February 2012, Institute of Physics, London

This short course ran over three days, running a full programme of lectures on the first and third days, nd breaking at lunch on the second day to provide the opportunity to tour Imperial's facilities. This event attracted international attendees and speakers, and provided excellent opportunities for discussion and networking.

A copy of the schedule of talks is below, and the possibility is strong that this course will run again in the future given the very high level of positive feedback from attendees. If you would be interested in attending a future event please email the Institute Administrator, Ciara Mulholland, to join our mailing list.

Schedule of Talks

Title of TalkSpeakerAffiliation
Mechanical properties David Williamson University of Cambridge
Hot-Spot Mechanisms John Field University of Cambridge
Modelling of Detonation Nikos Nikiforikis University of Cambridge

Constitutive Modelling of Composite Systems

Peter Gould Qinetiq
Blast Modelling and effects Ian Cullis Qinetiq
Hazards - transportation, storage Malcom Cook Qinetiq
Dynamic Phase Transition L. Smilowitz/B. Henson LANL/VTC
Molecular Dynamics Tommy Sewell University of Missouri
Condensed Phase Detonation Physics
and Modelling
Martin Braithwaite University of Cambridge
Non-ideal detonation: Steady State, Axisymmetric Martin Braithwaite University of Cambridge
Static Phase Transitions Colin Pulham University of Edinburgh
Quarrying and Mining Ewan Sellers AEL Mining Services
Lifetime of Energetic Materials Wim de Klerk TNO
Green? What do you mean green? Adam Cumming Dstl
Propellants/Pyros Don Fossey Roxel
Home Made Materials - HMM's Justin Fellows Dstl
Explosive Pulsed Power James Kim Eric Enig Associates

Nuffield Students

Dr Bill Proud is the Director of the Institute of Shock Physics at Imperial College London, and has personally supervised Nuffield students for almost two decades. Find out more about Nuffield Students.