Physics of Life symposium, Imperial College London, 2020

Physics of Life symposium

This is the recording of the virtual Physics of Life Symposium, organised by the Physics-of-Life Network of Excellence at Imperial College London. The event was held on 3 July 2020.


Andela Saric (UCL) 4:20
Nate Goehring (Crick) 26:27
Chiu Fan Lee (ICL) 51:43
Chris Dunsby (ICL) 1:15:54
Rosalba Garcia Millan (ICL) 1:33:54
Giovanni Sena (ICL) 1:51:43
Robert Endres (ICL) 2:17:43
Jenny Poulton (ICL) 2:39:55
Gunnar Pruessner (ICL) 2:58:54

This video shows the launch of the Imperial College Network of Excellence in Physics of Life on 5 July 2019.

Physics of Life Network launch event

This video shows the launch of the Imperial College Network of Excellence in Physics of Life on 5 July 2019.

Invited speakers were Erwin Frey (LMU Munich) and Xavier Trepat (IBEC, Barcelona), and an opening statement was given by Anne Dell (Imperial College, Head of Department of Life Sciences).

The Network directors are Robert Endres (Life Sciences), Chiu Fan Lee (Bioengineering) and Chris Dunsby (Physics).

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