Space Physics Links
Space Physics Links
NASA - the US space agency
RS - Royal Society
ESA - the European Space Agency.
RAS - the Royal Astronomical Society
MIST - the informal UK group for scientists studying the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar Terrestrial Physics.
AGU - the American Geophysical Union with the Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) Section, and the Planetary Sciences Section
EGU - European Geosciences Union
ISSI - the International Space Science Institute, located in Bern, Switzerland.
UK Solar Physics Group
UK goes to the Planets - Planetary missions with UK involvement
Sun Earth Plan - communicates the excitement of the UK's space research programme to the public.
SolarNews from the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society
UK Planetary Forum
STFC - the UK funding body whose remit includes space physics.
BNSC - the British National Space Centre
JGR Space Physics
GRL and Space Physics and Aeronomy in GRL
Recent contents of these and other AGU journals
Space Science Reviews
The Astrophysical Journal
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Solar Physics
Annales Geophysicae
Planetary and Space Science
Advances in Space Research
Web of Science - for bibliographic searches of the Science Citation and other indexes.
Space Missions
Visit the SPAT mission pages for information and links relating to Ulysses, Cluster, Cassini, Double Star, Venus Express, Rosetta, Solar Obiter, JUICE, ...
Home pages for other missions of interest:
- ISTP home page for Wind, Polar and Geotail
- Visit the NSSDC space physics home page for links to many more.