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  • Journal article
    Brown LS, Castillejo L, Jones HF, Kibble TWB, Rowan-robinson Met al., 1973,

    Are there real limits to growth?- a reply to Beckerman

    , Oxford Economic Papers, Vol: 25, Pages: 455-460, ISSN: 0030-7653
  • Journal article


    , PHYSICS LETTERS B, Vol: B 46, Pages: 407-411, ISSN: 0370-2693
  • Journal article


    , LETTERE AL NUOVO CIMENTO, Vol: 5, Pages: 969-972, ISSN: 0024-1318
  • Journal article
    Jones HF, 1970,

    s-Channel heliticity conservation, fixed poles and dip mechanisms

    , Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, Vol: 4, ISSN: 0375-930X
  • Journal article
    Jones HF, 1970,

    s-Channel helicity conservation, fixed poles and dip mechanisms

    , Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 1, Vol: 4, Pages: 545-548, ISSN: 0375-930X
  • Journal article
    Jones HF, Scadron MD, Gault FD, 1970,

    Gauge invariance and covariant Reggeization

    , Il Nuovo Cimento A, Vol: 66, Pages: 424-436, ISSN: 0369-3546

    By the use of gauge-invariant couplings the formalism of covariant Reggeization is extended to deal with processes involving photons. Particular attention is paid to pion photoproduction, where Reggeized pion and nucleon exchange are shown to connect smoothly on to the elementary exchanges both from the form of the vertex couplings and form their respective contributions to the invariant amplitudes. In the latter approach the double-pole structure of the Coulomb Born terms is correctly reproduced. Pion Compton scattering is also studied as an archetypal two-photon process: here the problem of Pomeron Reggeization is similarly resolved. The Froissart-Gribov continuation is briefly discussed, as is the forward peak in π+ photoproduction. © 1970, Società Italiana di Fisica. All rights reserved.

  • Journal article
    Jones HF, Scadron MD, 1968,

    Natural zeros of regge residues

    , Physical Review, Vol: 171, Pages: 1809-1810, ISSN: 0031-899X

    We discuss the method of Reggeization of invariant amplitudes with particular reference to the kinematic zeros of the residue functions at nonsense points in J and at t=0. The zeros which occur naturally at these points yield in the first case the sense-choosing solution, and in the second case a well-defined scheme, covariant evasion, for satisfying the t=0 conditions on helicity amplitudes. Factorization is automatically satisfied in our method. © 1968 The American Physical Society.

  • Journal article
    Scadron MD, Jones HF, 1968,

    Covariant M functions for higher spin

    , Physical Review, Vol: 173, Pages: 1734-1744, ISSN: 0031-899X

    We give a systematic treatment of high-spin M functions in the Dirac-Rarita-Schwinger formalism. The main difficulty in writing such M functions is that apparently independent covariants are in fact related. We derive these relations (equivalence theorems) and show how they may be used to obtain a kinematic-singularity-free expansion of the M function. Many examples are given and the general pattern is discussed. We also analyze the restrictions due to discrete symmetries and show how to choose invariant amplitudes whose discontinuities are given by unitarity. The connection with the helicity formalism is stressed throughout. © 1968 The American Physical Society.

  • Journal article
    Jones HF, Scadron MD, 1967,

    U<inf>6,6</inf> I svyerkhskhodyashchiyesya pravila summ dlya myezon-barionnogo rassyeyaniya

    , Il Nuovo Cimento A, Vol: 52, Pages: 62-72, ISSN: 0369-3546

    Superconvergent sum rules are derived for πN*→πN*, two of which agree with U6,6 when saturated by N and N poles in the equal-mass limit. Saturation for physical masses gives G{cyrillic}N*=84 MeV. It is pointed out that those sum rules which agree with U6,6 for πN→πN* and πN*→πN* do so also for all analogous strange-particle reactions. The special status of these sum rules is discussed. © 1967 Società Italiana di Fisica.

  • Journal article
    Jones HF, 1965,

    Pion-nucleon resonances and the angular distribution in pion electroproduction

    , Il Nuovo Cimento A, Vol: 40, Pages: 1018-1033, ISSN: 0369-3546

    Using the helicity formalism, we find the contributions from final states of definite spin and parity, together with the interference terms between different final-state contributions, to the angular distributions of pions electro-produced from protons. For a single resonant final state the azimuthal terms turn out to be particularly simple, and may well serve as a test for the spin of the resonance. We show that the angular distribution may be used to detect the possible presence of a p 1/2 resonant state in the energy region of the second resonance. © 1965 Società Italiana di Fisica.

  • Journal article
    Bekenstein J, Magueijo J,

    Mond habitats within the solar system

    , Phys.Rev.D73:103513,2006
  • Book chapter
    Evans T, Knappett C, Rivers R,

    Using Statistical Physics to Understand Relational Space: A Case Study from Mediterranean Prehisory

    , Complexity Perspectives in Innovation and Social Change, Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media, Pages: 451-480, ISBN: 9781402096624
  • Conference paper
    Rivers RJ, Evans TS, Knappett C,

    Dynamic Networks and Hamiltonian Landscapes; a Case Study from the Aegean Bronze Age

    ,, Defining Social Complexity: Approaches to Power and Interaction in the Archaeoloical Record, Publisher: electronic proceedings, Pages: 1-10
  • Scholarly edition
    Evans T,

    Imperial Workshop on Large Deviations Theory

    Workshop on Large Deviations TheoryOn Wednesday 10th July 2013, a one day workshop on Large Deviations Theory was held at Imperial College London. It consisted of a series of invited talks by leading researchers and a session of very short talks. The aim was to connect researchers working on different aspects of Large Deviation Theory and those interested in applying these ideas. We covered a wide range of topics, trying to build capacity in this area within the UK. We covered both classical and quantum non-equilibrium systems, and applications both within physics and outside. All material related to this workshop, including some slides from the talks, are in this figshare collection.Funding was provided by the EPSRC NetworkPlus programme on Emergence and Physics far from Equilibrium.

  • Journal article
    Land K, Magueijo J,

    Template fitting and the large-angle cmb anomalies

    , Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc.367:1714-1720,2006
  • Working paper
    Chen B, Lin Z, Evans T,

    The Wikipedia Network of Mathematicians

    This is data used in the paper "Analysis of the Wikipedia Network of Mathematicians". The data is taken from three snapshots of Wikipedia, taken in 2013, 2017 and 2018. It contains the raw Wikipedia data used as our source as well the results of our processing. Includes are edgelists, networks of the largest comopnent in graphml format, and tables of data on the nodes (the mathematicians). We have also included an appendix for the EPJ version of the paper, mathematiciansEPJappendix.pdf. However a complete version of this work is also at arXiv:1902.07622

  • Journal article
    Magueijo J,

    Could quantum gravity be tested with high intensity lasers?

    , Phys.Rev.D73:124020,2006

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