Ocular Biomechanics
Mechanical forces shape the form and function of living cells and tissues, affecting biological activity across all levels and scales. Mechanical cues guide embryonic development, tissue growth, and wound healing and impact the physiology of normal health and disease. In contrast to the vast knowledge of biochemistry and molecular biology, many of the fundamental mechanisms of mechanobiology are unknown and remain to be discovered. We simply do not yet understand how mechanical forces exert their effect on biological systems.
Our laboratory investigates the coupling between mechanics and biology at the cellular, tissue and organ level. As a model system, we study endothelia that function as barriers to control transport of fluids, nutrients, and biomolecules between compartments throughout the body, and endothelial cells and tissues are exquisitely sensitive to mechanical force. Altered mechanobiology is partly responsible for lost endothelial function in atherosclerosis and glaucoma, two of the main research targets of our laboratory.
As bioengineers, we specialise in quantifying the biological response of single cells, tissues and whole organs to precisely controlled mechanical forces.
We are always looking for good collaborations, students, and research personnel. Enquiries are always welcome.