Below is a list of all relevant publications authored by Robotics Forum members.

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  • Journal article
    Agre G, Kormushev P, Dilov I, 2006,

    INFRAWEBS Axiom Editor - A graphical ontology-driven tool for creating complex logical expressions

    , International Journal of Information Theories and Applications, Vol: 13, Pages: 169-178
  • Software
    Agre G, Kormushev P, Dilov I, 2006,

    INFRAWEBS Axiom Editor User’s Guide

    , Institute of Information Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Conference paper
    Agre G, Kormushev P, Dilov I, 2005,

    INFRAWEBS Capability Editor - A graphical ontology-driven tool for creating capabilities of Semantic Web Services

    , Pages: 228-228

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