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Conference paperSehr A, Wen Y-CJ, Kellermann W, et al., 2008,
A Combined Approach for Estimating a Feature-Domain Reverberation Model in Non-diffuse Environments
Conference paperLoganathan P, Khong WHA, Naylor PA, 2008,
A Sparseness Controlled Proportionate Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancellation
Conference paperZhang W, Khong AWH, Naylor PA, 2008,
, 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 788-+, ISSN: 1058-6393- Author Web Link
- Cite
- Citations: 16
Conference paperMaqsood H, Naylor P, 2007,
Improved DYPSA Algorithm for Noise and Unvoiced Speech
, Pages: 243-248-243-248The DYPSA algorithm detects glottal closure instants (GCI) in speech signals. We present an improvement in the algorithm in which a voiced/unvoiced/silence discrimination measure is applied in order to reduce the spurious GCIs detected incorrectly fo.....
Conference paperWen Y-CJ, Naylor PA, 2007,
Objective Measurement of Colouration in Reverberation
Conference paperLin X, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,
Blind Speech Dereverberation in the Presence of Common Acoustic Zeros
Conference paperAhmad R, Khong, W H A, et al., 2007,
A Practical Adaptive Blind Multichannel Estimation Algorithm with Application to Acoustic Impulse Responses
Journal articleKhong WHA, Naylor PA, 2007,
Selective-tap Adaptive Filtering with Performance Analysis for Non-stationary System Identification
, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 1681-1695 -
Journal articleKhong AWH, Naylor PA, 2007,
Selective-Tap Adaptive Filtering With Performance Analysis for Identification of Time-Varying Systems
, IEEE Trans Audio Speech and Language, Vol: 15, Pages: 1681-1695 -
Conference paperGaubitch N D, Naylor P A, 2007,
Spatiotemporal Averaging Method for Enhancement of Reverberant Speech
Conference paperNaylor P A, Khong, W H A, et al., 2007,
Misalignment Performance Of Selective Tap Adaptive Algorithms For System Identification Of Time-Varying Unknown Systems
Journal articleKhong, W H A, Naylor P A, et al., 2007,
A Low Delay and Fast Converging Improved Proportionate Algorithm for Sparse System Identification
, EURASIP Journal of Audio, Speech and Music Processing -
Journal articleAriful Haque M, Shafi Bashar M, Naylor P A, et al., 2007,
Energy Constrained Frequency-Domain Normalized LMS Algorithm for Blind Channel Identification
, Signal Image and Video Processing, Vol: 1, Pages: 203-213 -
Journal articleDogancay K, Naylor PA, 2007,
Adaptive Partial-Update and Sparse System Identification
, EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing, Vol: 2007 -
Journal articleNaylor P A, Kounoudes A, Gudnason J, et al., 2007,
Estimation of glottal closure instants in voiced speech using the DYPSA algorithm
, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 34-43, ISSN: 1558-7916 -
Journal articleNaylor P A, Kounoudes A, Gudnason J, et al., 2007,
Estimation of Glottal Closure Instants in Voiced Speech using the DYPSA algorithm
, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol: 15, Pages: 34-43 -
Conference paperMaqsood H, Gudnason J, Naylor PA, 2007,
Enhanced Robustness to Unvoiced Speech and Noise in the DYPSA Algorithm for Identification of Glottal Closure Instants
Conference paperLin X, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,
Blind Speech Dereverberation in the Presence of Common Acoustical Zeros
, Pages: 389-393-389-393 -
Conference paperAhmad R, Gaubitch ND, Naylor PA, 2007,
A Noise-Robust Dual Filter Approach to Multichannel Blind System Identification
, Pages: 385-388-385-388 -
Conference paperGaubitch ND, Thomas MRP, Naylor PA, 2007,
Subband method for multichannel least squares equalization of room transfer functions
, IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoutics, Publisher: IEEE, Pages: 33-36
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