
BibTex format

author = {Isichei, R and Magueijo, J},
doi = {epjc/s10052-024-12803-9},
journal = {European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields},
title = {Unimodular proca theory: breaking the U(1) gauge symmetry of unimodular gravity via a mass term},
url = {},
volume = {84},
year = {2024}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - We study the Hamiltonian structure ofunimodular-like theories, where the cosmological constant(or other supposed constants of nature) are demoted fromfixed parameters to classical constants of motion. No newlocal degrees of freedom are present as a result of a U(1)gauge invariance of the theory. Hamiltonian analysis of theaction reveals that the only possible gauge fixing that canbe enforced is setting the spatial components of the fourvolume time vector T i ≈ 0. As a consequence of this, thegauge-fixed unimodular path integral is equivalent to the minisuperspace unimodular path integral. However, should webreak the U(1) gauge invariance, two things happen: a massless propagating degree of freedom appears, and the (gaugeinvariant) zero-mode receives modified dynamics. The implications are investigated, with the phenomenology dependingcrucially on the target “constant”.
AU - Isichei,R
AU - Magueijo,J
DO - epjc/s10052-024-12803-9
PY - 2024///
SN - 1124-1861
TI - Unimodular proca theory: breaking the U(1) gauge symmetry of unimodular gravity via a mass term
T2 - European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields
UR -
VL - 84
ER -

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