Guy VerbistAfter a PhD in Theoretical Physics at Antwerp University, Guy Verbist joined Shell in 1992 as industrial researcher and served part time as an extraordinary professor at the University of Technology Eindhoven (2007-2014) and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Belgian Physical Society (1998-2000).

He co-founded the European Conferences on Foam in 1994 and published in the areas of solid-state physics (bi-polarons), surface science (LEIS & wetting), soft condensed matter (foams) and sulfur chemistry. He guides a number students within Shell while overseeing external R&D contracts including EU Marie-Curie postdocs. His industrial research is exemplified by 200+ hits as an inventor the patent database as well as a 2009 Platts Energy Award (Excellence Award for Sustainable Technology) for the work on sulfur concrete (Shell Thiocrete).

His current research interests include: advanced materials, catalyst packing problems, Gas-To-Liquid products and the Energy-Transition challenge in general with Lithium-sulfur and multi-valent batteries in particular.

Some publications:
(1) New Chemical Structures Assigned for the Low Molecular Weight Fractions of Poly(styrene sulfides) Mixture, L. Xue*, D. G. Hristova, J. G. van Berkel, G. Verbist and P. J. Lemstra Polymer Degradation and Stability 95, 126-131 (2010).
(2) A review of foam drainage, D. Weaire, S. Hutzler, G. Verbist and E. Peters, Adv. Chem. Phys. 102, 315 (1997).
(3) The foam drainage equation, G. Verbist, D. Weaire and A.M. Kraynik J. Phys. Condens. Matter 8, 3715-31 (1996).
(4) Simulating the spreading of a drop in the terraced wetting regime” S. Bekink, S. Karaborni, G. Verbist and K. Esselink, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3766 (1996).
(5) Large Bipolarons in Two and Three Dimensions” G. Verbist, F.M. Peeters and J.T. Devreese, Phys. Rev. B 43, 2712 (1991).


Catherine Graham
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