Research Programs
For robotics education at PhD/EngD level, and for research opportunities at Post-Doc and above please see the individual laboratories involved with the Robotics Forum and contact the Principal Investigator directly. Openings will also be shown on our Opportunities page.
PhD Programme: Human-Centred Robotics
Doctoral degrees establish cross-faculty research and training curriculum in robotics technology. Our research focus is strategically chosen to be human-centred robotics, for application to the present and future societal challenges associated to densely populated environments (Cities), increasingly networked and sensorised homes (Homes), and an aging population, which is straining an already overcommitted health system, as well as innovative medical technologies (Health). Supervisors for this Programme are members of the Robotics Forum – a strong and connected network of the academics researching robotics at Imperial College, across different departments within the Faculties of Engineering, Natural Science and Medicine.
Our research programme will capitalise on strong industrial links across all of the relevant domains (as evidenced by the wealth of partnerships, spinouts, and licencing agreements in our collective track record) to engage, co-create with, impact, and empower industry. Industry will co-supervise our doctoral students, and will receive regular updates on the progress of research and training outputs, as to maximise future exploitation and employment potential. In doing so, the Programme will generate increased visibility for our graduates towards potential external partners, and provide a vehicle for them to explore new ideas, establish new connections and lay the foundations for future activities in both academia and industry.
Interested industrial partners should contact our Forum Manager regarding our Industry Club membership options.