
Li, K., Acha, S., Sunny, N., and Shah, N. (2022), "Strategic transport fleet analysis of heavy goods vehicle technology for net-zero targets." Energy Policy. September 2022, 112988

Acha, S., Vieira, G., Bird, M., and Shah, N. (2022), "Modelling UK Electricity Regional Costs for Commercial Buildings." Energy and Buildings. September 2022, 112301.

Bird, M., Daveau, C., O'Dwyer, E., Acha, S., and Shah, N. (2022), "Real-world implementation and cost of a cloud-based MPC retrofit for HVAC control systems in commercial buildings." Energy and Buildings. September 2022, 112269.

Sarabia, E.J., Hart, M., Acha, S., Soto, V., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2022), "Techno-economic evaluation of integrated energy systems for heat recovery applications in food retail buildings." Applied Energy. January 2022, 117799.

Gulliford, M., Orlebar, R., Bird, M., Acha, S., and Shah, N. (2021), "Developing a Dynamic Carbon Benchmarking Method For Large Building Property Estate." Energy and Buildings. November 2021, 111683.

Ayoub, A.N., Gaigneux, A., Le Brun, N., Acha, S., and Shah, N. (2020), "The development of a low-carbon roadmap investment strategy to reach Science Based Targets for commercial organisations with multi-site properties." Building and Environment. December 2020, 107311.

Hart, M., Austin, W., Acha, S., Le Brun, N., Markides, C., and Shah, N. (2020), "A roadmap investment strategy to reduce carbon intensive refrigerants in the food retail industry." Journal of Cleaner Production. July 2020, 123039.

Acha, S., Le Brun, N., Damaskou, M., Fubara, T.C., Mulgundmath, V., Markides, C., and Shah, N. (2020), "Fuel cells as combined heat and power systems in commercial buildings: A case study in the food-retail sector." Energy. Volume 206, September 2020, 118046.

Le Brun, N., Simpson, M., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2020), "Techno-economic potential of low-temperature, jacket-water heat recovery from stationary internal combustion engines with organic Rankine cycles: A cross-sector food-retail study." Applied Energy. Volume 274, September 2020, 115260.

Olympios, A.V., Le Brun, N., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2020), "Stochastic real-time operation control of a combined heat and power (CHP) system under uncertainty". Energy Conversion and Management. Volume 216, July 2020, 112916.

Maouris, G., Sarabia, E.J., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2020), "CO2 refrigeration system heat recovery and thermal storage modelling for space heating provision in supermarkets: An integrated approach." Applied Energy. Volume 264, April 2020, 114722.

Langshaw, L., Ainalis, D., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Stettler, M. (2020), "Environmental and economic analysis of liquefied natural gas (LNG) for heavy goods vehicles in the UK: A Well-to-Wheel and total cost of ownership evaluation." Energy Policy. Volume 137, February 2020, 111161.

Sarabia, E.J., Acha, S., Le Brun, N., Soto, V., Pinazo, J.M., Markides, C., and Shah, N. (2019), "Modelling of a real CO2 booster installation and evaluation of control strategies for heat recovery applications in supermarkets." International Journal of RefrigerationVolume 107, November 2019, Pages 288-300.

Howard, B., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Polak, J. (2019), "Implicit Sensing of Building Occupancy Count with Information and Communication Technology Data Sets." Building and Environment. Volume 157, June 2019, Pages 297-308.

Ayoub, A.N., Gaigneux, A., Le Brun, N., Acha, S., Lambert, R., and Shah, N. (2019), "The development of a carbon roadmap investment strategy for carbon intensive food retail industries." Energy Procedia. Volume 161, March 2019, Pages 333-342.

Efstratiadi, M., Acha, S., Shah, N. and Markides, C. (2019), "Analysis of a closed-loop water-cooled refrigeration system in the food retail industry: A UK case study.Energy. Volume 174, Pages 1133-1144.

Solomos, G., Acha, S., Shah, N. and Markides, C. (2018), "A generic tool for quantifying the energy requirements of glasshouse food production." Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 191, Pages 384-399.

Acha, S., Mariaud, A., Shah, N. and Markides, C. (2017), "Optimal design and operation of distributed low-carbon energy technologies in commercial buildings.Energy. Volume 142, Pages 578-591.

Solomos, G., Acha, S., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2017), "Assessing, Benchmarking and Analyzing Heating and Cooling Requirements for Glasshouse Food Production: A Design and Operation Modelling Framework." Energy Procedia. Volume 123, September 2017, Pages 164-172.

Mariaud, A., Acha, S., Ekins-Daukes, N., Shah, N. and Markides, C. (2017), "Integrated optimisation of photovoltaic and battery storage systems for UK commercial buildings." Applied Energy. Volume 199, Pages 466-478.

Cedillos D., Acha, S., Shah, N. and Markides C. (2016). “A Technology Selection and Operation (TSO) optimisation model for distributed energy systems: Mathematical formulation and case study.” Applied Energy. Volume 180, Pages 491-503 180:491-503.

Acha, S., Du, Y., Shah, N. (2016). “Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Supermarket Refrigeration Systems through a Robust Energy Performance Indicator.” International Journal of Refrigeration. Volume 64, Pages 40-50. 

Caritte, V., Acha, S., Shah, N. (2013). “Enhancing Corporate Environmental Performance Through Reporting and Roadmaps.” Business Strategy and the Environment. Volume 24, Issue 5, Pages 289–308.

Mavromatidis, G., Acha, S., Shah, N. (2013). “Diagnostic Tools of Energy Performance for Supermarkets using Artificial Neural Network Algorithms.” Energy and Buildings. Volume 62, Pages 304-314.

Hart, M., Olympios, A., Le Brun, N., Shah, N., Markides, C., and Acha, S. (2020). Pre-Feasibility Modelling and Market Potential Analysis of a Cloud-Based CHP Optimiser. Presented at the 2020 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, USA, June 27 – July 1 2020.

Sarabia, E.J., Acha, S., Le Brun, N., Soto, V., Pinazo, J.M., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2020). Modelling of a CO2 refrigerant booster system for waste heat recovery applications in retail for space heating provision. Presented at the 2020 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, USA, June 27 – July 1 2020.

Bird, M., Acha, S., Le Brun, N., and Shah, N. (2019). "Assessing the Modelling Approach and Datasets Required for Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Systems." Presented at the 54th IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 29 – October 3 2019.

Olympios, A., Le Brun, N., Acha, S., Lambert, R., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2019). Installation of a dynamic controller for the optimal operation of a CHP engine in a supermarket under uncertainty. Proceedings of ECOS 2019 – Presented at the 32nd International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation And Environmental Impact of Energy Systems; Wroclaw, Poland, June 23 – 28 2019.

Acha, S., Le Brun, N., Lambert, R., Bustos Turu, G., Shah, N., and Markides, C. (2018). UK Half-Hourly Regional Electricity Cost Modelling for Commercial End Users. Proceedings of ECOS 2018 – Presented at the 31st International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation And Environmental Impact of Energy Systems; Guimaraes, Portugal, June 17 – 21 2018.

Le Brun, N., Acha, S., Lambert, R., Markides, C., and Shah, N. (2018). “Fuel Cells as CHP Systems in Commercial Buildings: a Case Study for the Food Retail Sector.” Presented at the 2018 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Houston, TX, USA, June 23 – 27 2018.

Acha, S., Lambert, R., Le Brun, N., Markides, C., and Shah, N. (2018). “Optimal CHP Investments Applying Sensitivity Analyses and Financial Risk Management Indicators.” Presented at the 2018 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Houston, TX, USA, June 23 – 27 2018.

Chatzopoulou, M.A., Acha, S., Oyewunmi, O., and Markides, C. (2017). "Thermodynamic and economic evaluation of trigeneration systems in energy-intensive buildings." Presented at the 13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT), Portoroz, Slovenia, July 17-19 2017.

Soler, A., Acha, S., Bustos-Turu, G., Shah, N. (2017). “Half-Hourly Regional Electricity Price Modelling for Commercial End Users in the UK.” Presented at the 2017 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, USA, June 24 – 28 2017.

Efstratiadi, M.A., Acha, S., Shah, N., Markides, C. (2017). “Analysis of Water-Cooled Refrigeration Systems for the Food Retail Industry: A UK Case Study.” Presented at the 2017 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, USA, June 24 – 28 2017.

Mariaud, A., Acha, S., Ekins-Daukes, N., Shah, N. (2017). “Integrated Optimisation of PV and Battery Storage Systems for UK Non-Domestic Buildings.” Presented at the 2017 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Long Beach, CA, USA, June 24 – 28 2017.

Cedillos D., Acha, S., Shah, N. (2016). “Optimal Technology Selection and Operation of Bio-methane CHP Units for Commercial Buildings.” Presented at the 2016 ASHRAE Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, USA, June 25 – 29 2016.

Dalpane, P., Acha, S., Shah, N. (2016) ”Operational and economic analysis of GSHP coupled with refrigeration systems in UK supermarkets”. Presented at the 2016 ASHRAE Annual Conference, St. Louis, USA, June 25 - 29 2016.

Acha, S., Shah, N. (2016) ”Re-commissioning Energy Conservation Measures in Supermarkets: An UK Case Study.” Presented at the 2016 CLIMA - 12th REHVA World Congress, Aalborg, Denmark, 22-25 May 2016.

Acha, S., Bustos-Turu, G., Shah, N. (2016) “Modelling Real-Time Pricing of Electricity for Energy Conservation Measures in the UK Commercial Sector.” IEEE Energycon 2016, 4-8 April 2016 Leuven, Belgium.

Andrianopoulos E., Acha S., Shah N. (2015) ”Achieving net zero carbon performance in a commercial building by aligning technical and policy alternatives: An UK Case study.” Proceedings of ECOS 2015 – Presented at the 28th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation And Environmental Impact of Energy Systems; Pau, France, June 30 – July 3 2015.

Loh, C., Acha, S., Noye, S., Shah, N. (2015) ”Retail Building Thermal Efficiency Improvement Through an Enhanced Re-Commissioning Framework.” Presented at the 2015 ASHRAE Annual Conference, Atlanta, USA, June 27 - July 1 2015.

Bos, J., Acha, S., Shah, N. (2015) ”Cost effective low carbon store analysis and replication.” Presented at the 2015 CIBSE Technical symposium, London, UK, April 16 - April 17 2015.

Acha, S., Mavromatidis, G., Caritte, V., Shah, N., (2013) ”Techno-economical Technology Assessment for Operational Zero Carbon Supermarkets.”  In Proceedings of ECOS 2013. Guilin, China, July 16th - 19th 2013.

Acha, S., Mavromatidis, G., Caritte, V., Shah, N., (2013) ”Effective Low-cost Energy Saving Strategies in Supermarkets: An UK Case Study. ” In Proceedings of ECOS 2013. Guilin, China, July 16th - 19th 2013.

Acha, S., Shah, N., Ashford, J., Penfold, D. (2012) ”Optimal Lighting Control Strategies in Supermarkets for Energy Efficiency Applications via Digital Dimmable Technology.”  In Proceedings of ECOS 2012. Frankfurt, Germany, June 26th - 29th 2012.

Acha, S., Mancarella, P., Shah, N., Strbac, G., Ashford, J., Penfold, D. (2011) ”Innovative Strategies to Increase Energy Efficiency and Economic Performance in Supermarkets. ” In Proceedings of CIRED 2011. Frankfurt, Germany, June 6th - 9th 2011.

Delangle, A., MSc Thesis (2016). "Modelling and Optimisation of a District Heating Network's Marginal Extension." Imperial College London, UK. Thesis by Axelle Delangle

Contact us

Dr Salvador Acha
Imperial-Sainsbury's Project Manager
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus
London, UK

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7594 3379