BibTex format
author = {Skrzypek, T and Tseytlin, AA},
publisher = {ArXiv},
title = {On type 0 string theory in solvable RR backgrounds},
url = {},
year = {2022}
In this section
author = {Skrzypek, T and Tseytlin, AA},
publisher = {ArXiv},
title = {On type 0 string theory in solvable RR backgrounds},
url = {},
year = {2022}
AB - Motivated by a possibility of solving non-supersymmetric type 0 string theoryin $AdS_5 \times S^5$ background using integrability, we revisit theconstruction of type 0 string spectrum in some solvable examples of backgroundswith RR fluxes that are common to type IIB and type 0B theories. The presenceof RR fluxes requires the use of a Green-Schwarz description for type 0 stringtheory. Like in flat space, the spectrum of type 0 theory can be derived fromthe type II theory spectrum by a $(-1)^F$ orbifolding, i.e. combining theuntwisted sector where GS fermions are periodic with the twisted sector whereGS fermions are antiperiodic (and projecting out all spacetime fermionicstates). This construction of the type 0 spectrum may also be implemented usinga Melvin background that allows to continuously interpolate between the type IIand type 0 theories. As an illustration, we discuss the type 0B spectrum in thepp-wave background which is the Penrose limit of $AdS_5 \times S^5$ with RR5-form flux and also in the pp-wave background which is the Penrose limit of$AdS_3 \times S^3 \times T^4$ supported by mixed RR and NSNS 3-form fluxes. Weshow that increasing the strength of the RR flux increases the value of theeffective normal ordering constant (which determines the mass of the type 0tachyon) and thus effectively decreases the momentum-space domain ofinstability of the ground state. We also comment on the semiclassical sector ofstates of type 0B theory in $AdS_5 \times S^5$.
AU - Skrzypek,T
AU - Tseytlin,AA
PB - ArXiv
PY - 2022///
TI - On type 0 string theory in solvable RR backgrounds
UR -
ER -
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