Wilbert Ayap
Wilbert Ayap
Senior Clinical Research Nurse
Professor Sarah Fidler
Professor Sarah Fidler
Professor of HIV and Communicable Diseases and Co Chair of the Global Development Hub
Professor Alan Winston
Professor Alan Winston
Professor of HIV and Genitourinary Medicine
Clinical academics and medical doctors
Professor Sarah Fidler
Professor Sarah Fidler
Professor of HIV and Communicable Diseases
Professor Alan Winston
Professor Alan Winston
Professor of HIV and Genitourinary Medicine
Professor Graham Taylor
Professor Graham Taylor
Professor of Human Retrovirology
Professor Graham Cooke
Professor Graham Cooke
Vice Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Medicine; NIHR Professor of Infectious Diseases
Doctor Merle Henderson
Doctor Merle Henderson
Doctor Ming Lee
Doctor Ming Lee
Doctor Borja Mora-Peris
Doctor Borja Mora-Peris
Doctor Olamide Dosekun
Doctor Olamide Dosekun
Doctor Jesal Gohil
Doctor Jesal Gohil
Research nurses
Wilbert Ayap
Wilbert Ayap
Senior Clinical Research Nurse
Ian McGuinness
Ian McGuinness
Marcelino Molina
Marcelino Molina
Divisional Research Nurse
Laboratory technicians
Jacquie Ujetz
Jacquie Ujetz
Research Technician
Ishrat Jahan
Ishrat Jahan
Research Technician
Clinical project management
Maathini Balachandran
Maathini Balachandran
Scientific Project Manager responsible for Professor Sarah Fidler’s portfolio
Nicki Doyle
Nicki Doyle
Project Manager responsible for Professor Alan Winston’s portfolio
Katie Topping
Katie Topping
Project Administrator providing research support to the Fidler Group
Maxine Ng

Maxine Ng
Clinical Trial Manager