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  • Journal article
    Mathews JP, Czaja A, Vitart F, Roberts Cet al., 2024,

    Gulf Stream Moisture Fluxes Impact Atmospheric Blocks Throughout the Northern Hemisphere

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 51, ISSN: 0094-8276

    In this study, we explore the impact of oceanic moisture fluxes on atmospheric blocks using the ECMWF IFS. Artificially suppressing surface latent heat flux over the Gulf Stream (GS) region reduces atmospheric blocking frequency across the Northern Hemisphere by up to 30%. Affected blocks show a shorter lifespan (−6%), smaller spatial extent (−10%), and reduced intensity (−0.4%), with an increased number of individual blocking anticyclones (+17%). These findings are robust across various blocking detection thresholds. Analysis reveals a qualitatively consistent response across all resolutions, with Tco639 (∼18 km) showing the largest statistically significant change across all blocking characteristics, although differences between resolutions are not statistically significant. Exploring the broader Rossby wave pattern, we observe that diminished moisture fluxes favor eastward propagation and higher zonal wavenumbers, while air-sea interactions promote stationary and westward-propagating waves with zonal wavenumber 3. This study underscores the critical role of the GS in modulating atmospheric blocking.

  • Conference paper
    Beth A, Galand M, Modolo R, Leblanc F, Jia Xet al., 2024,

    Impact of ion-neutral chemistry on Ganymede's ionosphere

    <jats:p>The Galileo spacecraft flew by Ganymede, down to 0.1 RG from the surface for the closest, six times giving us insight into its plasma environment. Its ionosphere, made of ions born from the ionisation of neutrals present in Ganymede's exosphere, represents the bulk of the plasma near the moon around closest approach. As it has been revealed by Galileo and Juno, near closest approach the ion population is dominated by low-energy ions from the water ion group (O+, HO+, H2O+) and O2+. As we showed in [1] by means of a test particle model, the ion composition during most flybys was a priori dominated by H2+and O2+. However, during Juno's flyby of Ganymede, plasma data revealed the additional presence of H3+ that may only stem from ion neutral reactions between H2 and H2+.&amp;#160;&amp;#160;We have updated our test particle model to account for these ion-neutral collisions of which &amp;#160;H2 + H2+. We show how it modifies the ion composition compared with [1] and assess the role of these collisions in the production of new ion species within Ganymede's exo-ionosphere. This will help to interpret plasma observations made by Juno and in the future by JUICE around Ganymede.&amp;#160;[1] Beth et al., EGU24,, 2024</jats:p>

  • Conference paper
    Lewis Z, Stephenson P, Kallio E, Galand M, Beth Aet al., 2024,

    Evolution of the ion dynamics at comet 67P during the escort phase

    <jats:p>Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was escorted by the Rosetta spacecraft through a 2 year section of its 6 year orbit around the Sun. This enabled the observation of a large variation in comet outgassing and the resulting evolution of the plasma environment. The diamagnetic cavity, a region of negligible magnetic field arising from the interaction of the unmagnetised cometary plasma with the solar wind, began to be detected sporadically by the Rosetta Plasma Consortium/ Magnetometer (RPC/MAG) in April 2015 at a heliocentric distance of 1.8 au [1]. The last detections were in February 2016 at 2.4 au. Within this cavity, the flow of cometary ions has been shown to be largely radial [2]; the ions are accelerated above the neutral gas speed by an ambipolar electric field, but many newborn ions still undergo multiple ion-neutral chemical reactions before escaping [3,4]. Outside the diamagnetic cavity boundary, which is itself highly variable, the ion flow is considerably more complex, and the ambipolar electric field plays a more minor role compared to the convective electric field of the solar wind [2]. &amp;#160;At large heliocentric distances (&gt;2.5 au), the total plasma density observed from RPC plasma sensors is well explained by a simple flux conservation model that assumes the ions travel radially away from the nucleus at speed close to that of neutrals [5,6]. However, closer to perihelion and once the diamagnetic cavity has formed, such an approach does not hold [7]. We aim to better understand this transition, the driver of ions' acceleration, and the role that the diamagnetic cavity plays.In this study, we explore the varying ion dynamics both in the presence (e.g. during high outgassing activity) and absence (low outgassing activity) of a diamagnetic cavity. Electric and magnetic fields from hybrid simulations of the cometary environment are used to drive a 3D test particle model of the cometary ions for a range of comet activity levels.

  • Journal article
    Schwadron NA, Bale SD, Bonnell J, Case A, Shen M, Christian ER, Cohen CMS, Davis AJ, Desai MI, Goetz K, Giacalone J, Hill ME, Kasper JC, Korreck K, Larson D, Livi R, Lim T, Leske RA, Malandraki O, Malaspina D, Matthaeus WH, McComas DJ, McNutt RL, Mewaldt RA, Mitchell DG, Niehof JT, Pulupa M, Pecora F, Rankin JS, Smith C, Stone EC, Szalay JR, Vourlidas A, Wiedenbeck ME, Whittlesey Pet al., 2024,

    Parker Solar Probe Observations of Energetic Particles in the Flank of a Coronal Mass Ejection Close to the Sun

    , Astrophysical Journal, Vol: 970, ISSN: 0004-637X

    We present an event observed by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) at ∼0.2 au on 2022 March 2 in which imaging and in situ measurements coincide. During this event, PSP passed through structures on the flank of a streamer blowout coronal mass ejection (CME) including an isolated flux tube in front of the CME, a turbulent sheath, and the CME itself. Imaging observations and in situ helicity and principal variance signatures consistently show the presence of flux ropes internal to the CME. In both the sheath and the CME interval, the distributions are more isotropic, the spectra are softer, and the abundance ratios of Fe/O and He/H are lower than those in the isolated flux tube, and yet elevated relative to typical plasma and solar energetic particle abundances. These signatures in the sheath and the CME indicate that both flare populations and those from the plasma are accelerated to form the observed energetic particle enhancements. In contrast, the isolated flux tube shows large streaming, hard spectra, and large Fe/O and He/H ratios, indicating flare sources. Energetic particle fluxes are most enhanced within the CME interval from suprathermal through energetic particle energies (∼keV to >10 MeV), indicating particle acceleration, as well as confinement local to the closed magnetic structure. The flux-rope morphology of the CME helps to enable local modulation and trapping of energetic particles, in particular along helicity channels and other plasma boundaries. Thus, the CME acts to build up energetic particle populations, allowing them to be fed into subsequent higher-energy particle acceleration throughout the inner heliosphere where a compression or shock forms on the CME front.

  • Journal article
    Ervin T, Bale SD, Badman ST, Rivera YJ, Romeo O, Huang J, Riley P, Bowen TA, Lepri ST, Dewey RMet al., 2024,

    Compositional Metrics of Fast and Slow Alfvénic Solar Wind Emerging from Coronal Holes and Their Boundaries

    , Astrophysical Journal, Vol: 969, ISSN: 0004-637X

    We seek to understand the composition and variability of fast solar wind (FSW) and slow Alfvénic solar wind emerging from coronal holes (CHs). We leverage an opportune conjunction between Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during PSP Encounter 11 to include compositional diagnostics from the Solar Orbiter Heavy Ion Sensor as these variations provide crucial insights into the origin and nature of the solar wind. We use potential field source surface and magnetohydrodynamic models to connect the observed plasma at PSP and Solar Orbiter to its origin footpoint in the photosphere and compare these results with the in situ measurements. A very clear signature of a heliospheric current sheet crossing as evidenced by enhancements in low first ionization potential (FIP) elements, ion charge state ratios, proton density, low Alfvénicity, and polarity estimates validates the combination of modeling, data, and mapping. We identify two FSW streams emerging from small equatorial CHs with low ion charge state ratios, low FIP bias, high Alfvénicity, and low footpoint brightness, yet anomalously low alpha particle abundance for both streams. We identify high-Alfvénicity slow solar wind emerging from the overexpanded boundary of a CH having intermediate alpha abundance, high Alfvénicity, and dips in ion charge state ratios corresponding to CH boundaries. Through this comprehensive analysis, we highlight the power of multi-instrument conjunction studies in assessing the sources of the solar wind.

  • Journal article
    Lester JG, Graven HD, Khatiwala S, McNichol APet al., 2024,

    Changes in Oceanic Radiocarbon and CFCs Since the 1990s

    , Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Vol: 129, ISSN: 2169-9275

    Anthropogenic perturbations from fossil fuel burning, nuclear bomb testing, and chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) use have created useful transient tracers of ocean circulation. The atmospheric 14C/C ratio (∆14C) peaked in the early 1960s and has decreased now to pre-industrial levels, while atmospheric CFC-11 and CFC-12 concentrations peaked in the early 1990s and early 2000s, respectively, and have now decreased by 10%–20%. We present the first analysis of a decade of new observations (2007 to 2018–2019) and give a comprehensive overview of the changes in ocean ∆14C and CFC concentration since the WOCE surveys in the 1990s. Surface ocean ∆14C decreased at a nearly constant rate from the 1990–2010s (20‰/decade). In most of the surface ocean ∆14C is higher than in atmospheric CO2 while in the interior ocean, only a few places are found to have increases in ∆14C, indicating that globally, oceanic bomb 14C uptake has stopped and reversed. Decreases in surface ocean CFC-11 started between the 1990 and 2000s, and CFC-12 between the 2000–2010s. Strong coherence in model biases of decadal changes in all tracers in the Southern Ocean suggest ventilation of Antarctic Intermediate Water was enhanced from the 1990 to the 2000s, whereas ventilation of Subantarctic Mode Water was enhanced from the 2000 to the 2010s. The decrease in surface tracers globally between the 2000 and 2010s is consistently stronger in observations than in models, indicating a reduction in vertical transport and mixing due to stratification.

  • Journal article
    Kasoar M, Perkins O, Millington JDA, Mistry J, Smith Cet al., 2024,

    Model fires, not ignitions: capturing the human dimension of global fire regimes

    , Cell Reports Sustainability, Vol: 1, ISSN: 2949-7906

    Fire regimes are intrinsically shaped by humans, but current global fire models do not reflect the diverse objectives humans have for managing fire. With new data sources and collaboration across disciplines, an improved understanding of human influences on fire regimes is increasingly possible and essential to represent.

  • Journal article
    Acevski M, Masters A, ZomerdijkRussell S, 2024,

    Asymmetry in Uranus' high energy proton radiation belt

    , Geophysical Research Letters, Vol: 51, ISSN: 0094-8276

    Uranus is one of the least explored planets in our solar system, it exhibits a unique magnetic field structure which was observed by NASA's Voyager 2 mission nearly 50 years ago. Notably, Uranus displays extreme magnetic field asymmetry, a feature exclusive to the icy giants. We use the Boris algorithm to investigate how high energy protons behave within this unusual magnetic field, which is motivated by Voyager 2's observation of lower-than-expected high energy proton radiation belt intensities at Uranus. When considering full drift motions of high energy protons around Uranus, the azimuthal drift velocity can vary by as much as 15% around the planet. This results in areas around Uranus where particles will be more depleted (faster drift) and other regions where there is a surplus of particles (slower drift). This could provide a partial explanation for the “weak” proton radiation belts observed by Voyager 2.

  • Journal article
    Mülmenstädt J, Gryspeerdt E, Dipu S, Quaas J, Ackerman AS, Fridlind AM, Tornow F, Bauer SE, Gettelman A, Ming Y, Zheng Y, Ma P-L, Wang H, Zhang K, Christensen MW, Varble AC, Leung LR, Liu X, Neubauer D, Partridge DG, Stier P, Takemura Tet al., 2024,

    General circulation models simulate negative liquid water path–droplet number correlations, but anthropogenic aerosols still increase simulated liquid water path

    , Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol: 24, Pages: 7331-7345, ISSN: 1680-7316

    General circulation models' (GCMs) estimates of the liquid water path adjustment to anthropogenic aerosol emissions differ in sign from other lines of evidence. This reduces confidence in estimates of the effective radiative forcing of the climate by aerosol–cloud interactions (ERFaci). The discrepancy is thought to stem in part from GCMs' inability to represent the turbulence–microphysics interactions in cloud-top entrainment, a mechanism that leads to a reduction in liquid water in response to an anthropogenic increase in aerosols. In the real atmosphere, enhanced cloud-top entrainment is thought to be the dominant adjustment mechanism for liquid water path, weakening the overall ERFaci. We show that the latest generation of GCMs includes models that produce a negative correlation between the present-day cloud droplet number and liquid water path, a key piece of observational evidence supporting liquid water path reduction by anthropogenic aerosols and one that earlier-generation GCMs could not reproduce. However, even in GCMs with this negative correlation, the increase in anthropogenic aerosols from preindustrial to present-day values still leads to an increase in the simulated liquid water path due to the parameterized precipitation suppression mechanism. This adds to the evidence that correlations in the present-day climate are not necessarily causal. We investigate sources of confounding to explain the noncausal correlation between liquid water path and droplet number. These results are a reminder that assessments of climate parameters based on multiple lines of evidence must carefully consider the complementary strengths of different lines when the lines disagree.

  • Journal article
    Graven HD, Warren H, Gibbs HK, Khatiwala S, Koven C, Lester J, Levin I, Spawn-Lee SA, Wieder Wet al., 2024,

    Bomb radiocarbon evidence for strong global carbon uptake and turnover in terrestrial vegetation

    , Science, Vol: 384, Pages: 1335-1339, ISSN: 0036-8075

    Vegetation and soils are taking up approximately 30% of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions because of small imbalances in large gross carbon exchanges from productivity and turnover that are poorly constrained. We combined a new budget of radiocarbon produced by nuclear bomb testing in the 1960s with model simulations to evaluate carbon cycling in terrestrial vegetation. We found that most state-of-the-art vegetation models used in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project underestimated the radiocarbon accumulation in vegetation biomass. Our findings, combined with constraints on vegetation carbon stocks and productivity trends, imply that net primary productivity is likely at least 80 petagrams of carbon per year presently, compared with the 43 to 76 petagrams per year predicted by current models. Storage of anthropogenic carbon in terrestrial vegetation is likely more short-lived and vulnerable than previously predicted.

  • Journal article
    Amtmann C, Pollinger A, Ellmeier M, Dougherty M, Brown P, Lammegger R, Betzler A, Agú M, Hagen C, Jernej I, Wilfinger J, Baughen R, Strickland A, Magnes Wet al., 2024,

    Accuracy of the scalar magnetometer aboard ESA's JUICE mission

    , Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, Vol: 13, Pages: 177-191, ISSN: 2193-0856

    This paper discusses the accuracy of the scalar Coupled Dark State Magnetometer on board the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission of the European Space Agency (ESA). The scalar magnetometer, referred to as MAGSCA, is part of the J-MAG instrument. MAGSCA is an optical omnidirectional scalar magnetometer based on coherent population trapping, a quantum interference effect, within the hyperfine manifold of the 87Rb D1 line. The measurement principle is only based on natural constants; therefore, it is in principle drift-free, and no calibration is required. However, the technical realisation can influence the measurement accuracy. The most dominating effects are heading characteristics, which are deviations of the magnetic field strength measurements from the ambient magnetic field strength. These deviations are a function of the angle between the sensor axis and the magnetic field vector and are an intrinsic physical property of the measurement principle of the magnetometer. The verification of the accuracy of the instrument is required to ensure its compliance with the performance requirement of 0.2 nT (1σ) with a data rate of 1 Hz. The verification is carried out with four dedicated sensor orientations in a Merritt coil system, which is located in the geomagnetic Conrad Observatory (COBS). The coil system is used to compensate the Earth's magnetic field and to apply appropriate test fields to the sensor. This paper presents a novel method to separate the heading characteristics of the instrument from residual (offset) fields within the coil system by fitting a mathematical model to the measured data and by the successful verification of the MAGSCA performance requirement.

  • Journal article
    Hou C, Rouillard AP, He J, Gannouni B, Reville V, Louarn P, Fedorov A, Prech L, Owen CJ, Verscharen D, D'Amicis R, Sorriso-Valvo L, Fargette N, Coburn J, Genot V, Raines JM, Bruno R, Livi S, Lavraud B, Andre N, Fruit G, Kieokaew R, Plotnikov I, Penou E, Barthe A, Kataria D, Berthomier M, Allegrini F, Fortunato V, Mele G, Horbury Tet al., 2024,

    Connecting Solar Wind Velocity Spikes Measured by Solar Orbiter and Coronal Brightenings Observed by SDO

  • Journal article
    Hietala H, Trotta D, Fedeli A, Wilson LB, Vuorinen L, Coburn JTet al., 2024,

    Candidates for downstream jets at interplanetary shocks

    , Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol: 531, Pages: 2415-2421, ISSN: 0035-8711

    Localized dynamic pressure enhancements arising from kinetic processes are frequently observed downstream of the Earth’s bow shock. These structures, called jets, modify their plasma surroundings and participate in particle energization. Here, we report the first observations of jet-like structures in a non-planetary shock environment: downstream of interplanetary shocks. We introduce an analysis approach suitable for such conditions and apply it to Wind spacecraft data. We present one event with a Mach number similar to the Earth’s bow shock as a benchmark, as well as two low Mach number, low beta shocks: a parameter range that is difficult to access at planets. The jet-like structures we find are tens of ion inertial lengths in size, and some are observed further away from the shock than in a limited magnetosheath. We find that their properties are similar to those of magnetosheath jets: in the frame of the shock these structures are fast, cold, and most have no strong magnetic field variations. All three interplanetary shocks feature foreshock activity, but no strongly compressive waves. We discuss the implications, these findings have for the proposed jet formation mechanisms.

  • Journal article
    Pezzi O, Trotta D, Benella S, Sorriso-Valvo L, Malara F, Pucci F, Meringolo C, Matthaeus WH, Servidio Set al., 2024,

    Turbulence and particle energization in twisted flux ropes under solar-wind conditions

    , Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol: 686, ISSN: 0004-6361

    Context. The mechanisms regulating the transport and energization of charged particles in space and astrophysical plasmas are still debated. Plasma turbulence is known to be a powerful particle accelerator. Large-scale structures, including flux ropes and plasmoids, may contribute to confining particles and lead to fast particle energization. These structures may also modify the properties of the turbulent, nonlinear transfer across scales. Aims. We aim to investigate how large-scale flux ropes are perturbed and, simultaneously, how they influence the nonlinear transfer of turbulent energy toward smaller scales. We then intend to address how these structures affect particle transport and energization. Methods. We adopted magnetohydrodynamic simulations perturbing a large-scale flux rope in solar-wind conditions and possibly triggering turbulence. Then, we employed test-particle methods to investigate particle transport and energization in the perturbed flux rope. Results. The large-scale helical flux rope inhibits the turbulent cascade toward smaller scales, especially if the amplitude of the initial perturbations is not large (∼5%). In this case, particle transport is inhibited inside the structure. Fast particle acceleration occurs in association with phases of trapped motion within the large-scale flux rope.

  • Journal article
    Vasko IY, Mozer FS, Bowen T, Verniero J, An X, Artemyev AV, Bale SD, Bonnell JW, Halekas J, Kuzichev IVet al., 2024,

    Resonance of Low-frequency Electromagnetic and Ion-sound Modes in the Solar Wind

  • Journal article
    Krupar V, Kruparova O, Szabo A, Wilson III LB, Nemec F, Santolik O, Pulupa M, Issautier K, Bale SD, Maksimovic Met al., 2024,

    Radial Variations in Solar Type III Radio Bursts

  • Journal article
    Agiwal O, Cao H, Hsu H-W, Moore L, Sulaiman AH, O'Donoghue J, Dougherty MKet al., 2024,

    Current Events at Saturn: Ring-Planet Electromagnetic Coupling

  • Journal article
    Jebaraj IC, Agapitov O, Krasnoselskikh V, Vuorinen L, Gedalin M, Choi K-E, Palmerio E, Wijsen N, Dresing N, Cohen C, Kouloumvakos A, Balikhin M, Vainio R, Kilpua E, Afanasiev A, Verniero J, Mitchell JG, Trotta D, Hill M, Raouafi N, Bale SDet al., 2024,

    Acceleration of Electrons and Ions by an "Almost" Astrophysical Shock in the Heliosphere

  • Journal article
    Eastwood JP, Brown P, Magnes W, Carr CM, Agu M, Baughen R, Berghofer G, Hodgkins J, Jernej I, Moestl C, Oddy T, Strickland A, Vitkova Aet al., 2024,

    The Vigil magnetometer for operational space weather services from the Sun-Earth L5 point

    , Space Weather, Vol: 22, ISSN: 1539-4956

    Severe space weather has the potential to cause significant socio-economic impact and it is widely accepted that mitigating this risk requires more comprehensive observations of the Sun and heliosphere, enabling more accurate forecasting of significant events with longer lead-times. In this context, it is now recognized that observations from the L5 Sun-Earth Lagrange point (both remote and in situ) would offer considerable improvements in our ability to monitor and forecast space weather. Remote sensing from L5 allows for the observation of solar features earlier than at L1, providing early monitoring of active region development, as well as tracking of interplanetary coronal mass ejections through the inner heliosphere. In situ measurements at L5 characterize the solar wind's geoeffectiveness (particularly stream interaction regions), and can also be ingested into heliospheric models, improving their performance. The Vigil space weather mission is part of the ESA Space Safety Program and will provide a real-time data stream for space weather services from L5 following its anticipated launch in the early 2030s. The interplanetary magnetic field is a key observational parameter, and here we describe the development of the Vigil magnetometer instrument for operational space weather monitoring at the L5 point. We summarize the baseline instrument capabilities, demonstrating how heritage from science missions has been leveraged to develop a low-risk, high-heritage instrument concept.

  • Journal article
    Fuselier SA, Petrinec SM, Reiff PH, Birn J, Baker DN, Cohen IJ, Nakamura R, Sitnov MI, Stephens GK, Hwang J, Lavraud B, Moore TE, Trattner KJ, Giles BL, Gershman DJ, Toledo-Redondo S, Eastwood JPet al., 2024,

    Global-scale processes and effects of magnetic reconnection on the geospace environment

    , Space Science Reviews, Vol: 220, ISSN: 0038-6308

    Recent multi-point measurements, in particular from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS)spacecraft, have advanced the understanding of micro-scale aspects of magnetic reconnection. In addition, the MMS mission, as part of the Heliospheric System Observatory, combined with recent advances in global magnetospheric modeling, have furthered the understanding of meso- and global-scale structure and consequences of reconnection. Magneticreconnection at the dayside magnetopause and in the magnetotail are the drivers of the globalDungey cycle, a classical picture of global magnetospheric circulation. Some recent advances in the global structure and consequences of reconnection that are addressed hereinclude a detailed understanding of the location and steadiness of reconnection at the dayside magnetopause, the importance of multiple plasma sources in the global circulation, andreconnection consequences in the magnetotail. These advances notwithstanding, there areimportant questions about global reconnection that remain. These questions focus on howmultiple reconnection and reconnection variability fit into and complicate the Dungey Cyclepicture of global magnetospheric circulation.

  • Journal article
    Archer M, Pilipenko V, Li B, Sorathia K, Nakariakov V, Elsden T, Nykyri Ket al., 2024,

    Magnetopause MHD surface wave theory: progress & challenges

    , Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Vol: 11, ISSN: 2296-987X

    Sharp boundaries are a key feature of space plasma environments universally, with their wave-like motion (driven by pressure variations or flow shears) playing a key role in mass, momentum, and energy transfer. This review summarises magnetohydrodynamic surface wave theory with particular reference to Earth’s magnetopause, due to its mediation of the solar-terrestrial interaction. Basic analytic theory of propagating and standing surface waves within simple models are presented, highlighting many of the typically-used assumptions. We raise several conceptual challenges to understanding the nature of surface waves within a complex environment such as a magnetosphere, including the effects of magnetic topology and curvilinear geometry, plasma inhomogeneity, finite boundary width, the presence of multiple boundaries, turbulent driving, and wave nonlinearity. Approaches to gain physical insight into these challenges are suggested. We also discuss how global simulations have proven a fruitful tool in studying surface waves in more representative environments than analytic theory allows. Finally, we highlight strong interdisciplinary links with solar physics which might help the magnetospheric community. Ultimately several upcoming missions provide motivation for advancing magnetopause surface wave theory towards understanding their global role in filtering, accumulating, and guiding turbulent solar wind driving.

  • Journal article
    Kilpua EKJ, Good S, Ala-Lahti M, Osmane A, Koikkalainen Vet al., 2024,

    Permutation entropy and complexity analysis of large-scale solar wind structures and streams

    , ANNALES GEOPHYSICAE, Vol: 42, Pages: 163-177, ISSN: 0992-7689
  • Journal article
    Opgenoorth HJ, Robinson R, Ngwira CM, Garcia Sage K, Kuznetsova M, El Alaoui M, Boteler D, Gannon J, Weygand J, Merkin V, Nykyri K, Kosar B, Welling D, Eastwood J, Eggington J, Heyns M, Kaggwa Kwagala N, Sur D, Gjerloev Jet al., 2024,

    Earth’s geomagnetic environment—progress and gaps in understanding, prediction, and impacts

    , Advances in Space Research, ISSN: 0273-1177

    Understanding of Earth’s geomagnetic environment is critical to mitigating the space weather impacts caused by disruptive geoelectric fields in power lines and other conductors on Earth’s surface. These impacts are the result of a chain of processes driven by the solar wind and linking Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, thermosphere and Earth’s surface. Tremendous progress has been made over the last two decades in understanding the solar wind driving mechanisms, the coupling mechanisms connecting the magnetically controlled regions of near-Earth space, and the impacts of these collective processes on human technologies on Earth’s surface. Studies of solar wind drivers have been focused on understanding the responses of the geomagnetic environment to spatial and temporal variations in the solar wind associated with Coronal Mass Ejections, Corotating Interaction Regions, Interplanetary Shocks, High-Speed Streams, and other interplanetary magnetic field structures. Increasingly sophisticated numerical models are able to simulate the magnetospheric response to the solar wind forcing associated with these structures. Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling remains a great challenge, although new observations and sophisticated models that can assimilate disparate data sets have improved the ability to specify the electrodynamic properties of the high latitude ionosphere. The temporal and spatial resolution needed to predict the electric fields, conductivities, and currents in the ionosphere is driving the need for further advances. These parameters are intricately tied to auroral phenomena—energy deposition due to Joule heating and precipitating particles, motions of the auroral boundary, and ion outflow. A new view of these auroral processes is emerging that focuses on small-scale structures in the magnetosphere and their ionospheric effects, which may include the rapid variations in current associated with geomagnetically indu

  • Conference paper
    Stephenson P, Galand M, Deca J, Henri P, Carnielli Get al., 2024,

    Cooling of Electrons in a Weakly Outgassing Comet

    <jats:p>The plasma instruments, Mutual Impedance Probe (MIP) and Langmuir Probe (LAP), part of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium (RPC), onboard the Rosetta mission to comet 67P revealed a population of cold electrons (</jats:p>

  • Conference paper
    Benseguane S, Guilbert-Lepoutre A, Lasue J, Leyrat C, Besse S, Beth A, Costa Sitjà M, Grieger B, Teresa Capria Met al., 2024,

    A new take on the formation and evolution of circular depressions at the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

    <jats:p>&amp;#160;IntroductionSome of the comets visited by spacecraft missions display some circular depressions at their surface: 81P/Wild 2 (Brownlee et al. 2004), 9P/Tempel 1 (Belton et al. 2013), 103P/Hartley 2 (Bruck Syal et al. 2013), 67P/C-G (Vincent et al. 2015). For 67P, they consist of circular holes, half holes or cliffs, with a size range of tens of meters to a few hundreds of meters (Ip et al. 2016). Owing to the high precision of the shape model obtained from the Rosetta/OSIRIS images (Preusker et al. 2015, Sierks et al. 2015), it is possible to investigate the thermal processing of 67P&amp;#8217;s surface in relation to the formation and evolution of these features (Mousis et al. 2015, Vincent et al. 2015, Guilbert-Lepoutre et al. 2016).&amp;#160;&amp;#160;MethodsWe aim to investigate the formation and evolution of 67P&amp;#8217;s circular depressions (or pits, thereafter) by thermally-induced processes (for instance sublimation and amorphous water ice crystallization) on its current orbit. In a departure from the aforementioned studies, we consider a high-resolution shape model of the nucleus, which allows to study several facets for each pit: at the bottom, and on the walls. For each facet, the complete thermal environment is considered, including self-heating and shadowing, either by neighboring facets or due to the complex global morphology of the comet. We compute the illumination, self-heating and shadowing conditions for 125k facets during a full orbit, with a time step of ~8 min, then use these conditions as an input of a 1D thermal evolution model for each facet. The model includes standard features: heat conduction, phase transitions, gas diffusion, erosion, dust mantling (De Sanctis et al. 2005, 2010, Lasue et al. 2008). Various initial setups have been considered, and many tests were conducted to assess the influence of each parameter. The behaviour of 30 circular depressions (pits, half pits and cliffs) was stud

  • Conference paper
    Rothkaehl H, Andre N, Auster U, Della Corte V, Edberg N, Galand M, Henri P, De Keyser J, Kolmasova I, Morawski M, Nilsson H, Prech L, Volwerk M, Goetz C, Gunell H, Lavraud B, Rotundi A, Soucek Jet al., 2024,

    Dust, Field and Plasma instrument onboard ESA&amp;#8217;s Comet Interceptor &amp;#160;mission

    <jats:p>The main goal of ESA&amp;#8217;s F-1 class Comet Interceptor mission is to characterise, for the first time, a long period comet; preferably a dynamically-new or an interstellar object. The main spacecraft, will have its trajectory outside of the inner coma, whereas two sub-spacecrafts will be targeted inside the inner coma, closer to the nucleus. The flyby of such a comet &amp;#160;will offer unique multipoint measurement opportunity to study the comet's dusty and ionised environment in ways exceeding that of the previous cometary missions, including Rosetta.&amp;#160;The Dust Field and Plasma (DFP) instruments located on both the main spacecraft A and on the sub-spacecraft B2, is a combined experiment dedicated to the in situ, multi-point study of the multi-phased ionized and dusty environment in the coma of the target and &amp;#160;its interaction with the surrounding space environment and the Sun.&amp;#160;The DFP instruments will be present in different configurations on the Comet Interceptor spacecraft A and B2. To enable the measurements on spacecraft A, the DFP is composed of 5 sensors; Fluxgate magnetometer DFP-FGM-A, Plasma instrument with nanodust and E-field measurements capabilities DFP-COMPLIMENT, Electron spectrometer DFP-LEES, Ion and energetic neutrals spectrometer DFP-SCIENA &amp;#160;and Dust detector DFP-DISC. On board of spacecraft B2 the DFP is composed of 2 sensors: Fluxgate magnetometer DFP-FGM-B2 and Cometary dust detector DFP-DISC.&amp;#160;The DFP instrument will measure magnetic field, the electric field, plasma parameters (density, temperature, speed), the distribution functions of electrons, ions and energetic neutrals, spacecraft potential, mass, number and spatial density of cometary dust particles and the dust impacts. &amp;#160;&amp;#160;The full set of DFP sensors will allow to model the comet plasma environment and its interaction with the solar wind. It will also allow to describe

  • Journal article
    Provan G, Bradley T, Bunce E, Hunt G, Cowley S, Cao H, Dougherty M, Roussos E, Tao Cet al., 2024,

    Saturn&amp;#8217;s nightside ring current during Cassini&amp;#8217;s Grand Finale

    <jats:p>During Cassini&amp;#8217;s Grand Finale proximal orbits, the spacecraft traversed the nightside magnetotail to ~21 Saturn radii. &amp;#160;Clear signatures of Saturn&amp;#8217;s equatorial current sheet are observed in the magnetic field data. &amp;#160;An axisymmetric model of the ring current is fitted to these data, amended to taken into account the tilt of the current layer by solar wind forcing, its teardrop-shaped nature and the magnetotail and magnetopause fringing fields. &amp;#160;Variations in ring current parameters are examined in relation to external driving of the magnetosphere by the solar wind, and internal driving by the two planetary period oscillations (PPOs) and compared with dawn and dayside regimes. &amp;#160;The relative phasing of the PPOs determines the ring current&amp;#8217;s response to solar wind conditions. During solar wind compressions when the PPOS are in antiphase, magnetospheric storms are triggered and a thick partial ring current is formed on the nightside, dominated by hot plasma injected by tail reconnection.&amp;#160; However, during solar wind compressions when the PPOs are in phase, the magnetosphere shows only a &amp;#8216;minor&amp;#8217; response and a partial ring current is not observed. During solar wind rarefactions an equatorial &amp;#8216;magnetodisc&amp;#8217; configuration is observed in the dayside/dawn/nightside regions, with similar total currents flowing at these local times. &amp;#160;This partial ring current should close partly via magnetopause currents and possibly via field-aligned currents into the ionosphere. &amp;#160;During very quiet intervals of prolonged solar wind rarefaction, a thin current sheet with an enhanced current density is formed, indicative of a ring current dominated by cool, dense, Enceladus water group ions.</jats:p>

  • Conference paper
    Stephenson P, Galand M, Deca J, Henri P, Carnielli Get al., 2024,

    Forming a cold electron population at a weakly outgassing comet

    <jats:p>The Rosetta Mission rendezvoused with comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August 2014 and escorted it for two years along its orbit. The Rosetta Plasma Consortium (RPC) was a suite of instruments, which observed the plasma environment at the spacecraft throughout the escort phase. The Mutual Impedance Probe (RPC/MIP; Wattieaux et al, 2020; Gilet et al., 2020) and Langmuir Probe (RPC/LAP; Engelhardt et al., 2018), both part of RPC, measured the presence of a cold electron population within the coma.Newly born electrons, generated by ionisation of the neutral gas, form a warm population within the coma at ~10eV. Ionisation is either through absorption of extreme ultraviolet photons or through collisions of energetic electrons with the neutral molecules. The cold electron population is formed by cooling the newly born, warm electrons via electron-neutral collisions. Assuming the radial outflow of electrons, the cold population was only expected at comet 67P close to perihelion, where outgassing rate from the nucleus was at its highest (Q &gt; 1028 s-1). However, cold electrons were observed until the end of the Rosetta mission at 3.8au when the outgassing was weak (Q</jats:p>

  • Journal article
    Cohen CMS, Leske RA, Christian ER, Cummings AC, de Nolfo GA, Desai MI, Giacalone J, Hill ME, Labrador AW, Mccomas DJ, Mcnutt RL, Mewaldt RA, Mitchell DG, Mitchell JG, Muro GD, Rankin JS, Schwadron NA, Sharma T, Shen MM, Szalay JR, Wiedenbeck ME, Xu ZG, Romeo O, Vourlidas A, Bale SD, Pulupa M, Kasper JC, Larson DE, Livi R, Whittlesey Pet al., 2024,

    Observations of the 2022 September 5 Solar Energetic Particle Event at 15 Solar Radii

    , ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 966, ISSN: 0004-637X
  • Journal article
    Guo X, Wang L, Li W, Ma Q, Yang L, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF, Bale SDet al., 2024,

    Evolution of Electron Acceleration by Corotating Interaction Region Shocks at 1 au


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