The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) collates data on the care and outcomes of people with diabetes in England and Wales. It was commissioned by NHS England and is delivered by a team that included individuals from NHS England and Diabetes UK. Further details of the data collected can be found in the cohort profile. A team of researchers are exploring using the NDA data to address questions of direct relevance to NHS policy. Below is a list of the papers published to date. For further details please contact Dr Naomi Holman.
Dr Naomi Holman
Dr Naomi Holman
Dr Muhammad Saleem Khan
Dr Muhammad Saleem Khan
Misra S, Holman N, Barron E, Knighton P, Warner J, Kar P, Young B, Valabhji J. Characteristics and care of young people with type 2 diabetes in the national diabetes audit datasets for England Diabet Med In press
Yelland A, Meace C, Knighton P, Holman N, Wild S H, Michalowski J, Young B, Jeffcoate W J. Variation in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers at 12 weeks after case-mix adjustment: A cohort study using the National Diabetes Foot Care Audit of England and Wales Diabet Med In press
Valabhji J, Barron E, Gorton T, Bakhai C, Kar P, Young B, Khunti K, Holman N, Sattar N, Wareham N J, Associations between reductions in routine care delivery and non-COVID-19 -related mortality in people with diabetes in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based parallel cohort study Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2022: 10(8):561-570
Holman N, Wild S H, Khunti K, Knighton P, O’Keefe J, Bakhai C, Young B, Sattar N, Valabhji J, Gregg E W. Incidence and Characteristics of Remission of Type 2 Diabetes in England: A Cohort Study Using the National Diabetes Audit Diabetes Care 2022 45(5):1151-1161
Holman N, Wild S H, Gregg W E, Valabhji J, Sattar N, Khunti K, on behalf of the National Diabetes Audit Research Group (2021) Comparison of mortality in people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by age of diagnosis: An incident population-based study in England and Wales Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2022 10(2):95-97
Holman N, Knighton P, O’Keefe J, Wild S H, Brewster S, Price, H, Patel, K, Hanif, W, Patel, V, Gregg, EW, Holt, RIG, Gadsby, R, Khunti, K, Valabhji, J, Young, B, and Sattar, N. (2021) Completion of annual diabetes care processes and mortality: a cohort study using the National Diabetes Audit for England and Wales. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2021:23(12):2728-2740
Holman, N. , Knighton, P, Wild, S. H, Sattar, N. , Dew, C, Gregg, E. W, Khunti, K, Valabhji, J. and Young, B. (2021) Cohort profile: National Diabetes Audit for England and Wales. Diabetic Medicine, 2021:38(9)
Khunti, K, Knighton, P, Zaccardi, F, Bakhai, C, Barron, E, Holman, N, Kar, P, Meace, C, Sattar, N, Sharp, S, Wareham, NJ, Weaver, A, Woch, E, Young, B, and Valabhji, J.(2021) Prescription of glucose-lowering therapies and risk of COVID-19 mortality in people with type 2 diabetes: a nationwide observational study in England. Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, 2021:9(5), pp. 293-303.
Murphy H R, Howgate C, O’Keefe J, Myers J, Morgan M, Coleman M A, Jolly M, Valabhji J, Scot E M, Knighton P, Lewis-Barned N Characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes: a 5-year national population based cohort study Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2021 9(2):153-164
Holman N, Knighton P, Kar P, O’Keefe, Curley M, Weaver A, Barron E, Bakhai C, Khunti K, Wareham NJ, Sattar N, Young B, Valabhji Risk factors for COVID-19 related mortality in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England: a population-based cohort study The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020:8(10) p823-833
Baron E, Bakhai C, Kar P, Weaver A, Bradley D, Ismail H, Knighton P, Holman N, Khunti K, Sattar N, Wareham NJ, Young B, Valabhji J Associations of type 1 and type 2 diabetes with COVID-19 related mortality in England: a whole population study The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2020:8(10) p813-822
Holman N, Young B, Gadsby R Current prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in adults and children in the UK Diabetic Medicine 2015:32(9) pp1119-20
Holman N, Gadsby R, Dunn L, Sylvester C, Young B How does current diabetes care compare with landmark clinical studies? Diabetic Medicine 2015:32(7) pp841-2
Holman N, Young B, Stephens H, Jeffcoate W Pilot study to assess measures to be used in the prospective management of foot ulcers in people with diabetes Diabetic Medicine 2015:32(1) pp78-84
Holman N, Bell R, Murphy H, Maresh M Women with pre-gestational diabetes have a higher risk of stillbirth at all gestations after 32 weeks Diabetic Medicine 2014:31(9) pp1129-1132
Jeffcoate W, Homan N, Rayman G, Valabhji J, Young B New National Diabetes Footcare Audit of England and Wales Diabetic Medicine 2014 31(9) pp1022-3
Holman N, Young B, Gadsby R What is the current prevalence of diagnosed and yet to be diagnosed diabetes in the United Kingdom? Diabetic Medicine 2014:31(5) pp510-511
Murphy H, Bell R, Holt R, Maresh M, Todd D, Hawdon J, Young B, Holman N, Hillson R, Lewis-Barned N The National Pregnancy in Diabetes Audit: Measuring the quality of diabetes pregnancy care Diabetic Medicine 2013:30(9) pp1014-1016
Holman N, Lewis-Barned N, Bell R, Stephens H, Modder J, Gardosi J, Dornhourst A, Hillson R, Young B, Murphy HR Development and evaluation of a standardized registry for diabetes in pregnancy using data from the Northern, North West and East Anglia regional audits Diabetic Medicine 2011:28(7) pp797-804