- the basic principles of multivariable calculus
- some elementary topology and the theory of metric spaces
- some introductory complex analysis
More detailed course descriptions
Measure and integration
Functional analysis
Random matrices
Fourier analysis and theory of distributions
Geometric complex analysis
Analytic methods in partial differential equations
Riemann surfaces and conformal dynamics
This elementary course starts with introducing surfaces that come from special group actions (Fuchsian/Kleinian groups). It turns out that on such surfaces one can develop a beautiful and powerful theory of iterations of conformal maps, related to the famous Julia and Mandelbrot sets. In this theory many parts of modern mathematics come together: geometry, analysis and combinatorics.
Part 1: Discrete groups, complex Mobius transformations, Riemann surfaces, hyperbolic metrics, fundamental domains
Part 2: Normal families of maps and equicontinuity, iterations of conformal mappings, periodic points and local normal forms, Fatou/Julia invariant sets, post-critical set