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Journal articleSuzuki Vidal F, Patankar S, Lebedev SV, et al., 2013,
Observation of energetic protons trapped in laboratory magnetic-tower jets
, New Journal of Physics, Vol: 15, ISSN: 1367-2630Preliminary results of the self-emission of charged particles frommagnetically driven plasma jets has been investigated. The jets were launchedand driven by a toroidal magnetic field generated by introducing a ∼1.4 MA,250 ns electrical current pulse from the MAGPIE generator into a radialwire array. This configuration has shown to reproduce some aspects of theastrophysical magnetic-tower jet launching model, in which a jet is collimatedby a toroidal magnetic field inside a magnetic cavity. The emission of ions andprotons from the plasma was recorded onto Columbia Resin 39 plates using timeintegratedpinhole cameras. In addition a fly-eye camera, an array of 25–496cylindrical apertures allowed estimating the location of the ion emitting source.The results show the ion emission comes from both the jet and its surroundingmagnetic cavity, with the emission extending to a height of at least ∼9 cm fromthe initial position of the wires. The emission of ions is consistent with the dynamics of the jet obtained from time-resolved imaging diagnostics, i.e. opticallaser probing and self-emission of the plasma in the extreme ultra-violet. Thesepreliminary results suggest the ions are trapped inside the cavity due to the strongtoroidal magnetic field which drives the jet. In addition these studies providefirst estimates of the energy and fluence of protons for future laser-driven protonprobing diagnostics aimed at measuring the magnetic field in these experiments.
Journal articleJones DR, Chapman DJ, Eakins DE, 2013,
A gas gun based technique for studying the role of temperature in dynamic fracture and fragmentation
, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, Vol: 114, ISSN: 0021-8979- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 12
Journal articleTurrell AE, Sherlock M, Rose SJ, 2013,
A Monte Carlo algorithm for degenerate plasmas
, JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS, Vol: 249, Pages: 13-21, ISSN: 0021-9991- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 7
Journal articleScott RHH, Perez F, Streeter MJV, et al., 2013,
Fast electron beam measurements from relativistically intense, frequency-doubled laser-solid interactions
, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, Vol: 15, ISSN: 1367-2630- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 5
Journal articleMasouros SD, Brown KA, Clasper J, et al., 2013,
Briefing: Blast effects on biological systems
, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics, Vol: 166, Pages: 113-118, ISSN: 1755-0777A signature of current conflicts is the use of buried improvised explosive devices to cause injury to military personnel and damage to their vehicles. Explosive devices also cause injuries to non-military populations in current and former conflict zones. The nature and placement of the explosive charge has a marked effect on the loading experienced. In all situations, damage to tissues occurs when the energy and loading rate exceeds that which the human body can support. Currently, it is difficult to predict the various time-dependent effects of blast injury because of the complexities of the rapid initial accelerations, the loading geometries and the heterogeneous nature of the tissues that can be damaged. An outline of the ways in which one may study how explosive energy interacts with biological systems is presented along with a discussion of how the data generated can be used to develop improved, costeffective strategies for studying blast injury processes.
Journal articleWeinwurm M, Bland SN, Chittenden JP, 2013,
Metal liner-driven quasi-isentropic compression of deuterium
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 20, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 6
Journal articleRose SJ, 2013,
Electron-positron pair creation in burning thermonuclear plasmas
, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Vol: 9, Pages: 480-483, ISSN: 1574-1818- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 12
Journal articleScott RHH, Clark EL, Perez F, et al., 2013,
Measuring fast electron spectra and laser absorption in relativistic laser-solid interactions using differential bremsstrahlung photon detectors
, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, Vol: 84, ISSN: 0034-6748- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 19
Journal articleSwadling GF, Lebedev SV, Hall GN, et al., 2013,
Shock-less interactions of ablation streams in tungsten wire array z-pinches
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 20, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 18
Journal articleProud WG, 2013,
Future Research Areas
, PROPELLANTS EXPLOSIVES PYROTECHNICS, Vol: 38, Pages: 167-167, ISSN: 0721-3115- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 1
Journal articleBurdiak GC, Lebedev SV, Hall GN, et al., 2013,
Determination of the inductance of imploding wire array Z-pinches using measurements of load voltage
, Physics of Plasmas, Vol: 20, ISSN: 1089-7674The inductance of imploding cylindrical wire array z-pinches has been determined frommeasurements of load voltage and current. A thorough analysis method is presented that explainshow the load voltage of interest is found from raw signals obtained using a resistive voltagedivider. This method is applied to voltage data obtained during z-pinch experiments carried out onthe MAGPIE facility (1.4 MA, 240 ns rise-time) in order to calculate the load inductance andthereafter the radial trajectory of the effective current sheath during the snowplough implosion.Voltage and current are monitored very close to the load, allowing these calculations to be carriedout without the need for circuit modelling. Measurements give a convergence ratio for the currentof between 3.1 and 5.7 at stagnation of the pinch.
Journal articleSherlock M, Hill EG, Rose SJ, 2013,
Kinetic simulations of the heating of solid density plasma by femtosecond laser pulses
, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Vol: 9, Pages: 38-41, ISSN: 1574-1818- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 3
Journal articleBurdiak GC, Lebedev SV, Drake RP, et al., 2013,
The production and evolution of multiple converging radiative shock waves in gas-filled cylindrical liner z-pinch experiments
, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Vol: 9, Pages: 52-62, ISSN: 1574-1818- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 16
Journal articleSuzuki-Vidal F, Lebedev SV, Krishnan M, et al., 2013,
Interaction of radiatively cooled plasma jets with neutral gases for laboratory astrophysics studies
, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Vol: 9, Pages: 141-147, ISSN: 1574-1818- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 20
Journal articleProud WG, 2013,
The physical basis of explosion and blast injury processes
, JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS, Vol: 159, Pages: 4-9, ISSN: 0035-8665- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 14
Journal articleHall GN, Lebedev SV, Suzuki Vidal F, et al., 2013,
Ablation dynamics in coiled wire-array Z-pinches
, Physics of Plasmas, Vol: 20, ISSN: 1089-7674Experiments to study the ablation dynamics of coiled wire arrays were performed on the MAGPIEgenerator (1 MA, 240 ns) at Imperial College, and on the COBRA generator at Cornell University’sLaboratory of Plasma Studies (1 MA, 100 ns). The MAGPIE generator was used to drive coiled wiresin an inverse array configuration to study the distribution of ablated plasma. Using interferometry tostudy the plasma distribution during the ablation phase, absolute quantitative measurements ofelectron line density demonstrated very high density contrasts between coiled ablation streams andinter-stream regions many millimetres from the wire. The measured density contrasts for a coiledarray were many times greater than that observed for a conventional array with straight wires,indicating that a much greater axial modulation of the ablated plasma may be responsible for theunique implosion dynamics of coiled arrays. Experiments on the COBRA generator were used tostudy the complex redirection of plasma around a coiled wire that gives rise to the ablation structureexhibited by coiled arrays. Observations of this complex 3D plasma structure were used to validatethe current model of coiled array ablation dynamics [Hall et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 065003(2008)], demonstrating irrefutably that plasma flow from the wires behaves as predicted. Coiled wireswere observed to ablate and implode in the same manner on both machines, indicating that currentrise time should not be an issue for the scaling of coiled arrays to larger machines with fast currentrise times.
Journal articleSwadling GF, Lebedev SV, Niasse N, et al., 2013,
Oblique shock structures formed during the ablation phase of aluminium wire array z-pinches
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 20, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 45
Book chapterRose SJ, 2013,
The effect of a radiation field on excitation and ionisation in non-LTE high energy density plasmas
, Laser-Plasma Interactions and Applications, Pages: 79-89We look at the direct effect of an ambient radiation field on excitation and ionisation in a non-LTE high energy density plasma. The equations that determine the excitation and ionisation are presented together with a comparison between theory and experiment for a number of cases. In particular we look at so-called photo-ionised plasmas which are also of interest in astrophysics.
Conference paperLebedev SV, Suzuki-Vidal F, Bocchi M, et al., 2013,
, ECLA: European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, Publisher: E D P SCIENCES, Pages: 133-+, ISSN: 1633-4760 -
Conference paperEdie DJ, Vorberger J, Rose S, et al., 2013,
α-particle stopping and electron-ion energy relaxation in highly compressed ICF fuel
, 7th International Conference on Inertial Fusion Sciences and Applications, Publisher: E D P SCIENCES, ISSN: 2100-014X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 5
Conference paperSuzuki-Vidal F, Bocchi M, Lebedev SV, et al., 2013,
, ECLA: European Conference on Laboratory Astrophysics, Publisher: E D P SCIENCES, Pages: 127-+, ISSN: 1633-4760 -
Journal articleWinter RE, Cotton M, Harris EJ, et al., 2012,
Plate-impact loading of cellular structures formed by selective laser melting
, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment, Vol: 126, Pages: 145-156, ISSN: 1743-3509Studies of the shock loading of porous material have the potential to improve our understanding of factors such as density, crush strength and pore size on energy absorbing capability. Porous components were manufactured using Selective Laser Melting (SLM) in which layers of metal powder are fused together to create a structure specified by an electronic file. Samples have been manufactured in which a lattice is formed by an array of intersecting rods angled at 45 degrees to the surface of a 6 mm thick x ~100 mm diameter disc. The cell size is 1 mm3 and the density is 44.6% of solid. A 100 mm gas gun has been used to impact the porous samples onto solid stainless steel plates. Het-V laser interferometry was used to measure the velocity vs. time profile of the transmitted shock. The experimental results were compared with three dimensional computer predictions. It was found that the simulations reproduced the main features of the experimental record but tended to underestimate the measured velocities, suggesting that the codes were not calculating the energy absorbed by the lattice correctly. Additional calculations were performed with the aim of building a picture of the processes of energy absorption in cellular materials whose structure is varied systematically. These supporting studies suggest a possible explanation for the observed computational/experimental discrepancies. © 2012 British Crown.
Journal articleHill EG, Rose SJ, 2012,
Modelling of Silicon in inertial confinement fusion conditions
, HIGH ENERGY DENSITY PHYSICS, Vol: 8, Pages: 307-312, ISSN: 1574-1818- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 13
Journal articleAmpleford DJ, Jennings CA, Lebedev SV, et al., 2012,
Shock model description of the interaction radiation pulse in nested wire array z-pinches
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 3
Journal articleAmpleford DJ, Bland SN, Cuneo ME, et al., 2012,
Demonstration of Radiation Pulse-Shaping Capabilities Using Nested Conical Wire-Array <i>Z</i>-Pinches
, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, Vol: 40, Pages: 3334-3346, ISSN: 0093-3813- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 2
Journal articleWilson LA, Tallents GJ, Pasley J, et al., 2012,
Energy transport in short-pulse-laser-heated targets measured using extreme ultraviolet laser backlighting
, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol: 86, ISSN: 1539-3755- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 10
Journal articleHill EG, Rose SJ, 2012,
Thomson scattering in short pulse laser experiments
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 1
Journal articleScott RHH, Beaucourt C, Schlenvoigt H-P, et al., 2012,
Controlling Fast-Electron-Beam Divergence Using Two Laser Pulses
, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol: 109, ISSN: 0031-9007- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 43
Journal articleCrowley BJB, Bingham R, Evans RG, et al., 2012,
Testing quantum mechanics in non-Minkowski space-time with high power lasers and 4th generation light sources
, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, Vol: 2, ISSN: 2045-2322- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 8
Journal articleScott RHH, Perez F, Santos JJ, et al., 2012,
A study of fast electron energy transport in relativistically intense laser-plasma interactions with large density scalelengths
, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, Vol: 19, ISSN: 1070-664X- Author Web Link
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- Citations: 28
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