrosion damage in stainless steel Dr Emilio Martinez-Paneda
Imperial College Imperial College
Simon McKendrey
Extracting fracture parameters from non-standard specimens using digital image correlation Dr Harry Coules
University of Bristol EdF Energy
Nuhu Mohammed
Correction of microstructural aberration in neutron diffraction strain measurements in power plant structures Dr Salih Gungor
The Open University The Open University
Harvey Plows
Thermal-Hydraulics measurement and sensing techniques for nuclear applications

Dr Marat Margulis

Bangor University Drapers' Company
Alice Robinson
Investigation into Hot Isostatic Pressing of a 12% chromium martensitic steel and optimisation of the bond to Nickel Based Alloy 625  Prof David Dye
Imperial College Rolls-Royce
Thomas Ross
Inducing the resumption of alteration in UK radioactive waste glasses Prof Ian Farnan
University of Cambridge RWM
Michael Salvini
Simulation and validation of damage in ferritic/martensitic materials Dr Nicolo Grilli
University of Bristol EdF Energy
George Spencer
Plasticity-induced damage in high-temperature reactors Prof Chris Truman
University of Bristol EdF Energy
Sarah Vallely Modelling the thermal performance of Accident Tolerant Fuels based on UN Prof Simon Middleburgh Bangor University Westinghouse
Eleanor White Irradiation creep induced nano-/microstructure and property changes in graphite Dr Dong Liu University of Bristol NNL
Ethan Wong A Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) Machine Learning (ML) surrogate modelling framework for high-fidelity thermal fatigue modelling of components within load-following Nuclear Power Plants Dr Matt Eaton Imperial College Singaporean government
If you would like to contact any of our students, please e-mail in the first instance.
Cohort 1