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  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Wallenstein T, Ghose D, Scassellati Bet al., 2022,

    The Impact of an In-Home Co-Located Robotic Coach in Helping People Make Fewer Exercise Mistakes

    , Pages: 149-154
  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Pineda KT, Adéjàre A, Scassellati Bet al., 2022,

    “We Make a Great Team!”: Adults with Low Prior Domain Knowledge Learn more from a Peer Robot than a Tutor Robot

    , Pages: 176-184
  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Akdere E, Scassellati B, 2021,

    BKT-POMDP: Fast Action Selection for User Skill Modelling over Tasks with Multiple Skills.

    , Pages: 4243-4249
  • Journal article
    Salomons N, Sebo SS, Qin M, Scassellati Bet al., 2021,

    A minority of one against a majority of robots: Robots cause normative and informational conformity

    , ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI), Vol: 10, Pages: 1-22
  • Conference paper
    Connolly J, Mocz V, Salomons N, Valdez J, Tsoi N, Scassellati B, Vázquez Met al., 2020,

    Prompting prosocial human interventions in response to robot mistreatment

    , Pages: 211-220
  • Conference paper
    Yasuda S, Doheny D, Salomons N, Sebo SS, Scassellati Bet al., 2020,

    Perceived Agency of a Social Norm Violating Robot

  • Journal article
    Scassellati B, Boccanfuso L, Huang C-M, Mademtzi M, Qin M, Salomons N, Ventola P, Shic Fet al., 2018,

    Improving social skills in children with ASD using a long-term, in-home social robot

    , Science Robotics, Vol: 3, Pages: eaat7544-eaat7544
  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Van Der Linden M, Strohkorb Sebo S, Scassellati Bet al., 2018,

    Humans conform to robots: Disambiguating trust, truth, and conformity

    , Pages: 187-195
  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Scassellati B, 2018,

    Trust and conformity when interacting with a group of robots

    , Pages: 315-316
  • Journal article
    Leite I, McCoy M, Lohani M, Ullman D, Salomons N, Stokes C, Rivers S, Scassellati Bet al., 2017,

    Narratives with robots: The impact of interaction context and individual differences on story recall and emotional understanding

    , Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol: 4, Pages: 29-29
  • Conference paper
    Leite I, McCoy M, Lohani M, Salomons N, McElvaine K, Stokes C, Rivers S, Scassellati Bet al., 2016,

    Autonomous disengagement classification and repair in multiparty child-robot interaction

    , Pages: 525-532
  • Conference paper
    Boccanfuso L, Wang Q, Leite I, Li B, Torres C, Chen L, Salomons N, Foster C, Barney E, Ahn YA, otherset al., 2016,

    A thermal emotion classifier for improved human-robot interaction

    , Pages: 718-723
  • Conference paper
    Kapellmann-Zafra G, Salomons N, Kolling A, Groß Ret al., 2016,

    Human-robot swarm interaction with limited situational awareness

    , Pages: 125-136
  • Conference paper
    Salomons N, Kapellmann-Zafra G, Groß R, 2016,

    Human management of a robotic swarm

    , Pages: 282-287
  • Conference paper
    Leite I, McCoy M, Ullman D, Salomons N, Scassellati Bet al., 2015,

    Comparing models of disengagement in individual and group interactions

    , Pages: 99-105
  • Conference paper
    Leite I, McCoy M, Lohani M, Ullman D, Salomons N, Stokes C, Rivers S, Scassellati Bet al., 2015,

    Emotional storytelling in the classroom: Individual versus group interaction between children and robots

    , Pages: 75-82

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