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Conference paperGennaro SD, Roschuk TR, Maier SA, et al., 2015,
Measuring chromatic aberration in imaging systems using plasmonic nano-particles
, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 406-408 -
Conference paperSidiropoulos TPH, Roder R, Geburt S, et al., 2015,
Ultrafast plasmonic nanowire lasers near the surface plasmon frequency
, Conference on Active Photonic Materials VII, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0277-786X- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 1
Conference paperCraster RV, 2015,
Dynamic Homogenization
, 9th International Congress of the International-Society-for-Analysis-its-Applications-and-Computations (ISAAC), Publisher: SPRINGER, Pages: 41-50, ISSN: 2194-1009- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 4
Journal articlePark H-R, Namgung S, Chen X, et al., 2015,
Perfect Extinction of Terahertz Waves in Monolayer Graphene over 2-nm-Wide Metallic Apertures
, Advanced Optical Materials, ISSN: 2195-1071High carrier mobility and tunability in graphene enable fundamental studies for plasmonics and various applications. Despite its versatility, however, single-layer graphene (SLG) suffers from poor coupling efficiency to electromagnetic waves, presenting a major challenge for photonic applications. Compared with visible or infrared radiation, terahertz (THz) waves exhibit higher absorption in SLG due to Drude-like intraband transitions, but the wavelength-to-SLG size mismatch becomes even more dramatic. Here, we experimentally demonstrate 99% extinction of THz wave transmission when SLG covers the openings of 2-nm-wide (≈λ/1 000 000) slits through a metal film. By resonantly coupling THz waves through annular nanogaps, the extremely localized fields lead to near-perfect extinction and strong absorption in SLG. Atomic-layer lithography is used to produce these nanometer-wide, millimeter-long gaps over an entire 4-in. wafer. Furthermore, by integrating these devices with an ionic liquid, enhanced intraband absorption in the SLG leads to 80% modulation of THz waves with an operational voltage as low as 1.5 V.
Journal articleMaier SA, Aouani H, Rahmani M, et al., 2015,
Unveiling the origin of third harmonic generation in hybrid ITO-plasmonic crystals
, Advanced Optical Materials, ISSN: 2195-1071 -
Conference paperGennaro SD, Sonnefraud Y, Verellen N, et al., 2015,
Spectral interferometric microscopy reveals absorption by individual optical nano-antennas from extinction phase
, 9th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (METAMATERIALS), Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 403-405 -
Journal articleCrick CR, Albella P, Ng B, et al., 2014,
Precise Attolitre Temperature Control of Nanopore Sensors using a Nanoplasmonic Bullseye
, Nano Letters, Vol: 15, Pages: 553-559, ISSN: 1530-6992Targeted temperature control in nanopores isgreatly important in further understanding biological molecules.Such control would extend the range of examinablemolecules and facilitate advanced analysis, including thecharacterization of temperature-dependent molecule conformations.The work presented within details well-definedplasmonic gold bullseye and silicon nitride nanoporemembranes. The bullseye nanoantennae are designed andoptimized using simulations and theoretical calculations forinteraction with 632.8 nm laser light. Laser heating wasmonitored experimentally through nanopore conductancemeasurements. The precise heating of nanopores is demonstratedwhile minimizing the accumulation of heat in the surrounding membrane material
Journal articleSidiropoulos TPH, Roeder R, Geburt S, et al., 2014,
Ultrafast plasmonic nanowire lasers near the surface plasmon frequency
, Nature Physics, Vol: 10, Pages: 870-876, ISSN: 1745-2473Light–matter interactions are inherently slow as the wavelengths of optical and electronic states differ greatly. Surface plasmon polaritons — electromagnetic excitations at metal–dielectric interfaces — have generated significant interest because their spatial scale is decoupled from the vacuum wavelength, promising accelerated light–matter interactions. Although recent reports suggest the possibility of accelerated dynamics in surface plasmon lasers, this remains to be verified. Here, we report the observation of pulses shorter than 800 fs from hybrid plasmonic zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire lasers. Operating at room temperature, ZnO excitons lie near the surface plasmon frequency in such silver-based plasmonic lasers, leading to accelerated spontaneous recombination, gain switching and gain recovery compared with conventional ZnO nanowire lasers. Surprisingly, the laser dynamics can be as fast as gain thermalization in ZnO, which precludes lasing in the thinnest nanowires (diameter less than 120 nm). The capability to combine surface plasmon localization with ultrafast amplification provides the means for generating extremely intense optical fields, with applications in sensing, nonlinear optical switching, as well as in the physics of strong-field phenomena.
Journal articleGrinblat G, Rahmani M, Cortes E, et al., 2014,
High-Efficiency Second Harmonic Generation from a Single Hybrid ZnO Nanowire/Au Plasmonic Nano-Oligomer
, NANO LETTERS, Vol: 14, Pages: 6660-6665, ISSN: 1530-6984- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 90
Journal articleCaldwell JD, Kretinin AV, Chen Y, et al., 2014,
Sub-diffractional volume-confined polaritons in the natural hyperbolic material hexagonal boron nitride
, Nature Communications, Vol: 5, ISSN: 2041-1723Strongly anisotropic media, where the principal components of the dielectric tensor have opposite signs, are called hyperbolic. Such materials exhibit unique nanophotonic properties enabled by the highly directional propagation of slow-light modes localized at deeply sub-diffractional length scales. While artificial hyperbolic metamaterials have been demonstrated, they suffer from high plasmonic losses and require complex nanofabrication, which in turn induces size-dependent limitations on optical confinement. The low-loss, mid-infrared, natural hyperbolic material hexagonal boron nitride is an attractive alternative. Here we report on three-dimensionally confined ‘hyperbolic polaritons’ in boron nitride nanocones that support four series (up to the seventh order) modes in two spectral bands. The resonant modes obey the predicted aspect ratio dependence and exhibit high-quality factors (Q up to 283) in the strong confinement regime (up to λ/86). These observations assert hexagonal boron nitride as a promising platform for studying novel regimes of light–matter interactions and nanophotonic device engineering.
Journal articleSidiropoulos TPH, Nielsen MP, Roschuk TR, et al., 2014,
Compact Optical Antenna Coupler for Silicon Photonics Characterized by Third-Harmonic Generation
, ACS PHOTONICS, Vol: 1, Pages: 912-916, ISSN: 2330-4022- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 20
Journal articlePickering TW, Hamm JM, Page AF, et al., 2014,
Cavity-free plasmonic nanolasing enabled by dispersionless stopped light
, Nature Communications, Vol: 5, Pages: 4972-4972, ISSN: 2041-1723 -
Journal articleSchmuck M, Pavliotis GA, Kalliadasis S, 2014,
Effective macroscopic interfacial transport equations in strongly heterogeneous environments for general homogeneous free energies
, APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS, Vol: 35, Pages: 12-17, ISSN: 0893-9659- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 8
Journal articleLafone L, Sidiropoulos TPH, Oulton RF, 2014,
Silicon-based metal-loaded plasmonic waveguides for low-loss nanofocusing
, OPTICS LETTERS, Vol: 39, Pages: 4356-4359, ISSN: 0146-9592- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 31
Journal articleSonnefraud Y, Sinclair HG, Sivan Y, et al., 2014,
Experimental Proof of Concept of Nanoparticle-Assisted STED
, NANO LETTERS, Vol: 14, Pages: 4449-4453, ISSN: 1530-6984- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 26
Journal articleCraster RV, Joseph LM, Kaplunov J, 2014,
Long-wave asymptotic theories: The connection between functionally graded waveguides and periodic media
, WAVE MOTION, Vol: 51, Pages: 581-588, ISSN: 0165-2125- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 53
Journal articleRakovich TY, Mahfoud OK, Mohamed BM, et al., 2014,
Highly Sensitive Single Domain Antibody-Quantum Dot Conjugates for Detection of HER2 Biomarker in Lung and Breast Cancer Cells
, ACS NANO, Vol: 8, Pages: 5682-5695, ISSN: 1936-0851- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 82
Journal articleAlbella P, Alcaraz de la Osa R, Moreno F, et al., 2014,
Electric and Magnetic Field Enhancement with Ultralow Heat Radiation Dielectric Nanoantennas: Considerations for Surface-Enhanced Spectroscopies
, ACS PHOTONICS, Vol: 1, Pages: 524-529, ISSN: 2330-4022- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 170
Journal articleDi Martino G, Sonnefraud Y, Tame MS, et al., 2014,
Observation of Quantum Interference in the Plasmonic Hong-Ou-Mandel Effect
, PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, Vol: 1, ISSN: 2331-7019- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 76
Journal articleBasey-Fisher TH, Guerra N, Triulzi C, et al., 2014,
Microwaving blood as a non‐destructive technique for haemoglobin measurements on microlitre samples
, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Vol: 3, Pages: 536-542, ISSN: 2192-2640The electric field component of the microwaves emanating from the dielectric resonator is able to penetrate the microfluidic channel, serum, and individual blood cells. Subsequently, it interacts with every hemoglobin molecule present within each red blood cell. On page 536 , Toby H. Basey-Fisher and team conclude that the dielectric contrast between water and hemoglobin means that a change in the hemoglobin concentration leads to a change in the microwave response.
Journal articleAouani H, Rahmani M, Navarro-Cia M, et al., 2014,
Third-harmonic-upconversion enhancement from a single semiconductor nanoparticle coupled to a plasmonic antenna
, Nature Nanotechnology, Vol: 9, Pages: 290-294, ISSN: 1748-3387The ability to convert low-energy quanta into a quantum of higher energy is of great interest for a variety of applications, including bioimaging1, drug delivery2 and photovoltaics3. Although high conversion efficiencies can be achieved using macroscopic nonlinear crystals, upconverting light at the nanometre scale remains challenging because the subwavelength scale of materials prevents the exploitation of phase-matching processes4. Light–plasmon interactions that occur in nanostructured noble metals have offered alternative opportunities for nonlinear upconversion of infrared light, but conversion efficiency rates remain extremely low due to the weak penetration of the exciting fields into the metal5. Here, we show that third-harmonic generation from an individual semiconductor indium tin oxide nanoparticle is significantly enhanced when coupled within a plasmonic gold dimer. The plasmonic dimer acts as a receiving optical antenna6, confining the incident far-field radiation into a near field localized at its gap; the indium tin oxide nanoparticle located at the plasmonic dimer gap acts as a localized nonlinear transmitter upconverting three incident photons at frequency ω into a photon at frequency 3ω. This hybrid nanodevice provides third-harmonic-generation enhancements of up to 106-fold compared with an isolated indium tin oxide nanoparticle, with an effective third-order susceptibility up to 3.5 × 103 nm2 V−2 and conversion efficiency of 0.0007%. We also show that the upconverted third-harmonic emission can be exploited to probe the near-field intensity at the plasmonic dimer gap.
Journal articleTsakmakidis KL, Pickering TW, Hamm JM, et al., 2014,
Completely Stopped and Dispersionless Light in Plasmonic Waveguides
, Physical Review Letters, Vol: 112, Pages: 167401-167401, ISSN: 0031-9007 -
Journal articleGennaro SD, Sonnefraud Y, Verellen N, et al., 2014,
Spectral interferometric microscopy reveals absorption by individual optical nanoantennas from extinction phase
, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, Vol: 5, ISSN: 2041-1723- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 25
Journal articleBasey-Fisher TH, Guerra N, Triulzi C, et al., 2014,
Microwaving Blood as a Non-Destructive Technique for Haemoglobin Measurements on Microlitre Samples
, ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, Vol: 3, Pages: 536-542, ISSN: 2192-2640- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 18
Journal articleLafone L, Sidiropoulos TPH, Hamm JM, et al., 2014,
Feasibility of GaAs-based metal strip surface plasmon nano-lasers
, IET OPTOELECTRONICS, Vol: 8, Pages: 122-128, ISSN: 1751-8768- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 5
Journal articleDaskalakis KS, Maier SA, Murray R, et al., 2014,
Nonlinear interactions in an organic polariton condensate
, Nature Materials, Vol: 13, Pages: 272-279, ISSN: 1476-1122Under the right conditions, cavity polaritons form a macroscopic condensate in the ground state. The fascinating nonlinear behaviour of this condensate is largely dictated by the strength of polariton–polariton interactions. In inorganic semiconductors, these result principally from the Coulomb interaction between Wannier–Mott excitons. Such interactions are considerably weaker for the tightly bound Frenkel excitons characteristic of organic semiconductors and were notably absent in the first reported demonstration of organic polariton lasing. In this work, we demonstrate the realization of an organic polariton condensate, at room temperature, in a microcavity containing a thin film of 2,7-bis[9,9-di(4-methylphenyl)-fluoren-2-yl]-9,9-di(4-methylphenyl)fluorene. On reaching threshold, we observe the spontaneous formation of a linearly polarized condensate, which exhibits a superlinear power dependence, long-range order and a power-dependent blueshift: a clear signature of Frenkel polariton interactions.
Journal articleRahmani M, Miroshnichenko AE, Lei DY, et al., 2014,
Beyond the Hybridization Effects in Plasmonic Nanoclusters: Diffraction-Induced Enhanced Absorption and Scattering
, SMALL, Vol: 10, Pages: 576-583, ISSN: 1613-6810- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 31
Conference paperSidiropoulos TPH, Geburt S, Roeder R, et al., 2014,
Ultrafast ZnO nanowire lasers: nanoplasmonic acceleration of gain dynamics at the surface plasmon polariton frequency
, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 2160-9020 -
Conference paperLafone L, Sidiropoulos TPH, Oulton RF, 2014,
Hybrid Plasmonic Strip and Slot Waveguides for Deep Subwavelength Nanofocusing of TE and TM Modes
, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 2160-9020 -
Journal articleLee C, Tame M, Noh C, et al., 2013,
Robust-to-loss entanglement generation using a quantum plasmonic nanoparticle array
, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol: 15, ISSN: 1367-2630- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 33
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